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You can't just walk away traduction Espagnol

188 traduction parallèle
- You can't ask such a question and just walk away.
No se vaya después de hacerme esa pregunta. Se lo suplico.
You can't just walk away.
¡ Delito de fuga!
You can't just have a girl and then walk away.
No puedes acostarte con una chica y desaparecer.
This isn't the age when you can kill someone and just walk away.
No está en edad de matar a alguien y poder huir lejos.
You can't just dump a spy and walk away like that.
No puede traer a un espía y marcharse así.
You can't just walk away from someone like that. After all he is my child's father.
No puedo darlo por perdido, después de todo es su padre...
You can't just walk away from all these people. What's wrong?
No puedes irte así como así. ¿ Cuál es tu problema?
You can't just walk away like that, young lady. It's not so easy. I will never let you get away!
No puedes irte tan facilmente jovencita, no es tan sencillo... nunca dejaré que te vayas!
Can't you ever just be man enough to walk away?
¿ No puedes ser tan hombre como para dejarlo pasar?
This is prime information. You can't just walk away.
Es de buena fuente, no puedes echarte atrás.
You can't just walk away.
No puedes irte así nomás.
You can't just walk away from this, Claire. Not here.
- No te puedes ir así, Karen.
You can't just walk away.
No lo puedes superar.
You can't just walk away from it.
No puedes dejarla simplemente.
I bet there's somebody else in Hamlet, but you can't just walk away.
Apuesto a que hay otra en Hamlet, pero no te puedes ir así sin más.
I can't let you just walk away.
No te puedo dejarte ir sin más.
Well... no problem is so remittable that you can't just walk away from it.
Bueno... Ningún problema es tan grande, que no se pueda resolver.
You just can't walk into a restaurant, roll a joint and puff away.
No puedes llegar a un restaurante y fumar un cigarrillo de marihuana.
You can't just turn and walk away from me like that.
No puedes irte y dejarme así.
Wait, you can't just walk away after dropping a bomb on me like that.
Espera, no puedes sólo irte después de tirarme una bomba como esa.
You can't just walk away from your responsibilities because you made a mistake.
No puede darnos la espalda por haber cometido un error.
You can't just walk in here and take my daddy's job away!
¡ No puedes solo venir aqui y quitarle el trabajo a mi papa!
I wanted to say that it's not that I don't appreciate all you're trying to do, but I can't just walk away from him.
Sólo quería decir que no es que no aprecie todo lo que intentan hacer. Pero, no puedo alejarme de él.
Yeah. Besides, you can't just win and walk away.
Además no pueden ganar y huir.
You can't just let him walk away!
no puedes dejar que se vaya!
You can't just let him walk away.
no puedes dejarle marchar.
You've got to keep doing it. You just can't walk away.
Tiene que seguir haciéndolo, no se puede dar la espalda.
You can't just let him walk away.
¡ No puedes dejar que se vaya!
Yeah, that's right, walk away. But, just like you said, you can't run from what you are.
Eso es, lárgate, pero, como dijiste, no puedes huir de lo que eres.
You can't just pull that line on me and walk away.
- No me puedes dar esa excusa e irte...
You're my daughter, I just can't walk away from that.
Eres mi hija, no puedo alejarme de eso.
I can't believe you're gonna just walk away from the best thing that ever happened to you.
No puedo creer que vas a abandonar lo mejor que te ha pasado.
Diya, you shouldn't have come away like this... When you love someone, you can't just walk away
Diya, usted no debe temer marchese si lo desea... cuando usted ama a alguien, usted simplemente no puede alejarse
Heather, you can't just walk away from the family.
Heather, no puedes alejarte de la familia.
Come back here. You... you can't just say something like that and walk away.
No puedes decir algo así y marcharte.
You can't just walk away.
No puedes irte así.
You can't let Nina Myers just walk away.
No pueden dejar que Nina Myers se vaya así.
Adrian, you can't just walk away like that.
Adrian, no puedes alejarte así nadamás.
Why can't you just walk away from your father?
¿ Por qué sencillamente no te alejas de tu padre?
You can't just walk away.
No puede dejarlo
You can't just walk away.
No puede alejarse.
You can't just walk away, pretend like it never happened and then get a job at Urban Outfitters or something,
No puedes huir, fingir que no pasó nada, y ponerte a trabajar en una tienda de ropa.
Kath, and you can't just walk away from it.
No puedes irte y listo.
You can't just walk away from that kind of time.
No puedes escapar sin más de un tiempo como ése.
Look, Turk, you know, I... I can't just go and tell Kane he should walk away from a deal he already has in place just'cause some guy that he doesn't know flashes some cash at me.
Mira, Turco yo... no puedo ir y decirle a Kane que debe abandonar un trato que ya tiene arreglado sólo porque un tipo al que no conoce me muestra efectivo.
Hey, man, you know, I don't wanna screw with your life, but you can't just walk away with a million dollars and expect people to be like, "Hey, yeah, thanks a lot pal,"
Oye, amigo, sabes, no quiero meterme en tu vida pero no puedes irte con un millón de dólares así nomás y esperar que la gente diga : "Sí, muchas gracias amigo".
You just face facts that it can't happen... walk away.
Debes aceptar que hay cosas que no sucederán... y te retiras.
You can't just walk away, Jonathan.
No puedo entender como te fuiste.
- You can't just walk away from me. - No?
- No puedes hacerme a un lado.
I'm trying to remind you of what your powers can do, and why you can't just walk away from a gift like that.
Trato de mostrarte que puedes usar tus poderes y que no puedes renunciar a un don como ese.
But you can't just walk away?
Claro, pero... tú no vas a irte

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