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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ Y ] / You ate it

You ate it traduction Espagnol

509 traduction parallèle
You ate it, didn't you!
Te lo has comido, ¿ no?
- You ate it?
- ¿ Has comido?
You ate it?
¿ Te la has comido?
Wow, you ate it all up.
Vaya, ya te las has comido.
What do you mean you ate it?
¿ Cómo que te la comiste?
It was a receipt i got out of the boston globe, and you ate it like you liked it.
Copié la receta del periódico y parece que te gustó mucho.
All : You ate it?
- Me lo comí.
You'd die if you ate it.
Morirías de eso.
But you ate it, sir.
Pero usted se la comió, señor.
You ate it all.
Te lo has comido todo.
Maybe you ate it without realizing it, and it's no longer there.
A lo mejor te lo comiste, sin darte cuenta, y ya no está.
You ate it all?
¿ Se lo comieron todo?
You ate it.
Sí, se lo comió.
I watched you and you ate it all down.
Yo lo vi comérselo todo.
- You ate it.
- Te la has comido tú.
You ate it?
¿ Te lo comiste?
From the looks of it, you've already ate dinner.
Parece que ya has cenado.
Just let me lace it up for you.
Permítame que se lo ate.
I'm not sure I'm seeing you now. It must be something I ate.
No creo, y lo que veo ahora ha de ser el resultado de una indigestión.
Maybe it's somethin'you ate.
Puede que comieses demasiado.
Now let me tie this around your wrist so that you can't lose it.
Bien, deja que te Io ate a Ia muñeca para que no Io pierdas.
It was not because of her shamisen, but of sweets you ate.
No se debe a su shamisen, sino a los dulces que comiste.
Would it help if I ate something with you?
¿ Ayudaría si yo como algo contigo?
'There's none left for you, poor child, as your mother ate it. "
"No ha quedado nada para ti, pobre niño, tu madre se los comió."
You're the only one who remembers, you're the only one that ate it.
Tú eres el único que lo recuerda, eres el único que se lo comió.
Knowing the value of money, Mistress Bowen... can you explain why it was you ate a banknote?
Conociendo el valor del dinero, ¿ podéis explicar por qué os comisteis un billete?
- Maybe it was something you ate.
- Puede ser algo que comiste...
Well, it was just to remind you that you ate none of your breakfast this morning.
Sólo recordarle que no ha comido nada de desayuno.
It's probably something you ate.
Debe ser algo que ha comido.
I ate all I could today to gain weight, and... I know you want me to stay in this ward, but it wasn't my fault.
Hoy comí todo lo que pude para subir de peso y sé que me quiere aquí, pero no fue mi culpa.
I don't know how they'll take it when they learn you ate up the trough, too.
No sé cómo lo tomarán cuando sepan que os habéis comido incluso el pesebre.
~ Bet you ate that custard and topped it off with mustard
Te has comido las natillas y has cogido la mostaza,
I thought it was something you ate.
Más bien parece una mueca.
Was it something you ate?
¿ Has comido algo que estaba malo?
- Oh yes! I put water in it and threw it away while you ate.
Yo tiré el contenido y le puse agua y usted con hizo nada.
It's a debt we all have together, we all ate, you most of all
Es una deuda que tenemos todos juntos, comimos todos, usted más que nadie.
I'm afraid you, as it were, ate another ham sandwich.
Me temo que, por así decirlo, se comió otro sandwich de jamón.
- Riccardo, it looks as if you never ate!
- Ricardo, parece que nunca comiste!
You two ate it.
¡ Os la habéis comido!
Old Hop-Sing had a real good meal fixed for you. And you decided not to let it go to waste and ate it all, huh?
¿ Usted decidió no ir para el oeste?
General, it ain't none of my business, but you ain't ate since yesterday.
General, no es asunto mío, pero no ha comido desde ayer.
It might not have swallowed you, Mr. Spilett, but it sure enough ate rocks.
Puede que no se lo haya tragado a usted, Sr. Spilett, pero sí que ha comido piedras.
I figured around 1 you weren't gonna show up so I ate it myself.
Como a la una de la mañana, deduje que no vendrías. Y me la comí.
No matter what you say, Darrin, it was a delicious meal and she hardly ate a mouthful.
Digas lo que digas, Darrin, ha sido una cena deliciosa y apenas ha probado bocado.
It's been three days since you last ate.
Hace tres días que no has probado bocado.
I happen to think that The Thing That Ate Bikini Beach... is one of the 10 greatest movies ever made... and not just because you produced it.
En mi opinión, La cosa que se comió Bikini Beach... es una de las 10 mejores películas del mundo... y no porque Ud. la haya producido.
I hate to tell you how long ago it is since I ate.
No imagina cuánto hace que no como.
You know I'ate this, but it's for your own good!
- Esto es para tu propio bien!
- Maybe it's something you ate.
- Será algo que comiste.
You thanked God, and ate it all up
Diste gracias a Dios, y te lo comiste todo.
- One of the dogs ate it. Are you sure your information is correct, gentlemen?
¿ Seguro que su información es correcta?

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