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Would you like that?
¿ Te gustaría eso?
You like that?
¿ Te gusta?
Models, musicians, your own so-called friends. I could've done you like that.
Modelos, cantantes, tus supuestas amigas puede haberlo hecho.
Isn't that why you like me?
¿ No es por lo que te gusto?
And that leads you into the Running Man like...
Y de ahí paso al corredor, así.
You think his old lady gonna like that?
¿ Le gustará a su vieja?
I like that you dressed for the occasion.
Me alegra que te pusieras elegante.
I can't tell you what Llanabba Castle is like now that you, Prendy and Captain Grimes have left.
No puedo decirle lo que es el Castillo de Llanabba... ahora que usted, Prendy y el capitán Grimes se han ido.
A lot of things you can do that you don't... bark like a seal, ride the subway.
Muchas cosas puedes hacer que no... ladrar como una foca, tomar el subte.
Do you remember what it felt like to make that first million?
¿ Recuerdas cómo se sintió ganar ese primer millón?
The reason that nothing levers up your happiness like giving is because it puts you back in charge of the only thing that you ever really cared about... yourself.
La razón por la que nada eleva más tu felicidad que dar es que te pone de nuevo al mando de lo único que siempre te importó... tú.
I like the way you fight to pass my guard, but you practically dove into that arm lock.
Me gusta la forma en que luchas para superar mi guardia, pero prácticamente te zambulliste en ese bloqueo de brazo.
You planted it... so you'd look like the type of charity-minded champion that gets to steward a sacred trust, like a sports franchise.
Lo plantaste... para hacerte ver como el tipo de campeón caritativo que logra administrar un fondo fiduciario sagrado, como una franquicia deportiva.
You don't need to whisper it like it's some dark spell that'll come true if you say it too loudly.
No hay que decirlo como un embrujo oscuro que se hace realidad si lo dices en alto.
Well, the note exchange requires that the town pay you first, before any of its other financial obligations, like union contracts with town workers, teachers'salaries, all that.
Bueno, el intercambio de pagarés requiere que el pueblo te pague primero antes de sus otras obligaciones financieras, como contratos sindicales salarios de profesores, todo eso.
It's like a cat in a lion suit and that's exactly the sort of panto you want.
Es como un gato en el traje de un león Y esa es exactamente la clase de gesto que uno quiere
You don't lose a pedigree like that.
Uno no pierde un historial de competición como ese
The most annoying thing, apart from the buttons on the steering wheel, all of which seem to retune the radio to a station you don't like very much, apart from that, every time you reach for
Lo más molesto, aparte de los botones en el volante... Todos los cuales resintonizan la radio a una estación que no te gustará... Aparte de eso, cada vez que buscas...
The steering's not brilliant at low speeds, but when you've got the arse hanging out like that... it's fantastic!
La dirección no es genial a velocidades bajas... Pero cuando haces que la trasera se suelte así... ¡ Es fantástico!
Because it's not that long ago, if you think about early Range Rovers and the like, going fast was actually quite frightening.
Porque hasta no hace mucho tiempo... Si piensan en los primeros Range Rover y demás Ir veloz era de hecho algo que asustaba mucho
They could build it to your specifications, that you would look like you, sound like you.
Podrían construirlo según tus especificaciones, para que tuviera tu aspecto, y sonara como tú.
It's just a little hard to imagine how you go from something like that to being a bodyguard for someone like Adrian.
Es un poco difícil imaginarse cómo se pasa de algo así a ser guardaespaldas para alguien como Adrian.
Show you can govern fairly, and it will go a long way toward convincing others, like the G.A. or The League of Autonomous Worlds, that you deserve a fair shake.
Demuestra que pueden gobernar justamente y te servirá para convencer a otros como la A.G. o La Liga de Mundos Autónomos que se merecen un trato justo.
Like it or not, you're a part of that show.
Te guste o no, eres parte de ese espectáculo.
Do you know that when Four downloaded his old memories, he started avoiding me, almost like he knew something about my past and he didn't want to put himself in a position so he'd have to tell me.
¿ Sabes que cuando Cuatro descargó sus antiguos recuerdos, empezó a evitarme? Casi como si supiera algo sobre mi pasado y no quisiera estar en la posición de tener que decírmelo.
You don't want it to go down like that.
