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Wouldn't you like that traduction Espagnol

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Of course I wouldn't want nice little boy like that to die, but if we just couldn't help it, like you say, it'd sure turn out nice for us.
En fín, no querría que ese precioso niño muriera, pero si no podemos evitarlo, creo que nos vendría bien.
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Os gustaría, ¿ a que sí?
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
¿ Te gustaría, no?
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Te encanta pensar eso, verdad?
In all hospitals people die everyday It wouldn't be strange if there were ghosts But a girl like you, afraid of ghost, that's really strange!
pero es extraño que personas como tú tengan miedo de fantasmas te conozco desde hace tiempo y no pensaba que fueses tan miedosa tu no eres yo, por lo que nunca sabrás es realmente terrible que me seguirá allá donde vaya
I just feel like..... maybe if you find a way to confront whatever it is you're..... running away from... that maybe you wouldn't be afraid any more.
Es sólo que creo... Quizá si encontraras el modo de enfrentarte a aquello... de lo que huyes o lo que sea... quizá no tendrías miedo y quizá... no tendrías que estar aquí.
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
le gustaría hacer eso, o no?
It absolutely eliminated any fear that they wouldn't like you or that you weren't good enough.
Eliminaba totalmente cualquier miedo de no gustarle a las chicas.
Wouldn't you like to get out of that tight shirt?
No te gustaría salir de esa camisa tan ajustada?
it wouldn't be beyond him, probably, to... like, put him out of his misery, like you would a sick cat or something like that. But, uh, it was, it was hard to talk about it while we, you know, with Delbert around'cause I know he probably feels bad.
Pero era difícil hablar de eso con Delbert alrededor... porque probablemente se sienta mal.
But a hired killer, you know, a real professional, like you thought was the only one that could break in here, he wouldn't wear hard shoes like that, risk tripping, making noise.
Pero un asesino a sueldo, un verdadero profesional, como el que piensa que había entrado aquí, no se pondría zapatos duros como esos, arriesgando que hicieran ruido.
- You'd like that, wouldn't you, Madeline?
- Eso quisieras.
A chop shop wouldn't give you more than 230 on a junker like that.
Una tienda de sunfda no te daria mas de 230 por esa chatarra.
Not your problem? - Don't talk to me like that. - Lf you get a job... and keep it, we wouldn't live like dogs.
John, si consiguieras empleo no viviríamos como perros.
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Te gustaría ¿ O no?
- I wouldn't like you to think that I- -
- No quiero que pienses...
I wouldn't use that huge car pouring out petrol fumes and pollution like that, but you know there were three people in that car.
No me gusta llenar la ciudad de humos tóxicos. Pero en este coche van 3 personas. ¡ 3 personas!
A haddock. I wouldn't have a face like that if you gave me a million dollars.
Un eglefino. No tendría una casa así aunque me dieras un millón de dólares.
"Well," says the farmer, "a pig like that, you wouldn't wanna eat him... not all at once."
"Bueno", responde el granjero, "a un cerdo así... no vas a comértelo... todo de golpe".
You wouldn't have something like that?
¿ Tienen algo parecido?
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Eso te convendría...
While we're sharing so openly here... I want to tell you I appreciate you coming to warn me like that. Most people I know wouldn't have done that.
Mientras compartimos estas cosas abiertamente quería decirte que aprecio lo que hiciste hoy... venir a advertirme de esa forma nadie que yo conozca, lo hubiera hecho.
If you make them open the door like that, if everyone knows it wouldn't be a secret anymore.
Si haces que abran una puerta como esa, si todo el mundo supiera ya no sería más un secreto.
will you tell caroline that you wouldn't join the Scouts because him didn't like his little uniform?
Le dirás a Caroline que no te uniste a los Scouts porque al niñito no le gustó su pequeño uniforme?
Me gustaría que no dejaras estos mensajes para que todos los oigan.
You'd like us to believe that, wouldn't you, Cory?
Nos gustaría creer eso, ¿ verdad, Cory?
That's not my word, but, if you must know, I wouldn't have let someone like you within a million miles of him.
No lo dije yo. Pero si quiere saberlo, yo no hubiera dejado a alguien como usted acercarse a él.
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Eso te gustaría, ¿ eh?
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Eso le encantaría, ¿ verdad?
You wouldn't know a place like that? Well...
¿ No conocerá dicho lugar?
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Te gustaría eso, ¿ no es verdad?
You'd like that, wouldn't ya, love?
A ella le encantaría, ¿ no?
The cock of a stranger. It wouldn't be like that with you.
El pájaro de un desconocido.
That we didn't make love. Not that I still wouldn't want to. But seeing you like this makes me happy.
No hicimos el amor y, aunque me sigue apeteciendo mucho... así me siento mejor, bastante mejor.
- I wouldn't drhnk that! - You drink like a fish, smoke like a chimney.
- Bebes como un pez, fumas como una chimenea.
I wish you wouldn't say things like that.
Me gustaría que no dijeras cosas como esas.
But you'd have to go to, like, a voodoo academy... to pull off something like that, wouldn't you?
Pero tendría que ir a, como, una academia de vudú para lograr algo así, ¿ no?
You'd like that, if she never got her shampoo, wouldn't you, Mom?
Te gustaría eso, que ella nunca reciba su champú, ¿ verdad, mamá?
Some girls wouldn't be, but you're not like that, so... I just wanted to say I'm sorry.
Algunas chicas no lo estarían, pero tú no eres igual, así que... sólo quería decirte que lo siento.
Bart, I wish you wouldn't lie like that.
Bart, desearía que no mintieras así.
Are you sure that you wouldn't like to stay on board the Enterprise for a few more days?
- Sí. ¿ Estás seguro de que no quieres quedarte a bordo unos días más?
No, you wouldn't understand because you're like that too.
Él es... No, no podrías entenderlo, porque tú también eres así.
Just like you knew Dad wouldn't do anything like that?
¿ Igual que sabías que papá era incapaz de algo así?
Wouldn't you like to be that guy for 20 minutes, the right 20 minutes?
¿ No te gustaría ser ese tipo durante 20 m? Los 20 m. Más interesantes.
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
¿ Te gustaría, no es así?
You wouldn't think of marrying a man like that, simply to secure your own comfort.
Nunca pensarías en casarte con un hombre así, sólo para asegurarte una vida confortable.
No, you wouldn't understand because you're like that too.
No, no lo entenderías porque también eres así.
- You're welcome. I think that book that I wrote was like building something so that I wouldn't forget the details of the time that we spent together.
Creo que el libro que escribí como que construía algo para que yo no olvidara los detalles del tiempo que pasamos juntos.
You really think I like being a thief, that I wouldn't rather be like you than me?
¿ En serio crees que me gustaría ser ladrón? ¿ Que no me gustaría mas ser como tu mas que como yo?
He wouldn't have died in the road like that if it hadn't been for you.
Él no hubiera muerto en la carretera si no hubiera sido por ti.
I wouldn't pick the guy like you, if that's what you're trying to ask me.
No escogería al tipo como tú si es lo que me preguntas.

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