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Wiltshire traduction Espagnol

121 traduction parallèle
Swindon division of Wiltshire :
Swindon, votación de Wiltshire.
That's what it bought. It was checked at the Hotel Wiltshire.
Eso es lo que encontré al registrar el Hotel Whilshire.
This is 99 Wiltshire Crescent.
Éste es el número 99 de Wiltshirre Crescent.
They might think Wiltshire Crescent had lost a little of its gloom.
Pensarán que Wiltshire Crescent ha perdido algo de su melancolía.
Where is it? Vincent's Wilshire Laurel.
- Fenson, Wiltshire, esquina a Laurel.
Vincent's Wilshire Laurel.
Fenson, Wiltshire, esquina a Laurel.
We're checking with the Wiltshire Department Store, so if it's true, you might as well tell me.
Estamos comprobando con los Grandes Almacenes Wiltshire, todo lo que pasó. Es mejor que me lo cuente.
B Company, Wiltshire's 13th Brigade.
Compañía B, 13 Brigada de Wiltshire.
Mrs. Steed lives in Wiltshire.
La Sra. Steed vive en Wiltshire.
Wolsey, Nan reminds me that her father's patent of the Earl of Wiltshire
Wolsey, Nan me ha recordado que el título de Conde de Wiltshire para su padre,
Stand up, Thomas Boleyn, Earl of Wiltshire.
Levantaos, Thomas Boleyn, Conde de Wiltshire.
Yes, the Duchess of Wiltshire. Yes.
Oh, si la duquesa de Wiltshire.
Won't Freddy be shocked? Freddy admires my throat and shoulders. He says that I'm the first duchess for three generations to provide a suitable setting for the Wiltshire diamonds.
Freddie admira mis frutas... y mis hombros, el dice que soy la primera... en la generación libre, que tiene el buen gusto de proveer... el marco adecuado para los diamantes Wiltshire.
Tomorrow night I am giving a small soiree, and I hope that Lord and Lady Amberley will bring along with them the Duchess of Wiltshire.
Mañana a la noche, voy a dar una pequeña... fiesta, y espero que Lord y Lady Amberley... vengan con... la duquesa de Wiltshire.
The Duchess of Wiltshire?
¿ La duquesa de Wiltshire?
I am quite certain the Duchess of Wiltshire will be there tomorrow night, quite possibly the duke, also.
Y es bastante cierto que la duquesa de Wiltshire estará... mañana a la noche. Y es bastante posible que usted la recoja.
Well, I was thinking of the Wiltshire diamonds, your grace.
Bueno, estaba pensando... en los diamantes de Wiltshire, su excelencia.
Tell him the Duke of Wiltshire requires his services.
Si. - Dígale que el duque de Wiltshire requiere de sus servicios.
It wouldn't be easy in the normal way. You see, I had it lined and turned into a jewel box for the Wiltshire diamonds. So, normally, it's kept in the bank.
Verá usted, no sería algo muy fácil en la forma normal... lo he convertido en una... caja de joyas, para los diamantes Wiltshire... y normalmente están guardados en el banco.
I went to Belgrave Square, as you instructed, sir, and the residence to the right of Wiltshire House is indeed for sale.
Fui a la calle Belgrave, como usted me ordenó, señor. Y la residencia a la derecha de la casa Wiltshire... se encuentra ciertamente a la venta.
You would use it as a means of access to Wiltshire House?
La usará para tener acceso a la casa Wiltshire.
The famous Wiltshire diamonds.
Los famosos diamantes Wiltshire.
It shares a common wall with Wiltshire House.
Comparten una pared en común con la casa Wiltshire.
I've just seen Wiltshire at the club.
Acabo de ver a Wiltshire en el club.
Wiltshire offered Klimo 1,000 guineas for the night's work, and Klimo has turned him down flat.
Wiltshire le ofreció... a Climo 1.000 guineas, por el trabajo de una noche... y Climo lo rechazó rotundamente.
He pointed out to Wiltshire that there were 40 servants resident in the house and that 200 people were coming to the ball.
Él le hizo notar a Wiltshire que había 47... residentes en la casa, y 200 personas vendrán... al baile.
