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Wouldn't miss it traduction Espagnol

765 traduction parallèle
I wouldn't miss it.
No me la perdería.
Don't you care, Miss Morgan. Bill would prefer it that way, wouldn't you Bill?
No importa, Srta. Morgan, Bill lo prefiere así, ¿ verdad, Bill?
- Oh, sure. We wouldn't miss it for anything.
- No nos la perderíamos por nada del mundo.
I wouldn't miss it for anything.
¡ No me lo quiero perder!
I wouldn't miss seeing Cleopatra Pepperday making a fool of herself if it cost a dollar to get in.
No me perdería ver a Cleopatra Pepperday... haciendo el ridículo aunque la entrada costara un dólar.
I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world.
No me lo perdería por nada del mundo.
I wouldn't miss it.
Con mucho gusto.
- It wouldn't bore me, Miss Julie.
No me aburriría a mi, Srta. Julie
I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world.
No me lo perdería.
When he gives the game away to the ambassadress, there'll be the deuce of a row. I wouldn't miss it for the world.
No me lo perdería por nada.
Well, anyway, if it had been that Miss Kennedy's husband by himself... I wouldn't have lifted a finger, no matter what Capt. Butler said.
Si hubiera sido sólo el marido de la Srta. Kennedy no habría hecho nada, a pesar de Rhett.
And then that night... Mr. Rhett, he locked hisself in the nursery with Miss Bonnie... and he wouldn't even open the door... when Miss Scarlett beat on it and hollered to him.
Y esa noche el Sr. Rhett se encerró en el cuarto de Bonnie.
It's a chance I wouldn't miss for anything in the...
No me lo perdería por nada del...
You see, if it wasn't for me, Miss Patricia wouldn't be here.
Verá, si no fuera por mi, la Srta Patricia no estaría aquí.
Why, I wouldn't miss it for the world.
Claro, no me lo perdería por nada.
Why wouldn't I take it, Miss?
¿ Aceptarla? Pero cómo no.
Brother, I wouldn't miss it.
No me lo perdería.
I suppose it Wouldn't be possible For miss Dunn to remain behind alone?
Sin embargo, ¿ no será posible que la Srta. se quedase aquí?
I wouldn't miss it for the world.
No me lo perdería por nada.
I wouldn't want to miss the Metro. What time is it?
No quisiera perder el último metro. ¿ Qué hora es?
I wouldn't worry about it, Miss. They don't care out here.
Yo no me preocuparía, esto a ellos les da lo mismo.
- Of course, he wouldn't miss it...
- ¡ Claro! No podía faltar...
Certain I wouldn't miss the target, I crouched, and it was right there, in the basin.
Seguro de no fallar el tiro, me agaché y fue allí mismo en la laguna.
This morning, when the police transferred your call, it sounded like one of the 156 we get from crackpots every day. I wouldn't have bother about it. I would've forgotten it, except if Miss Courtland hasn't to be an ideal target for a confidence game.
Esta mañana, cuando la policía transfirió su llamada, parecía una de las 156 que recibimos de locos todos los días,... no la habría atendido, la habría olvidado, pero la Srta. Courtland parece ser el blanco ideal para un golpe como éste.
Well, Miss Gilmore or no Miss Gilmore... if I wrote a story I thought was good, I wouldn't care what anybody said about it... or how many editors turned it down.
Bueno, Srta. Gilmore o no Srta. Gilmore si yo escribiera algo bueno, no me importaría lo que dijeran ni cuántos editores lo rechazaran.
They wouldn't let him have it, miss.
No se la dieron.
I wouldn't wanna say you're wrong, Marshal, but I didn't miss it.
No quisiera decirle que está Ud. equivocado, alguacil, pero no erré.
The Germans wouldn't last a month if our men could get across the lake, but all that don't get us any closer to home, does it, miss?
Los alemanes no durarían un mes si los nuestros cruzaran el lago, pero eso no nos ayuda a llegar a casa, ¿ verdad?
It ain't one man wouldn't ride 100 miles just for one glimpse of Miss Adams.
No hay un hombre que no cabalgue 100 millas sólo para echarle un vistazo a la Srta. Adams.
Well of course it wouldn't, Miss Birling, at the time.
Por supuesto que no lo fue, en ese momento.
Listen, there's going to be an artists'party and without Miss Cavalieri, it wouldn't be complete.
Oiga, hay una fiesta de artistas en Montmartre. Y sin la Cavalieri no resultaría completa.
Well, I didn't tell Mr Lowry, hoping he wouldn't miss it.
Yo no me atreví a decir nada al señor, esperaba que no lo notase.
I wouldn't like to miss it.
No me gustaría perdérmelo.
Wouldn't miss it for anything.
No me la perdería.
I wouldn't miss it.
No me la perderé.
I wouldn't miss it for anything.
- Lo leeré. No me lo perdería por nada.
It would be difficult to present Miss Manty, wouldn't it?
Te iba a resultar difícil presentar a la Srta. Manty, ¿ no?
It's just the way people thought in those days, that if you kissed the dead face... it was a sweet good - bye, and you wouldn't miss her so much.
Era la mentalidad que tenían en aquellos tiempos. Si besabas a la muerta, era una dulce despedida y no la echarías tanto de menos.
Thank you. I wouldn't miss it!
Gracias. ¡ No faltaré!
I wouldn't wanna miss it.
No querría perdérmelo.
I wouldn't miss it.
No me lo perdería.
I wouldn't miss it for the world.
No pienso perdérmelo.
I meant it when I said I wouldn't miss it for the...
Cuando dije que no me lo perdería, hablaba... Lora.
And, between us, it wouldn't hurt you to miss a few meals.
Además, entre nosotros, no le vendría mal pasar algunas comidas.
- I wouldn't miss it for the world.
- ¿ Acaso podía faltar?
You see, this was Miss Welenmelon's and Mr. Welenmelon's home before he passed on, and rather than sell it just because it was too big for her, she decided to rent out the rooms and that way she wouldn't be alone.
Esta casa era de los Sres. Welenmelon antes de que el marido falleciera. En lugar de venderla, ella decidió alquilar las habitaciones.
I don't know, miss. But whatever it was, he must be all right now, otherwise, he wouldn't have gone away.
No lo sé, Srta. Ya debe estar mejor, o no hubiera salido.
I talked the others into it so he wouldn't miss the tour.
Hablé con los otros de eso para que se perdiera la gira.
I wouldn't miss it for the world.
No me la perdería por nada.
- I wouldn't miss it, Uncle Charles.
- Por supuesto, tío.
I wouldn't miss it for anything.
Vuestra mujer estaba muy cansada.

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