No querrás que suceda eso.
I can't believe you had me out here like that.
No puedo creer que me hicieras venir así.
It's like an elevator in a tower with no limits that just keeps going as far as you can imagine.
Es como un elevador en una torre sin límite que continúa subiendo hasta donde te puedas imaginar.
You will feel just like the people that you've taken from.
Te sentirás como la gente a la que has robado.
Like you helped that kid in the incinerator.
¿ Como ayudó a ese chico en el incinerador?
Is that why you're walking me to school, like I'm seven?
¿ Es por eso que me acompañas a la escuela como si tuviera siete años?
Until someone changes the program and puts some bloody kebabs or something stupid like that on, you know, that you don't know how to cook.
Hasta que alguien pone ahí una maldita brocheta o alguna tontería como esa que no sabes cómo cocinarla.
I feel like, you know, God plays a role in our lives and I think this was something He thought that I was probably better at than being a doctor, so there it is.
Dios tiene un papel en nuestras vidas. Creo que Él pensó que yo era mejor para esto en vez de ser médico y aquí estoy.
It's not like either one of you have that much time left.
- Sólo iba a decir eso. Hey, gracias, Mateo!
But then you don't know if someone likes you unless you ask them out, so that's, like, a Catch-22.
Su oponente será decidido Por un simple... - Lo haré. - Bueno.
Oh, that is so stupid, and not cute stupid like when you thought Velcro grew in nature.
Eso ha sido tan estúpido, pero no estúpido como cuando creías que el velcro crecía de la naturaleza.
Let's just go home like you said after that hyena knocked you to the ground and tried to hump you.
Vayamos a casa como dijiste después de que esa hiena te golpeara contra el suelo e intentase cepillarte.
You look like a thespian in that shirt.
Pareces una profesional con esa camiseta.
Look, I'm sure that I can stretch the salmon to serve four if you'd like to join us.
Mira, estoy seguro que el salmón alcanzará para cuatro si quieres acompañarnos.
You sling innuendo like that without evidence, you're gonna look like...
Si expones cosas como esa sin pruebas, lucirás como...
You have something like that?
¿ Hiciste algo similar?
Do you ever feel that way, like the things we have to do compromise us somehow?
¿ Alguna vez te has sentido así? ¿ Has sentido que las cosas que tenemos que hacer nos comprometen de algún modo?
Never bent. I bet you'd like to put me in that hole... like you used to do it.
Apuesto que te gustaría meterme en ese hueco...
Huh? You really think Nick can handle something like that?
¿ De verdad crees que Nick puede soportar algo así?
You could run this place, Troy, but not if you let things break like that.
Podrías dirigir este lugar, Troy, pero no si dejas que las cosas se descontrolen así.
Okay, Marjorie, that's, like, 14 things that I can't, you know... - So...
Marjorie, son como 14 cosas con las que no puedo.
Boy, I'll tell you, I remember that night he died'cause his secretary came banging on the door at, like, 2 : 00 AM.
Recuerdo la noche que murió. Su secretaria tocó a la puerta como a las 2 : 00 am.
Okay, well, then maybe you can call the "Post" and tell them that these rumors about us are complete bullshit'cause this is like Dewey blows Truman here.
Entonces llama al Post y desmiente los rumores porque es como si Dewey se lo chupa a Truman.
- Well, when you say it like that.
- ¿ Por favor? Si lo dices así...
- Why can't you write like that?
¿ Por qué no escribes así?
People like the energy that you and Jane had. It was this raw, sexual vibe because you two were... Jesus, we were not fucking!
Al público le gustaba la energía entre Jane y tú esa violencia cruda, dado que Uds. dos eran...
you like that one 27
you like it rough 18
you like it here 38
you like me 141
you like baseball 16
you like what you see 23
you like music 30
you like it 795
you liked it 124
you like them 63
you like it rough 18
you like it here 38
you like me 141
you like baseball 16
you like what you see 23
you like music 30
you like it 795
you liked it 124
you like them 63
you like him 175
you like 225
you liked that 20
you like this 96
you like' em 17
you like those 17
you like her 166
you liked her 18
you liked him 30
like that 1389
you like 225
you liked that 20
you like this 96
you like' em 17
you like those 17
you like her 166
you liked her 18
you liked him 30
like that 1389
like that one 32
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25