You know it traduction Espagnol
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Before you know it, your room becomes Dad's TV room, and my room becomes Mom's TV room, and then we're all married with kids, but do we have rooms to cram our families into?
Antes de que te des cuenta, tu cuarto será el cuarto de tele de papá, y mi cuarto se convertirá en el cuarto de tele de mamá, y luego estaremos todos casados con hijos, ¿ pero no tendremos cuartos para quedarnos con nuestras familias?
Then how'd you know it was him?
Entonces, ¿ cómo sabía que era él?
Before you know it, it was on.
Antes de que supieras, se encendió.
You know, I've always loved classical music, but my "dad" calls it dentist music.
Saben, siempre he amado la música clásica, pero mi "papá" la llama música de dentista.
What... What if it's the bad Chester, you know, the serial-killer one?
¿ Y si es el Chester malo, ya sabes, el asesino serial?
Oh, that reminds me... got to pick up a new lady razor,'cause, you know, between my beard and your wire-brush leg hairs, it is trashed.
Eso me recuerda... tienes que comprar una rasuradora femenina nueva, porque, ya sabes, entre mi barba y tus piernas como púas, ya no sirve.
Look, I believe I was very cool about you dating my best friend, but I didn't know it'd mean that you'd be here all the time even when she is not here.
Mira, creo que me porté bien contigo saliendo con mi mejor amiga, pero no sabía que eso significaba que estarías aquí todo el tiempo incluso cuando ella no está aquí.
You know, maybe we should lose it, since neither of us seem to want to use it.
Sabes, tal vez mejor la perdemos, porque parece que ninguno de nosotros quiere usarla.
You know, the way I see it, there's still something missing from that pool... you.
Sabes, como yo lo veo, todavía falta algo en la piscina... tú.
Well, I don't really know about that, but... now that you brought it up, I have actually... kind of been... seeing someone.
Bueno, no sé eso, pero... ahora que lo mencionas, de hecho... he estado...
Well, anyway, you know, it's... a little too early in the whole thing, but we definitely like each other, so... gonna take this one slow.
Bueno, como sea, ya sabes, es... demasiado pronto, pero definitivamente nos gustamos, así que... esta vez lo tomaré con calma.
You know, they gave us football meal stipends, and I didn't always eat... just kind of socked it away.
Sabes, nos daban mensualmente para las comidas del equipo, y no siempre comía... así que empecé a guardarlo.
You know, it's funny,'cause when you're young, you're never scared, but when you become an adult, you're scared all the time.
Sabes, es gracioso, porque cuando eres joven, nunca tienes miedo, pero cuando te conviertes en adulto, tienes miedo todo el tiempo.
Just tell me it wasn't in front of people and they don't know you're a Heck.
Solo dime que no fue frente a personas, y que ellos no saben que eres un Heck.
It's a matter of pride, so could you maybe, I don't know, just show a little respect?
Es un asunto de orgullo, ¿ así que por favor podrías, no sé, mostrar un poco de respeto?
But, you know, it doesn't matter that I didn't go to parties in high school, because my world really opened up in college.
Pero, saben, no importa que yo no iba a fiestas en la preparatoria, porque mi mundo de veras se amplió en la universidad.
When my garbage bag hit it, it started playing "Winter Wonderland," which is a surprisingly scary song when you don't know where it's coming from.
Cuando cayó la bolsa de basura, empezó a tocar "Winter Wonderland", la cual es una canción sorprendentemente terrorífica cuando no sabes de dónde viene el sonido.
Yeah, I-I-I-I'm just, you know, playing devil's advocate... which, if you think about it, is a stupid expression'cause the devil's a real stinker, it's not like...
Sí... solo estoy, ya sabes, actuando como abogado del diablo... la cual, si lo piensas, es una expresión estúpida porque el diablo de veras es malo, no es como que...
Well, you click that, and it sends the virus to people you know.
Bueno, si pincha eso envía el virus a la gente que conoce.
You know, Admiral, it's pretty reasonable, actually- - it's $ 500.
¿ Sabe almirante? , en realidad es muy razonable... 500 dólares.
You know, she was good at hiding it, I was good at denying it.
Se le ha dado muy bien ocultarlo y a mí negarme a verlo.
Anna, I know it's hard, but if you can remember anything else...
Anna, sé que es difícil, pero si puedes recordar algo más...
Because... if it does, you know I can't represent you.
Porque... si es así, sabes que no puedo representarte.
You know, if I think about it, I'd say that you and I, we're not that different.
Si lo pienso, diría que tú y yo no somos tan diferentes.
You know, it seems my request to back off fell on deaf ears.
Parece que mi petición de que se echaran para atrás cayó en oídos sordos.
But you don't know it all, do you, Prof?
Pero tú no lo sabes todo, ¿ verdad, profesor?
But eventually, you know, they turn the lights off and it goes all dark, and after ten minutes this voice over in the blackness goes,
Pero en algún momento, saben... Apagan las luces, todo se pone oscuro... Y después de diez minutos se escucha su voz en la oscuridad diciendo :
I can provoke a car, you know, into a slide, but I couldn't hold it there.
Puedo provocar que un auto... ya saben, se deslice Pero no puedo mantenerlo allí
I just know I'm done, and I'm done talking to you about it.
Solo sé que he acabado y he terminado de hablar contigo sobre ello.
