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Worthwhile traduction Espagnol

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Well, there are certain things, I guess, that make it worthwhile.
Bueno, existen ciertas cosas, me imagino, que hacen que lo valga.
He ain't done nothin'worthwhile since.
No ha hecho nada que valiera la pena desde entonces.
But that's what makes life worthwhile
Pero eso es lo que hace que la vida valga la pena.
It will make a lifetime of teaching worthwhile.
Eso haría que mi vida de maestro valiera la pena.
It's not worthwhile getting your hands dirty over a guy like that.
No vale la pena ensuciarse las manos con un tipo así.
When it was over, I felt like I'd done something worthwhile.
Y cuando terminé, sentí que había hecho algo útil.
"... but the man worthwhile is the man who can smile...
" Pero el hombre que vale es el que sonríe y sobresale...
Crasstranger considered his father's linguistic mannerisms were a worthwhile course to develop in any attempt to identify with birds and he urged VUE victims to express themselves by singing, not flying.
Para Crasstranger, las peculiaridades lingüísticas de su padre eran un modo digno de desarrollar la identificación con los pájaros e instó a las víctimas del SDV a expresarse cantando, no volando.
Now, tell me something worthwhile.
Dime algo interesante.
They are going to make an attempt on the Queen and Count Foehn doesn't think it worthwhile to come here in person.
Van a hacer un atentado a la Reina y el Conde Foehn no piensa que vale la pena venir aquí en persona.
To make all this worthwhile, there must be thousands.
Para que todo esto valga la pena, deben ser miles.
Since we became acquainted I realized that nobody here is worthwhile.
Desde que nos hemos conocido me he dado cuenta de que nadie aquí merece la pena.
The Death of a Child and the Birth of a Worthwhile Human Being
Life can't be worthwhile out of my sight.
La vida no vale la pena sin mí.
Well, I told Sergeant Block to bring them back if he thought it was worthwhile, if there'll be time between now and dinner.
Le dije al sargento Block que los trajera otra vez si merecía la pena. Puede que haya tiempo hasta la hora de la cena.
Seriously, I was confined to my 15's, but I could not tell her. Maybe it's an illusion that I do, but I think it worthwhile endeavor with my appearance, When she was a beautiful girl.
pero no se lo iba a decir desde luego ella era una chica preciosa.
Well, it's good to see at least you boys... have been doing something worthwhile during my absence.
Es bueno saber que al menos ustedes... hicieron algo meritorio en mi ausencia.
Although I must admit, the pleasure derived from you being behind bars almost makes the journey worthwhile.
Aunque debo admitir que el placer de saber que estabas preso casi ha hecho que el viaje valga la pena.
They're worthwhile only if there is a reasonable chance for success.
Sólo merece la pena usarlos si hay posibilidades de éxito.
When a patient is brought here in his condition I don't stand around wondering whether his life is worthwhile.
Cuando un paciente es traído aquí en su condición no pierdo tiempo preguntándome si su vida vale la pena.
A new worthwhile idea is the "TOKEN OF FRIENDSHIP" distinction to be awarded to those who have made a particularly weighty contribution to developing contacts with the Martians.
Una nueva e interesante iniciativa es la creación de "Prueba de amistad", distinción que obtendrán las personas cuya actividad es particularmente importante para el desarrollo del contacto con los marcianos.
Today, there have been no noteworthy deaths, but maybe there have been some worthwhile births.
Hoy, no ha muerto nadie digno de hablar de él, pero, quizás, sí ha nacido alguien así.
If we're gonna walk on the edge, let's do it for somethin'worthwhile, right?
Tienes unos dientes geniales, por cierto. Gracias Tu tienes un gran...
Mrs Moran, I think it might be worthwhile after all for us to set up some of the equipment we've got with us in the car.
Sra. Moran, creo que valdrá la pena traer los aparatos que tenemos en el coche.
But they may be worthwhile the same.
Pero a lo mejor valen lo mismo.
You'll find it all worthwhile once we get to the island, I assure you.
Verá que valía la pena cuando lleguemos.
No rubber trees, maybe a few, but not enough to make it worthwhile.
No hay árboles de caucho. Tal vez haya algunos, pero no los suficientes para que sea rentable.
I want to leave something behind me... something worthwhile.
Quiero dejar algo valioso cuando muera.
It isn't worthwhile for him to get out from the grave at all.
No le vale la pena salir de la tumba.
[Guide] He once remarked his own pets made his life worthwhile for they were always loyal.
Sus mascotas hicieron su vida valiosa... porque siempre fueron leales.
You just managed to smudge any worthwhile prints.
Has conseguido emborronar las posibles huellas válidas.
I try to see everything worthwhile.
Trato de ver todo lo que vale la pena.
The journey was worthwhile.
El viaje sí mereció la pena :
Is it worthwhile calling the vet?
¿ Sería útil llamar al veterinario?
Nothing that is worthwhile is easy, Ellen.
Nada que vale la pena es fácil, Ellen.
It was the only worthwhile thing he ever did in an otherwise wasted life.
Era la única cosa que vale la pena que ha hecho jamás en una vida de otra manera perdido.
I thought you'd be glad that I was doing something worthwhile.
Pensaba que os alegraría que hiciera algo de provecho.
Although the effort would hardly be worthwhile. He's still on Sarn. PERI :
Aunque el esfuerzo no habría valido la pena. ¡ Todavía está en Sarn!
Tell me, the whole performance, was it worthwhile?
Dime, ¿ valió la pena la actuación?
Yes. But it's worthwhile to sacrifice one son,... for the sake of Sung Dynasty.
Si pero es honorable sacrificar un hijo... por la causa de la Dinastía Sung
I want worthwhile cases. I want to defend right against wrong.
Quiero defender lo bueno de lo malo.
Have I done anything worthwhile?
¿ Qué he hecho de útil? ¿ De grandioso?
If I was going to be a God, but... as it is, just being an ordinary prefect doesn't really make it worthwhile.
Si llegara a ser un Dios sería otra cosa... pero ser un simple prefecto no merece la pena.
I want to publicly thank Larissa Dmitrievna... for making my life worthwhile by choosing me.
Quiero, públicamente,... agradecerle a Larisa Dmítrevna por...
That gracious "thank you" made it all worthwhile.
Ese cortés gracias ha hecho que mereciera la pena.
And too much subsequent traffic to make any examination on my part worthwhile.
Y mucho pisoteo posterior... para hacer un examen útil de mi parte.
I just never figured a relationship with a married man was worthwhile.
Nunca he pensado que la relación con un casado valga la pena.
And at any age, the loving would make it worthwhile.
Y a cualquier edad, el amor haria que valiera la pena.
Then nothing worthwhile will happen in your life.
Entonces nada que valga la pena sucederá en tu vida.
- There are many worthwhile charities.
- Hay algunas caridades que valen la pena.
Worthwhile? !
¿ De provecho?

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