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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ Y ] / You come with me

You come with me traduction Espagnol

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Hey, why don't you come with me?
Oye... ¿ por qué no me acompañas?
.. why don't you come with me?
¿ Por qué no vienes conmigo?
Can you come with me?
¿ Puede acompañarme?
So will you come with me?
¿ Entonces vendrás conmigo?
The only chance you have at survival is if you come with me right now.
Tu única posibilidad de sobrevivir es venir conmigo ahora mismo.
Excuse me, ma'am. Will you come with me?
Disculpe, señora. ¿ Puede venir conmigo?
Why don't you come with me?
¿ Por qué no vienes conmigo?
You come with me!
¡ Ven conmigo!
Excuse me. Can you come with me?
Disculpa ¿ podrías venir conmigo?
You can't come with me.
No puedes venir conmigo.
I need you to come back with me.
Necesito que vuelvas aquí conmigo.
And you, come with me.
Y tú, ven conmigo.
Dr. Pascal, I think you need to come with me.
Dr. Pascal, creo que necesita venir conmigo.
Maybe you come with me?
Quizás puedes venir conmigo.
and spend the rest of my life with, and maybe if we can just find a way for me to remember her, then, bam, it'll all come rushing back to me, and the hairs on the back of my neck will stand up, and I can save you.
y quizá si pudiera hallar el modo de recordarla, entonces lo recordaría todo de golpe... y el cabello en mi nuca se erizaría y podría salvarte.
I want you to come with me to the radio room.
Quiero que vengas conmigo a la sala de radio,
You, come with me.
Tú, ven conmigo.
I want you to come with me.
Quiero que vengas conmigo.
- You know what? You should come to a party with me tonight in Chinatown.
Sabes, deberías venir conmigo a una fiesta esta noche, en el barrio chino.
I got a message you wanted me to come talk with you.
Tengo un mensaje que deseabas que venga a hablar contigo.
Can you come and help me with this quick change?
¿ Puede ayudarme a cambiarme?
- Why don't you, and come on back here, tell me what's wrong with it.
Bueno, miralo, y vuelve aquí de nuevo. Dime cuál es el desperfecto.
- You could come with me.
Podrías venir conmigo.
- I said you could come with me.
Dije que podrías venir conmigo.
If you could come with me, we might be able to pull her round.
Si usted viniera conmigo, podríamos hacer que cambiara de opinión.
When are you guys gonna let me come fight crime with you?
¿ Cuándo van a dejarme ir a luchar contra el crimen con ustedes?
You should come and hang out with me.
Deberías venir y pasarla conmigo.
Look, man, seriously, what is wrong with you to come down here and ask me to bang on a brother in front of all these people?
En serio, ¿ qué te pasa que vienes aquí queriendo que delate a un amigo frente a todos?
- You have to come with me right away.
- Tienes que venir conmigo.
Dad... I was wondering if I could come live with you... at yours.
Papá... me preguntaba si podría ir a vivir contigo... en tu casa.
I'll come for you soon just as soon as I deal with Chang.
Iré a por ti en cuanto me ocupe de Chang.
- No. When I come through Cheyenne, with a wife and baby and no way to provide weren't necessary for you to hire me neither.
Cuando vine a Cheyenne, con una esposa, un bebé y sin manera de sustentarlos, tampoco le hacía falta contratarme.
Why don't you come outside with me and Adelynn?
¿ Por qué no sales conmigo y con Adelynn?
You should probably come with me.
Probablemente deberías venir conmigo.
After they finish with me, they'll come for you.
Después de que acaben conmigo, vendrán a por nosotros.
You shouldn't have to come to Winterfell with me.
No deberíais tener que venir a Invernalia conmigo.
Why did you come treat with me?
¿ Por qué habéis bajado a parlamentar conmigo?
I need to go, and you need to come with me.
Tengo que irme, y tú tienes que venir conmigo.
As long as you cling to that silly, useless eye, you can't come up to live with me. In the heavens.
Mientras te aferres a ese tonto ojo inútil... no podrás venir a vivir conmigo en los Cielos.
You wanna come on here with me?
¿ Quieres venir conmigo?
Why did you ask me to come with you?
¿ Por qué me pediste que te acompañara?
You bring that creature to me right now or I'll come banging at your door with the police and a team full of lawyers.
Tráeme esa criatura ya mismo, O iré a tu puerta con la policía y todo un equipo de abogados.
And if you come back here again, you'll have to deal with me.
Y si vuelves aquí otra vez, tendrás que vértelas conmigo.
Of course, I'm more than happy to accommodate you if you come back with a different warrant.
Por supuesto, me encantaría ayudarlos si vuelven con una orden diferente.
I'm going to bust him right now if you want to come with me.
Voy a trincarlo ahora si quieres venir conmigo...
I wanted you to come with me.
Quería que me acompañaras.
You two come with me.
Vengan ustedes dos.
You know I will come up with a plan!
¡ Sabes que se me ocurrirá un plan!
When you're done with these clowns, you come and meet me up there, we'll do a little "Three Sisters."
Cuando terminen con estos bobos, vengan a verme. Haremos "Las tres hermanas".
- Oh, man. - You gotta come with me to America, dude.
Tienes que venir conmigo a América, viejo.
Are you sure you won't come back with me?
¿ Está seguro que no quiere regresar conmigo?

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