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You can't have it all traduction Espagnol

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No podría salir y producir cinco centavos en cualquier negocio que requiera ideas, todo lo que tiene es dignidad.
I don't get it, with all the beautiful girls working here you set your sights on the one that you can't have.
No lo entiendo, con todas las chicas guapas que trabajan aquí vas a fijarte en la única que no puedes tener.
Colonel, all I can say is, you can't have your cake and shoot it, too.
Coronel, todo lo que puedo decir es que así no se puede.
If you were working for me, all I can say is that you wouldn't have time for it, either.
Si trabajara para mí, sólo puedo decirle que no tendría tiempo para esas cosas.
Oh, it isn't that. It's just that I can't help thinking of all the needless dangers you will have to encounter.
Ah no, es que no puedo dejar de pensar en todos los peligros inútiles que encontrará.
All you have to say is, "I'm sorry, can't make it."
Sólo tenías que decir : "No podemos ir."
Well, it looks as if I might have been wrong after all. You can't get through this thing.
Yo estaba equivocado, no puedes atravesarlo.
We have all that little bonanza gold mine stock you had printed... and we can't sell it without a nugget.
Tenemos las acciones que imprimiste de la mina de oro... y no podemos venderlas sin una pepita de oro.
hurry... hurry up the camera got to have the camera can't do anything without it when i think, when i talk when i drink, when i walk if you want to catch it all in total you must be on the spot
Deprisa... Deprisa con la cámara, Tienes que tener la cámara, no se puede hacer nada sin ella.
oh, bring along the camera fetch along the camera don't have any doubt a... you can be heard all right, but, uh... do you think folks would shell out money to see it?
Tráete la cámara, ve a por la cámara, Desde luego que te oirán. ¿ Crees que la gente gastará su dinero en esto?
Perhaps a man like you can't realize what it is to have a conscience... and no memory at all.
Quizá un hombre como tú no pueda entender lo que es tener remordimientos... por algo que no recuerdo en absoluto.
You can't have one cow with Texas fever without'em all getting it. They're crawling with ticks.
Cuando una vaca tiene fiebre texana, todas la contraen.
To tell you the truth, I'd have carried on all the same it was clear that he only invited me for you so it can't have offended him.
Claro, no podría, tras lo que pasó entre nosotros. A decir verdad, yo habría seguido igual. Estaba claro que sólo me me invitaba por ti, así que no podía sentirme ofendida.
In this world, you can't have it all. You can't have your cake and eat it too!
Quieres la chancha, la maquina de hacer chorizos y encima... no quieres matar al puerco.
You can't have it all, baby.
No se puede tener todo, niña.
- Well, if I can't get back to the front, sir, I think I'd sooner have a job in munitions, if it's all the same to you, sir.
- Si no puedo volver al frente buscaré trabajo en suministros si no le parece mal, señor.
You can't have it all, don't you think?
No se puede tener todo, ¿ no le parece?
That's why, since oh, about the 16th century, there have been laws all over Germany saying, you can't brew beer in the summer, because it will go bad.
Ese es el porqué, desde oh, alrededor del siglo XVI, han habido leyes en toda Alemania diciendo que no se podía hacer cerveza en verano, porque se pondría fea.
Yes, I brought the chocolate chip ice cream home and you can't have it until you eat all your dinner- -
Sí, he traído el helado de chocolate pero no comerás hasta terminar la cena.
- yeah, yeah, yeah - just have yourself a fix see what a milk shake can do for you yeah, yeah, yeah do it, all right do it, do the shake why don't you do it, yeah do it, do it do the shake
Sí sí sí decídete y mira lo que un batido de leche puede hacer por ti Sí sí sí Muy bien Agítalo
Any more and you've had it. If you don't all starve to death, the ones who can see will have breakdowns.
Si no se mueren de hambre, los que pueden ver se derrumbarán.
But many innocent lives are being lost. And you know very well yourself it's all because of people practicing black magic. I'm sorry to tell you we can't afford to have any more deaths!
Muchas almas se han perdido, y sabes bien que es porque la gente practica magia negra y estoy harto de decirte que no nos podemos permitir más muertes.
You can't have it all in five minutes, Gary.
No puedes tenerlo todo en cinco minutos, Gary.
I told you, you can't have it all.
Te dije que no se podía tener todo.
Mark looked at the shapes, blocked it all out on the computer, does all his design work like that, so you can play around, have a look at all the angles, and a big change which came about later, which wasn't planned initially,
Tu navegador ha encontrado un planeta S3 más cercano. Te va a llevar a través de un agujero de gusano a 495372. Es una suerte.
I'll plant one there if I have to, then you can pull it out so you don't have to dick around in the car all the time.
Se lo colocaría yo mismo si hace falta y después se lo sacarías tú. No estaríamos en el coche como capullos.
I just asked you for a raise. That's all. If I can't have it, just say so.
Solo pedí un aumento, si no me lo dará, dígalo.
You know, Neal, that really is amazing. I can't believe that Margaret, after all she's put you through that she would have the nerve to call you up and ask you to take her back. It must have felt really good to finally tell her off, eh?