Tomorrow night, gentlemen, the Duke of Wiltshire holds a ball in his residence in Belgrave Square.
Mañana a la noche, caballeros, el duque de Wiltshire... va a dar un baile en su residencia... en Belgrade Square.
The duchess will be wearing the famous Wiltshire diamonds.
La duquesa estará usando los famosos... diamantes Wiltshire.
As we rightly surmised, sir, behind the coping linking the empty residence with Wiltshire House is a deep, lead-lined culvert for carrying off rainwater.
Con asombrosa exactitud... detrás de la albardilla, en la residencia contigua vacía... que da a la casa Wiltshire, hay un profundo... conducto de plomo, para llevar... el agua de lluvia.
I can't possibly dress for the Wiltshire ball tonight without you to help me.
Yo no puedo vestirme solo para el baile de los Wiltshire... de esta noche, debes ayudarme.
And has the Wiltshire diamonds with him!
Y tiene con él los diamantes Wiltshire.
You see, your grace, the entry to Wiltshire House was affected through the empty premises next door.
Si, la tengo. Verá usted, su excelencia... la entrada a la casa Wiltshire, fue realizada... desde el edificio vacío de al lado.
I fear that you may never see the Wiltshire diamonds again.
Me temo, que usted no... volverá a ver los diamantes Wiltshire.
I'm sorry you missed all the fun, Carne. It's damn bad luck on Wiltshire.
Pudo resolver todo el misterio, Carne... que maldita suerte para Wiltshire.
Oh, no, just this fading mansion, the slowest Bentley in Wiltshire, and only one mistress, I'm afraid.
Sólo esta vieja mansión, un Bentley lentísimo y una sola amante, me temo.
"Wiltshire paralysed, police baffled, where will Big Boots strike next?"
"¿ Dónde dará Zapatones su próximo golpe?"
Detective Inspector Doppler, sir, of the Wiltshire County Constabulary.
Inspector Doppler, señor. De la comisaría de Wiltshire.
Wiltshire County Constabulary, you say? I'm normally based in Salisbury, but your local man here asked me to pop over and give him a hand. That's right, sir.
¿ De Wiltshire, dice?
There lived in wiltshire A young chap called dennis moore.
En Wiltshire había un chico que se llamaba Dennis Moore.
He's staying at the Beverly Wiltshire, isn't he?
- ¿ Se aloja en el Beverly Wilshire?
You see, he was one of the Wiltshire Hastings on his father's side. So it was Herbert who moved the family to Cornwall.
Veamos, él era uno de los Wilshire Hastings por parte de padre y fue Herbert el que se mudó con su familia a Cornualles.
- Devon, Wiltshire...
- Devon, Wiltshire...
Hampshire, Wiltshire, Cumberland, Yorkshire?
Hampshire, Wiltshire, Cumberland, Yorkshire.
\ / \ / iltshire, Yorkshireu.
Wiltshire, Yorkshireu.
In Wiltshire.
En Wiltshire.
Wiltshire, Gloucestershire perhaps.
Wiltshire Gloucestershire, quizás.
She is in point of fact, Lady Geraldine Windridge the close Marlborough, Wiltshire. And now my, dear Holmes, what is it you want from me?
A propósito, ella es Lady Geraldine Windridge... la estrecha Marlborough, Wiltshire y ahora mi querido Holmes ¿ que es lo que usted quiere de mí?
- Mrs. DeSilva at the Wiltshire?
- ¿ La Sra. Dasilva en el Wiltshire?
To Mrs. Emma DeSilva at the Wiltshire.
Para la Sra., Emma Dasilva en el Wiltshire,
At King Egbert's stone on the borders of Wiltshire and Somerset, near the site of this 19th-century folly celebrating it, he took command of an army which two days later, fought and defeated Guthrum's Vikings.
En el monumento del rey Egbert en las fronteras de Wiltshire y de Somerset, cerca de su templete del siglo 19, celebrándole, tomó el comando de un ejército, que dos días más tarde, combatió y venció a los vikingos de Guthrum.
Stourhead in Wiltshire is one of the great 18th-century landscape gardens.
Stourhead en Wiltshire es uno de los grandes jardines paisajistas del Siglo XVIII.

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