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Wouldn't you think traduction Espagnol

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I thought... You wouldn't think... I was a good wife.
Pensé... que no creerías... que era una buena esposa.
I wouldn't want you to think that Kim would hire someone Who isn't... Discreet.
No quisiera que pensaras que Kim contrataría a alguien que no es.... discreto.
Completely incomprehensible, you wouldn't think that could happen here.
Completamente incomprensible. Ni pensar que algo así podría pasar aquí.
When you think about it, you wouldn't feel guilty about shooting those assholes.
Cuando piensas en ello, no te sentirías culpable por disparar a esos mamones.
You think I wouldn't like to spark up a doober every now and again?
¿ Crees que no me gustaría encender un porro de tanto en tanto?
Wouldn't you think that would be like the coolest thing in the world if they got married?
¿ No pensarías que sería lo más guay del mundo si se casaran?
And I think that you tried to get shepherd to get rid of me So that you wouldn't have to choose,
Y, creo que trataste que Shepherd se deshiciera de mi para no tener que elegir.
You-you wouldn't think she'd have that much blood in her,
No pensarías que hubiera tenido tanta sangre en su interior,
Did you honestly think I wouldn't recognize you behind that mask?
¿ De verdad creías que no te reconocería tras esa máscara?
! You think I wouldn't want to have a house all to myself?
¿ Pensaste que no quería tener toda la casa para mi?
You think I wouldn't love to be alone on Mother's Day,
¿ Crees que no me encantaria estar sola en dia de la madre
Did you think I wouldn't let you go to homecoming if I knew you were going with Toby Cavanaugh?
¿ Crees que te habría dejado ir al baile de Bienvenida si hubiese sabido que ibas a ir con Toby Cavanaugh?
You think I wouldn't find out?
¿ Pensabas que no lo descubriría?
Son, did you really think you could put out a search For a car, and I wouldn't know about it?
Hijo, ¿ Realmente piensas que se puede poner una búsqueda para un coche, y que yo no lo sabría?
I think you'd agree with that, wouldn't you, Temi?
Creo que estarás de acuerdo con eso ¿ no, Temi?
You think I wouldn't find out about your little scam? !
¿ Crees que no iba a descubrir nada de tu pequeña estafa?
Carter, Allison, Henry, and me, if we didn't think you could do this, you wouldn't be here.
Carter, Allison, Henry y yo, si no pensáramos que podrías hacer esto, no estarías aquí.
Did you think I wouldn't get the reference?
¿ Creías que no obtendría la referencia?
The doctor wouldn't have cleared you If he didn't think you could handle it, honey.
El médico No te hubiera despejado si no pensara que puedes manejarlo, cariño.
You think I wouldn't like you Because you don't have money?
¿ Crees que no me gustarías porque no tienes dinero? Ocurre.
Well, I wouldn't think you'd have the time, since she runs half the company.
Bueno, no hubiera pensado que tendrías tiempo, como ella dirije la mitad de la compañía.
I wouldn't be wearing this uniform if it were, but it does suit me, don't you think?
No estaria usando este uniforme si fuera asi. pero me queda bien, no crees?
See, you wouldn't think that, now, would you, doctor?
Ves, no pensaria eso, ahora, no es cierto, doctor?
I wish you wouldn't think that.
Me gustaría que no pensaras eso.
I think if it wasn't for, you know, my grandmother having gotten sick, I probably wouldn't have found myself in an emotional place to be as... accepting or forgiving or wanting to move on.
Creo que sino fuera por, ya sabes, mi abuela haviendose puesto enferma, probablemente yo no me hubiera sentido en el punto emocional para... aceptar o perdonar o querer un acercamiento.
I wouldn't like it if we'd have to become stricter, but it largely depends on you too, I think, that...
No me gustaría... que tuviéramos que ser estrictos... pero también... en gran medida depende de ustedes.
Did you honestly think he wouldn't come alone?
¿ Sinceramente crees que no viene solo?
You wouldn't think a three-year-old could even be depressed, but there I was, too disheartened to even move.
No creerías que alguien de tres años pudiera estar deprimido, pero yo lo estaba, tan desalentada como para moverme.
Did you think I wouldn't find out about Hoyt?
¿ Crees que no me gustaría encontrar a Hoyt?
I certainly wouldn't want to do anything that makes you think I'm gay.
No quiero hacer nada que te haga pensar que soy gay.
You think a guy that fine wouldn't go for a girl like me?
¿ Cree que a un tipo tan guapo como él no podría andar detrás de una chica como yo?
You think I wouldn't recognize your piece of crap truck?
¿ Crees que no reconocería tu porquería de camión?
You'd think profilers would cover better than that, wouldn't you?
Pensaste que con los que hacen perfiles estarías más a salvo que allí ¿ no?
He wouldn't be using you if he didn't think you were ready.
No te estaría usando si no pensase que estás lista.
Did you think I wouldn't find out?
¿ Pensaste que no te iba a encontrar? .
Did you think they wouldn't like you if you had a baby?
¿ Cree que les gustaría si tuviera un bebé?
Impressive. Which is funny'cause I wouldn't think that you'd be good in Peds just by looking at you.
Qué curioso porque no habría imaginado que serías bueno en Pediatría con sólo mirarte.
I wouldn't be asking you to do this if I didn't think that we had a real shot at ending this gang war.
No te pediría hacer esto si no pensara que tenemos una oportunidad de terminar con esta guerra de pandillas.
Been throwing my name around, harassing people? Did you really think it wouldn't get back to me?
Estáis diciendo mi nombre por ahí, acosando a la gente y, ¿ realmente creíais que no me iba a enterar?
If you think for one second that Kevin wouldn't drain you dry...
Si piensas por un segundo que Kevin no absorbería tus...
Why do you think he wouldn't take your call?
¿ Por qué crees que no ha respondido tu llamada?
You'd think so, wouldn't you? ( Josh laughing ) ( Glass smashing )
¿ Eso pensarías, no es así? ¿ Cómo crees que le está yendo a Larry?
You wouldn't think it to look at her, but there is a trauma surgeon in that girl.
Al verla, no te das cuenta, pero hay una cirujana de trauma dentro de ella.
I just think it wouldn't be fair to start a relationship with you knowing I'm still not over Chelsea.
Solo creo que no sería justo comenzar una relación contigo sabiendo que aún no he olvidado a Chelsea.
I mean, wouldn't you think the ten dollars to build your own broom would include the hay and not just the instructions? - I mean, I'm starting to think this guy is just trying to make money off the holiday. - Mm-hmm.
Quiero decir, ¿ no le parece en los 10 dólares por construir tu propia escoba deberían incluir el heno y no solo las instrucciones?
Wouldn't it be a good idea, don't you think, if we got to him first before he got to you?
¿ No sería una buena idea si lo encontramos antes de que lo encuentre a Ud?
I wouldn't think so, but you usually find a way.
No me imagino, pero vos siempre encontras la forma.
If they would have said today, if you wouldn't have won today, I honestly think it would be me, Holly, and Sash.
Si lo hubiesen dicho hoy, si no hubieses ganado, honestamente creo que seríamos Holly, Sash y yo.
I wouldn't even think about getting serious with you.
Ni consideraría tener una relación formal contigo.
Either you have a problem with sugar, which, based on the syrup... you put on your pancakes, I wouldn't think so.
O bien tienes problemas con el az car, que, basado en el sirope... pones en los panqueques, no lo creo.
- You think I wouldn't find you here?
- Creistes que no te encontraría aquí?

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