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Wouldn't you know it traduction Espagnol

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I tried to quit and they wouldn't let me because, you know it was for your good
- Traté de renunciar pero no me dejaron.. .. porque era por tu propio bien.
What I'm trying to say is, the way I behaved, I wouldn't have been surprised if you would have, you know, looked the other way on this thing, blocked it up.
Me refiero a que por la forma en que me comporté no me habría sorprendido si tú hubieras mirado hacia otro lado, lo hubieras evitado.
well, you wouldn't know it, Salvatore.
No lo sabrías, Salvatore.
You wouldn't know it was our place, would you, lad?
No creerías que es nuestra casa, ¿ cierto, compañero?
And wouldn't you know it?
¿ Y que crees?
Wouldn't you know it?
- ¡ No lo sabrías! ¡ La bahía de Susanna!
I, I can't go! You know I wouldn't survive it.
Yo no puedo ir, usted sabe que yo no sobreviviría.
And even though the experts know a lot more about steroids, you sure wouldn't know it from watching the news.
Y aunque los expertos saben mucho más sobre los esteroides, seguramente no lo sabríamos al mirar los noticieros.
You wouldn't know that it was a once-a-summer relationship.
Jamás pensarías que fue una relación de una vez al año en verano.
You know, it's funny. When you and I were together, I couldn't stand it when you wouldn't be able to tell me where you were going or what you were doing... and, now, every once in a while,
Sabes, es curioso, cuando tú y yo estábamos juntos no podía mirarte cuando no podías contarme donde habías estado o lo que estabas haciendo y, ahora, de vez en cuando descubro a Grant mirándome de la misma forma.
Yeah, he could have it and not even know. I mean, why else wouldn't you just knock it out with antibiotics?
Sí, la pudo tener y ni siquiera saberlo ¿ por qué otra razón no tomó antibióticos?
We knew it was going to be, you know, heart-wrenching and... you know... but we never thought it wouldn't be him.
Sabíamos que iba a ser, ya sabes, desgarrador y... Ya sabes pero nunca pensamos que no sería él.
You know it wouldn't have happened if he hadn't been drinking.
Nada de ésto hubiera pasado si no hubiera estado bebiendo.
The intensity of shooting someone in the game is not... I mean, you know, I wouldn't even think that it comes close to what it must be like to actually shoot a gun.
No creo que se acerque siquiera a lo que es disparar un arma de verdad.
You wouldn't know it from this getup, but, I'm one hell of a grease monkey.
No pueden saberlo por este atuendo, pero soy una gran mecánica.
I know you wouldn't do it, OK?
Ya sé que no lo harías, ¿ ok?
And wouldn't you know it, there's our first customer.
Y sin pensarlo, allí tenemos a nuestro primer cliente.
You know maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing if you went home for the holidays.
Ya sabes tal vez no sería tan malo si fueras a casa en las vacaciones.
You know, it wouldn't be right.
No. Eso no está bien.
Or did you, in fact, know the procedure wouldn't work and that's why you performed it off the premises at Wykeham?
O usted, de hecho, sabía que el procedimiento no trabajaría ¿ y por eso lo realizó fuera del local en Wykeham?
- I've broken down just along the road and wouldn't you know it but the bloody mobile...!
¿ Le importaría si le pido su teléfono para llamar al Automóvil Club?
Yeah, you'll move in with him and I could be, like, dying, yeah, and you wouldn't even know about it.
Sí, te mudarás con él y yo podría estar muriéndome, sí, y tú ni lo sabrías.
You Think I Wouldn't Know That It Was You
Creíste que no sabía que eras tú
- Well, you wouldn't know it.
- Bueno, no sabrías.
You wouldn't know a ceremonial knife if it fell from the sky.
No reconocerías un cuchillo ceremonial si cayera del cielo.
You know what? They wouldn't know a good book if it bit them in the butt.
No reconocen un buen libro si no les muerde el trasero.
You know, it wouldn't be that much of a concern.
No es nada para preocuparse ".
I think it's, you know, a noble idea. Apple probably wouldn't let you, but the worst thing Apple could say was that it was mine long before there was an Apple computer. "
Me parece una idea noble, Apple no te lo permitiría pero lo peor que puede decir Apple es que era mío antes de que existiera el Apple Computer ".
Wouldn't you know it. They're all the same address, Frank.
No lo sabrías.
