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You could have said no traduction Espagnol

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You could have said no.
Podrías haber dicho que no.
You could have said no... Or asked me...
Habrías podido negarte o consultarme.
You could have said no!
- Pudiste decirle "no".
Yeah, and you could have said no.
Sí, y podrías haber dicho que no.
I wish I could have given you the news you wanted to hear. But I will conclude with what the prisoner said when the hangman couldn't find the rope.
Me habría gustado poder decirles lo que tanto querían escuchar... pero como no pude, sólo concluiré diciendo... lo que el prisionero dijo cuando el verdugo no encontraba la soga :
"When I have a child," she said, " neither you nor anyone else could ever prove it wasn't yours.
"Cuando tenga un hijo", me dijo, " ni tú ni ninguna otra persona podrá probar que no es tuyo.
all this you said about my career... you don't think I could have it if I was innocent?
¿ No creen que- - todo esto que dijeron sobre mi carrera- - no creen que podría tenerlo si fuera inocente?
If you didn't like it you could have said.
Si no te gustaba ¿ por qué no lo dijiste?
If you weren't happy with us, you could have said so.
Si no estabas contento en casa, ¡ Podías haberlo dicho!
No prophet of old could have said a finer thing than you have just said.
Ningún profeta pudo haber dicho algo mejor que lo que Ud. dijo.
Then what you said to me back there on the river was a lie about how you never could have done it alone and how you'd lost your heart and everything.
O sea que lo que me dijiste en el río era mentira. Me dijiste que no hubieras podido solo y que habías perdido la cabeza por mí.
If I'd said one word or made one gesture instead of another! Can you see how tragic it is that a word you can't ever take back could have led to Michel's death?
Si yo hubiese dicho una palabra o comprendido un gesto en lugar... de otro. ¿ No se da cuenta lo atroz que es que una palabra que ya no puede borrarse haya sido lo que provocó la muerte de mi hijo?
I said you could say it again. That doesn't mean you have to repeat it.
Te he dicho que puedes decirlo otra vez, no que lo repitas.
You couldn't have said all those things without meaning some of them, could you?
No pudo decir todo lo que dijo sin sentirlo.
I could have said, "Not being murdered because you disagreed with people."
Podría haber dicho : "No ser asesinado por discrepar con los demás".
She was upset, you could have said yes.
Ves que no está bien, puedes decirle que sí.
What could not have said it before you leave, instead of disappearing like that?
¿ Y no podías haberlo dicho antes de marcharte, en vez de desaparecer así?
That's what I'm trying to say. Nearly everything you said I could never have said it. No, I mean it sir.
Ni yo me hubiera expresado tan bien.
You could have said that over the phone.
Y no tenemos posibilidades.
Let me put it to you, could the accused have said, "Let me go, I will kill him"?
La garantía de libertad no es extensible a los asesinos.
Hey, if I was putting on a few pounds, you could have said somethin'.
Si me veías más gordo, ¿ por qué no me lo has dicho?
A tip? Look, I said I'd be your cover, but you could have made me a pilot or a mechanic, but no.
Mira, dije que sería tu espía... pero podrías haberme hecho piloto o mecánico, pero no.
Before you know it, I could be gone, and we won't have said some important stuff.
Antes de que te enteres, podria morir y no hemos dicho las cosas importantes.
We have enough pies and cakes and preserves to last us for years. so I won't tell you what she said we could have to drink.
Tenemos suficientes pasteles y bizcochos y conservas para durarnos años. No son buenos modales decirle a tus invitados lo que vas a servir, así que no te diré lo que podemos beber.
Of course we said you could have the Cauldron. It's not our fault you can't do anything with it.
- Claro que dijimos que les daríamos el caldero no es nuestra culpa que no puedan hacer nada con el.
You could have said you didn't want dinner. I had to rush!
Pudiste decirme que no querías cenar en vez de apresurarme.
You said we could have all the ice cream we wanted... but didn't say anything about parking.
Dijeron que nos darían el helado que quisiéramos, pero no mencionaron nada de estacionar.
I'm hung over, my knees are killing me, and if you're gonna pull this shit, at least you could have said you were from the Yankees.
¡... no me jodas, a menos que sea para jugar con los yankees!
And if you don`t have a date... we always said that if neither one of us had a date... we could be together for New Year`s.
Y si tú no tienes compañía... siempre dijimos que si ninguno de nosotros tenía compañía... podríamos estar juntos para Año Nuevo.
Maybe you would have said no, but this could mean a senior vice-presidency.
Quizá te habrías negado, pero podría llegar a vicepresidente.
My roommate, Mrs Otis... said I could stay while her family visited... but I said "No thanks... I might have my own visitor", and here you are.
