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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ Y ] / You could have died

You could have died traduction Espagnol

197 traduction parallèle
Many years ago, here, on this boat you could have died.
Hace muchos años, aquí en este barco pudiste morir.
You could have died for sure
Pero lo cierto es que a ti también te pasa.
Do you know you could have died?
¿ No sabes que podrías morir?
You could have died!
¡ Te has podido matar!
Are you trying to tell me you could have died?
¿ Estás tratando de decirme Puede que han muerto?
You could have died in that pool.
Podrían haber muerto en esa piscina.
But you could have died?
- Pero... ¿ podías haber muerto?
You could have died as a human being... had you allowed the medication to take effect.
Pudiste haber muerto como un ser humano si hubieras dejado que el medicamento hiciera efecto.
You could have died because of thy God.
Hoy podrías haber muerto por causa de tu Dios.
Well, if you'd stayed... busy much longer you could have died.
Si hubiera seguido tan ocupado, podria haber muerto.
You could have died!
¡ Podrías haberte matado!
Those two minutes you could have died.
Podrías haber muerto en esos dos minutos.
I'm thinking you could have died in the crash.
Estoy pensando que podría haber muerto en el accidente.
You could have died, Kelly.
Podrías haber muerto, Kelly.
You could have died.
¡ Se podían haber muerto!
If the bullet had hit an artery, you could have died.
Si la bala impactaba en una arteria, podrías haber muerto.
- You could have died two times.
- Podías morir de dos muertes.
- You could have died in that fire.
Pudiste morir en ese incendio.
I left you behind, and you could have died.
Te he dejado atrás, y podías haber muerto.
You're a dang fool. You could have died out there.
Podrías haber muerto.
You could have died jumping off that bridge.
Podrías haber muerto, saltando de aquel puente.
I could have died all alone. Not that you'd give a damn.
Podría morirme aquí sola, mientras tú andas por ahí.
And I could have been the lawyer If I threw you out of the house When our parents died,
Yo habría sido el abogado, habría llegado a serlo de no preocuparme por ti... cuando nuestros padres murieron.
All those who could save you have died.
Todos los que podrían haberte salvado han muerto.
Well, he could have died from natural causes, you know. Oh.
Pudo morir de una causa natural.
You could have died...
¿ Cómo puedo?
If only your eyes were blue I could have died for you
Si hubieses tenido ojos azules, hubiese podido de amor morir por ti Si hubieses tenido ojos azules, hubiese podido de amor morir por ti
Of course, when is father died here Frank was never born... You never could have gotten married, because the progression of history went over... no, no, no.
Por supuesto, cuando su padre murió aquí Frank nunca nació... y nunca os pudisteis casar, porque la progresión de la historia se fue... no, no, no.
And, another way he could have died... I always felt, was... dying out of pure frustration. Just saying, you know, "Fuck it."
Otra forma en la que pudo haber muerto siempre sentí que estaba muriendo de frustración.
You don't suppose my sister's family could have died, do you?
No crees que la familia de mi hermana vaya a morir, ¿ verdad?
You could have married her after he died.
Pudiste casarte con ella después de que él muriese.
It's terrible to say this, but I think if... if Dan had died when the two of you were in Vietnam, Dad could have handled that.
Me siento fatal sólo por decirlo, pero creo que si si Dan hubiera muerto en Vietnam, cuando estaba contigo papá lo habría podido superar.
So if you ask me, she could have died the moment she walked through that door.
Así que, si me preguntan, podría haber muerto ni bien cruzó esa puerta.
So, he could have died to at least twelve twenty eight, he told you about?
O sea que pudo morir a las 12 : 28, como le dijo a usted.
You could have died.
Podías haberte matado.
Do you know how many people could have died?
¿ Sabes a cuantas personas pudo haber matado? - Sí, pero no murió nadie.
You could have died.
¡ Podrías haber muerto!
You could have died.
Podrías haber muerto.
He died so you could have what you wanted.
Murió para que pudiera obtener lo que quería.
He could have died, you asshole.
Podría haber muerto, cretino.
It could've been anywhere, place, time that she wouldn't have been if you'd died.
Pudo ser en cualquier lugar y tiempo... donde no hubiera estado si tú hubieras muerto.
I know this was hardest on the four of you, but if you hadn't stopped at this planet, all the people who died here would have been forgotten. And if they could, I know they'd thank you.
Sé que esto fue difícil para ustedes cuatro, pero si no se hubieran detenido aquí, todas las personas que murieron hubieran sido olvidadas y si pudieran, sé que se los agradecerían.
And due to a trick of Fate, when Giacomo could have helped you with the money from Alberto, Cucchiara died. Taking your debts with him... to hell, I hope.
Pero, por caprichos del destino... cuando él podía ayudarla más fácilmente, porque había heredado de Alberto... el Sr. Cuchiara murió y se llevó sus deudas a la tumba.
Her father could have died in November, or Thanksgiving could have been really special for them, but I go with the birthday, and validate it now as if I knew by saying, - "He wishes you a happy birthday."
Seguí con el cumpleaños y ahora lo afirmo como si supiera, diciendo : "Te desea un feliz cumpleaños"
I could have died and you wouldn't even have noticed. I could have been dead....
- Me podría haber muerto y tú no te hubieras enterado...
Your Aunt Minnie could've died and you wouldn't have missed it.
Aunque hubiera muerto tu tía Minnie no te lo habrías perdido.
She could have fucking died. You know, from her miscarriage.
Pudo haberse muerto de un aborto espontáneo.
Stanley, do you know how many people died so you could have the right to vote? !
Sabes cuantas personas han muerto para que tu tengas el derecho a votar?
But lf you could have killed her by wishing it, she should have died a thousand times!
¡ Pero si pudieran matarla con sólo desearlo, habría muerto mil veces!
You hauled Grant out of the ER, day he died.
Quizás quisiste decir : You could have sent him into anaphylactic shock. / I missed it, sorry. Escribe texto o la dirección de un sitio web o traduce un documento.
We could have died, and then, as if that wasn't bad enough... you got a flat tire.
Podíamos haber muerto, y entonces, por si eso no fuera suficiente- - Tuvieron un pinchazo.

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