( "reelin'in the years" by steely dan ) * your everlasting summer, you can see it fading fast * * so you grab a piece of something * * that you think is gonna last * * but you wouldn't even know a diamond * * if you held it in your hand * * the things you think are precious, i can't understand * * are you reelin'in the years *
Tú último verano, puedes ver que se desvanece rápido así que te aferras a un pedazo de nada que crees que es lo que va a durar pero nunca conocerás un diamante si lo sostienes en tu mano las cosas que tu piensas que son preciosas no las puedo entender
You know, if it was me, and they had Gemma... I'd just give'em something useless - some old shit wouldn't hurt the club.
Si se tratara de mí y tuvieran a Gemma... les diría algo inservible...
How is it gonna make our relationship stronger For me to know that in the fifth grade, They sent you to the therapist'cause you wouldn't stop chewing your hair?
¿ Y cómo vamos a fortalecer nuestra relación sabiendo que en quinto curso fuiste al terapeuta porque no podías parar de mascarte el pelo?
I mean, I know how much you've been looking forward to this and I wouldn't want you to miss it because of us.
Es decir, sé cuánto has esperado por esto y no querría que te lo pierdas por culpa de nosotros.
Which means that this is my last night here, but I want you to know that I wouldn't wanna spend it with anyone but you.
Lo que significa que ésta es mi última noche aquí, pero quiero que sepas que no querría estar con nadie más excepto contigo.
I know. But if you ever did... I know I wouldn't be any good at it.
Pero si lo hubieras hecho sé que no sería bueno en ello.
I know you wouldn't ask unless it was important.
Sé que no los pedirías si no fuera importante.
i wouldn't have wanted you to because i know you would have ended up resenting me for it.
Yo no hubiera querido que lo hicieras, para que luego no tengas que hecharme la culpa Ahora estás echandole la culpa a una Samantha porque te sentís inferior a mí, que soy super! Adivina que?
You wouldn't know hell if it stuck you in the bottom with a pitchfork.
No reconocerían el infierno aunque les pincharan el trasero con una horquilla.
You know I wouldn't let you go if I didn't think you could do it.
Sabes que no te dejaría ir si no creyera que puedes hacerlo.
You know what? I wouldn't have it any other way.
No aceptaría si no fuera así.
Prison, death, it didn't matter. Because at least in prison and at least in death, you know, I wouldn't be in fucking Bruges.
La cárcel, la muerte, no me importaba, porque al menos, encerrado o muerto, no sé, no estaría en esta maldita Brujas.
You know, if I could take what I know now, put it in the body I had ten years ago, that would be someone I wouldn't want to fight.
Si pudiese tener lo que sé ahora, con el cuerpo que tuve hace 10 años sería alguien con el que no quisiera luchar.
No, not exactly a perfect stranger, if you mean someone I wouldn't know at all. [laughs] It's sad.
No, no exactamente un perfecto desconocido, si te refieres a alguien Yo no conocía en absoluto.
You know, high school, college, it wouldn't have mattered to me. Yeah, I know.
Secundaria o universidad, me habría dado igual.
No, I'm so fine, I mean, you know, it's all indented into me and, you know, if I took it off, I wouldn't even know what would possibly happen... and my spine could be like a noodle.
No, estoy tan bien. Digo, tu sabes, está todo tan apegado a mí. Y, tu sabes, si me lo quito, nunca sabré que podría pasar, mi columna podría quedar como un nudo.
I think it would go... it would go away if you just kissed me once, you know, because it wouldn't be like this obsession thing.
Creo que se me pasaría, si me besáras porque ya no sería como un obseción.
Hmm... Come on. This might very well be the best strawberry in the whole world, you wouldn't know because you're not gonna eat it.
Por favor, quizá sea la mejor fresa de todo el mundo.
Now, you wouldn't know it from some of the things I've said over the years, but I like people.
Bueno, quizás no lo deduzcán de las cosas que he dicho durante años pero me gusta la gente!
Of course, if you did, I wouldn't know about it until it was too late, right?
Seguro, si lo hubieras hecho, no lo sabría hasta que fuera muy tarde, verdad?
You know, luckily for us, I don't think they will do that because it wouldn't look good for Niki.
Sabes, por suerte para nosotros, no creo que se vaya, eso la haría ver mal.
- Well, it is something or you wouldn't have brought it up. And, you know...
Por algo lo mencionó.

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