Lo que Kate trata de decir, en nombre de todos, es que estás tan ciego, que ya nos rendimos.
I can't miss this free throw. " All you have to do is concentrate. Concentrate on taking this little, tenny ball and putting it in this great, big hoop up there... would you go ahead and shoot?
"No puedo fallar este tiro libre." Sólo tienes que concentrarte... en agarrar esta pelotita pequeñita y meterla en ese aro enorme...
It all seemed to go so well at first, and now... Now we can't seem to have a normal moment with you around here.
Todo parecía ir tan bien al principio, y ahora parece que no podemos tener un momento de paz cuando estás aquí.
I like it. Wouldn't you rather have all the money now, while you're still young and you can get all the pleasure out of it?
¿ Te gustaría disponer de ese dinero ahora que todavía eres joven y puedes disfrutarlo plenamente?
Can't have you Yanks and Jerries dukin'it out all over the Peruvian jungles without a representative of Queen and country.
No puedo tenerte Yanks y Jerries Dukin'hacia fuera todo de las selvas peruanas sin un representante de la reina y el país.
~ No one told you you can't have it all ~
# Nadié te dice # que puedes hacer con todo eso
Why doesn't he just pull the plug on the holographic emitter, and get it over with, get me out of the way, so he can have you all to himself?
¿ Por qué no sólo empuja el interruptor del emisor holográfico lo desconecta, y me saca del medio así puede tenerlo todo para él?
You can have it all But you still won't be satisfied Money can't buy it, baby Go, Paul!
Ve, Paul! Yeah!
Whenever you're having a nightmare like that and you can't get out of it, all you have to do is say, "One, two, three, wake up."
Cuando no puedas salir de una pesadilla, sólo tienes que decir : "Un, dos, tres, despierta".
I know they can't harm you... but I was thinking it can't hurt to have all the information you can about what's going on.
Sé que no pueden hacerte daño... pero estaba pensando que no está de más tener toda la información posible de lo que sucede.
It's two minutes away. Got all the Cup o'Ramen you can eat. And you don't have to worry about the help over-starching your shirts.
Está a 2 minutos, tengo sopa al instante de sobra y lo mejor de todo es que nadie te va a almidonar las camisas.
Ironic, isn't it- - that I can share with you, of all people, what I have hidden from everyone all my Iife.
Es irónico que, de entre todos, pueda compartir con usted aquello que he ocultado durante toda mi vida.
How is it you don't have a clue who you were before you came to us, but you can remember all that?
¿ Cómo es posible que no recuerdes quién eres, pero sí recuerdas estas cosas?
You can have your book after you finish your brownie. And I don't want your fingerprints all over it. That's enough.
Puedes tener tu libro cuando termines el pastel, y no quiero tus huellas por todos lados, Eso es suficiente,
Unless he can prove that you are you and that you have heard what it ´ s all about, it won ´ t count.
Si no prueban que tú eres tú y que le has oído, no vale.
And of course, when he went round to the Scene tojam... and then come back dragging an entourage of 20 people... into the control room, it became out of hand and I think... in the beginning Chas said, "Look, this is not gonna happen, Jimi... you can't have all these people partying and cluttering up the control rooms".
Cuando salía a improvisar por los clubes... y volvía arrastrando 20 personas... a la sala de controles, la cosa se nos iba de las manos... y Chas le dijo : "Jimi, no podemos tener... a toda esta gente aquí de fiesta. Así no se puede trabajar."
I think you can't just walk through a marriage and think once you get married it's all going to be roses and everything forever y'know you have... well everybody has their rows, but we've never yet had a row that we haven't managed to sort out
Creo que no puedes pasar por el matrimonio y pensar que una vez que te casas todo va a ser un jardin de rosas y felices para siempre una tiene que... Bueno, cada quien tiene sus problemas, pero Nunca hemos encontrado un problema que no hayamos podido sortear
You can't have it all.
No puedes tenerlo todo.
You think it's been easy for me all these years? Al can't have sex!
¿ Acaso crees que todos estos años han sido fáciles?
If he is all you say he is, I can do as much for him as you have done. But I don't believe a word of it! - If you were a gentleman...
Si se interpone entre nosotros ahora tendrá que ser para siempre.
You can't have your cake and eat it too, all the time.
No puedes nadar y guardar la ropa.
I have disposed of all my gains and thus I can't give you anything, But it could happen that I have to renounce becoming master-of-arms... Following the events of today.
He gastado todas las ganancias, así que no puedo devolverte nada, pero es posible que renuncie a convertirme en Maestro de armas después de lo que ha ocurrió hoy.
Of course, and above all, can't you have a bit of pleasure when you're offered it and you're young and pretty?
¿ Y sobre todo, ¿ no puede una darse el gusto cuando le viene el gusto y una es joven y guapa?
And? And well it's true, we all do have our little fantasies, you were wrong to think that men like you can't be in them.
Es verdad que todas tenemos fantasías, y te equivocas al pensar que tú no puedes formar parte de ellas.

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