I know you don't like advice, Alex, but, please, take it.
Sé que no te gusta el consejo, Alex, pero, por favor, tómalo.
You know, I thought I was on the right road and making things better with you, and then I just screwed it up further.
Pensé que estaba en el camino correcto y que estaba haciendo las cosas mejor contigo y entonces lo jodí más.
Not to us, you know, but we still had to suck it up.
No para nosotros, pero nos hemos tenido que aguantar.
I would've given you the news, but, I don't know, you kind of made it clear that you didn't wanna hear from me, so...
Te habría dado la noticia, pero, no sé, dejaste claro que no querías saber nada de mí, así que...
I guess you're gonna have to see if Pope and Craig are into it because, you know, Baz isn't your real son, so it makes it less interesting.
Supongo que tendrás que ver si Pope y Craig están por la labor porque Baz no es tu hijo de verdad, así que lo hace menos interesante.
Suddenly you're 30 and you're 40, then you're 50 and 57 and all that, and it's a new land, you know, I pioneer.
De pronto tienes 30, 40, luego 50 y 57 y todo eso, y es estar en una nueva tierra que colonizás.
He always had one anyway, but publicly he didn't show it as much, you know what I mean?
Siempre tuvo sentido del humor, pero públicamente no lo mostraba mucho, ¿ entiendes?
It did seem like he had the gift from the gods, you know, that he was never going to get old.
Parecía que los dioses lo recompensaron, sabes, nunca iba a envejecer.
Playing All The Young Dudes, that's just such an anthem, really, in a way, it was almost like church, you know, when you really do feel like you have this congregation of people and everyone's singing and the whole place is swinging.
Tocar All the young dudes, es un himno, realmente, de alguna manera, es casi como una iglesia, sabes cuando realmente sentí que tienes esta congregación de gente y todos están cantando y todo el lugar vibra.
We played the entire set and it seemed, you know, normal, not quite as energetic, and as charged as the performances before.
Tocamos todo, y fue, normal, no tan energético y cargado como las actuaciones anteriores.
It's hard to figure out David, you know, and I stopped trying to figure him out.
Es difícil entender a David, sabes, y dejé de intentar entenderlo.
You know that feeling you get in a car when someone's accelerating very fast and you're not driving and you get that thing in your chest when you're being forced backwards and think, oh, and you're not sure whether you like it or not.
Conoces esa sensación que te da en un auto cuando alguien acelera muy fuerte y tu no conduces y te da como una cosa en el pecho y te fuerzas para atrás y, oh, no estás seguro si te gusta o no.
You know, "Comment on it, but make it, you know... In an artistic way."
Entiendes, "Coméntalo, pero de una forma artística."
You know, and I was thinking, this big-budget video, you know, and I was thinking, "I have to do this justice, you know, " it has to be this momentous video that's going to break "the silence of all these years," you know?
Y estaba pensando, en hacer un video de gran presupuesto, entiendes, y pensé, "Tengo que hacer justicia, sabes, tiene que ser en este momento, este video que va a romper el silencio de todos esos años."
It's a strange, you know... Through the...
Es un extraño, entiendes a través
So, it's... It's pretty bright-sounding, you know, and he said, "Oh, I want it to be really dark,"
Así que suena bastante fuerte, sabes, y él dijo, "Oh, quiero que sea oscuro."
You know, and if it's got a real reaction from him, then I said,
Sabes, si produce una verdadera reacción en él luego dijo,
Something like that, and Tony's response was that he thought that that influence had always been there in David's music, but it was just sort of underneath the surface, and that now, it was just, you know, out there.
O algo así y Tony respondió que esa influencia siempre ha estado en la música de David. Pero que estuvo bajo la superficie, y ahora, salió.
To me, it was 100 % Major Tom, you know?
Para mí, era un 100 % el Comandante Tom.
Maybe there was some little, you know, obviously a bit of maybe sentimental attachment to it, because it represented a lot in terms of how he became known to us and became famous.
Quizás había un poco de, sabes, obviamente una atracción sentimental, porque representó mucho en términos de cómo fue reconocido por nosotros y cómo se volvió famoso
Blackstar, you know, it's really wildly open to interpretation, and I think he enjoyed this very much, like any artist.
Blackstar, está abierta a la libre interpretación, pienso que disfrutó mucho esto, como cualquier artista.
You know, after a week or two of us having these chats about Button Eyes and the spaceman, I get a text message from him, it said,
Sabes, después de una semana o dos teniendo estas conversaciones sobre "Ojos de Botón" y astronautas, me llegó un mensaje de texto de él, decía,
you know it and i know it 23
you know it's not 19
you know it's true 70
you know it is 71
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you know that 5741
you know what i'm saying 653
you know the drill 277
you know what i mean 2419
you know it's not 19
you know it's true 70
you know it is 71
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you know that 5741
you know what i'm saying 653
you know the drill 277
you know what i mean 2419
you know me too well 26
you know that i love you 32
you know i love you 234
you know who i am 419
you know what they say 484
you know what you did 62
you know where to find me 273
you know what to do 433
you know what i'm thinking 71
you know something 619
you know that i love you 32
you know i love you 234
you know who i am 419
you know what they say 484
you know what you did 62
you know where to find me 273
you know what to do 433
you know what i'm thinking 71
you know something 619