Mi compañera de habitación, la Sra. Otis... quería que me quedara en la visita de su familia, pero he dicho : "No, gracias, yo tendré mi propia visita", y aquí está.
No, tell my secretary I said you could have a free apple.
No, digale a mi secretaria que puede tener una manzana gratis.
Hey, I could have got you a Chicago Bears mug with a fill-up but I said, " No.
Oye, Pude haberte comprado un tazon de los osos de Chicago pero dije, " No.
You could have said that right off the bat.
Podrías haberme dicho enseguida que no tenías nada que hacer
You know, I think I could have forgiven you anything if you'd have just once said, "No. Enough,"
Sabes, pienso... que podría perdonarte cualquier cosa... si hubieras dicho una sola vez, "No, basta."
Look, when I said you could have the western territories, I didn't mean all 11 states!
Cuando dije que podías vender en el territorio oeste no me refería a los once estados.
"Yes, I am Daniel," and there starts out, "pleased to meet you," and there starts out what could turn into... well, as long as her name is Esther, if shes called Alice she keeps going, it doesnt register either, however much you say Esther to her....... once, one was coming, I said, "Esther" she turned around and said, "My name is José Luis," and nothing started out because I dont go for that sort, that sort of neither that guy nor any other guy, I mean, it isnt my thing, my parents brought me up in a certain manner and I have seen my way to responding to that education, honoring, honoring it, let us say, I was educated in the freedom to be able to think whatever I feel like, but yes, things were done in a certain manner ; it was also necessary to respect others, because each person could do what he or she wanted with her life, right?
"sí, yo soy Daniel", y se entabla, ¿ eh? , "mucho gusto", y se entabla lo que puede llegar a ser... bueno, siempre y cuando se llame Esther, si se llama Alicia sigue viaje, tampoco se entera, por más que uno le diga Esther....... una vez venía caminando una, le dije "Esther" se dio vuelta y me dijo "yo me llamo José Luis", y no se entabló nada porque a mí no me va ese tipo de, ese tipo de ni ese tipo ni ningún tipo, quiero decir, no es lo mío, a mí me educaron mis padres de una manera y yo he sabido responder a esa educación, honrando, honrándola, digamos, me educaron en la libertad de poder pensar lo que me dé la gana, pero sí, las cosas se hacían de una forma ; también había que poder respetar a los demás, porque cada cual podía hacer de su vida lo que se le diera la gana, ¿ no?
I'm not sure you could have said it, Al.
NO estoy seguro que ni siquiera lo pudieras haber dicho Al.
When I told him His Grace had not signed the note, he said you must have it, or the beasts could not be bought at the best price.
Cuando le dije que milord no había firmado la nota, dijo que tenía que tenerlo, o que no podría comprar las bestias al mejor precio.
You said I could not have addressed you in any way that would have induced you to accept me.
Dijo que no podría haberme dirigido a usted... en ninguna forma que la hubiese tentado a aceptarme.
Mom, you said I could have one souvenir, right?
Dijiste que podía llevar un souvenir, ¿ no?
You could have just said, "No, thank you."
Pudo sólo haber dicho : "No, gracias".
Buffy, when I said you could slay vampires and have a social life, - I didn't mean at the same time.
Puedes cazar vampiros y tener vida social, pero no a la vez.
- You could have just said that to us.
Si es tan simple pudiste decírnoslo. - ¿ Quién dijo que no estábamos preparados para diferir un juicio de 30 años? - Ally.
No, I said that I didn't know if the two of you could ever have children.
No, dije que no sabía si vosotros dos podríais tener hijos.
And I said, "We didn't do anything." And she said, "You could have." And I said, "Well, I might love him."
Y le dije : "No pasó nada" y me dijo : "Pues pudo pasar", y le dije : "Quizás lo ame" y me dijo : "No sabes qué es eso", y dije : "Hago lo que quiero" y ella me dijo :
Don't you remember, her paw said'f I ever was worth fifty dollars I could have her.
¿ No te acuerdas? Su padre dijo que si consiguiera 50 dólares, podría tenerla. ¡ ¿ 50 dólares?
- I thought you said I could have the bed tonight.
- ¿ No iba a dormir en la cama?
You could have said something sooner so I didn't make a fool of myself.
Podrías haberlo dicho antes para no quedar como tonto.
This hunger strike started because you wouldn't allow Said... to have food in his cell at night so he could fast during the day.
La huelga de hambre empezó porque no dejaron que Said... comiera de noche en su celda y ayunara durante el día.
When you said that it was only the two of us that could have done it, I was so sure you thought it was me,
Cuando dijiste que sólo uno de los dos podría haberlo hecho, estaba tan convencida que yo no había sido.

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