You just said that traduction Espagnol
2,807 traduction parallèle
- You just said that about Mrs Bridges.
- Acabas de decir eso sobre la Sra. Bridges.
But you just said that you weren't.
Pero acabas de decir que vosotros no.
You just said that.
Ya lo has dicho.
You just said that it wasn't yours.
- Acabas de decir que no era tuya.
You just said that.
Ya dijiste eso.
So you just said that...
Así que sólo dijiste eso.
You just said that the cancer was gone.
Pero acaba de decir que el cáncer ya no estaba.
Okay, but you just said that you love Navid.
Vale, pero acabas de decir que quieres a Navid.
Mr. Speaker, you just said that if you're elected, the price of gas will be $ 2.50 a gallon.
Señor Presidente, usted acaba de decir que si fuera elegido, el precio de la gasolina sería de 2,50 dólares el galón.
So, I just got off the phone with Mr. Marshall, and he said that you are not participating in the rehearsals for Spring Sing.
Acabo de hablar por teléfono con el Sr. Marshall, y me ha dicho que no estás participando Tu sabes bailar ahora.
It's just... the other day you said in business I have no friends, and you were right about Bradley, so what does that say about you?
Es solo... el otro día dijo que en los negocios no tengo amigos, y tenía usted razón sobre Bradley,
And like he said in his dumb lectures, sex scandal nowadays just means that you got yourself a book tour, a reality show, and a movie deal, for crying out loud.
Y como dijo en sus tontas clases, el escándalo sexual en estos días sólo significa que obtienes una gira literaria, un reality show, y un contrato para una película, por el amor de Dios.
I just... I needed a guy's opinion on the whole casual sex thing, and he was acting like he was above it all, which I thought was disingenuous, given the fact that without even knowing your name, he invited you to Fiji, so I just said the word "Fiji."
Solo necesitaba la opinión de un tío con lo del sexo casual, y estaba actuando como si estuviese por encima de todo, lo que me pareció una farsa, teniendo en cuenta que sin saber ni tu nombre,
- You coulda just said that. - I did.
- Podrías simplemente haberlo dicho.
You could have just said that, Dr. Rosen.
Podría haberse limitado a decir eso, Dr. Rosen.
I know I said that we had to wait until I got divorced, but now that I am divorced, I just don't feel comfortable jumping right into bed with you.
Sé que dije que teníamos que esperar que estuviera divorciada, pero ahora, no me siento cómoda yéndome a la cama contigo.
It's just that you... are free, and could have said no, but you said yes.
Sólo que usted... es libre, y pudo decir que no, pero dijo que sí.
Look, I-I know it's not who you were expecting, but remember how you always said that being gay was just a phase, that I-I just needed to meet the right girl?
Mira, sé que no es quien te esperabas, pero, ¿ recuerdas cuando me decías que ser gay era solo una fase, que solo necesitaba conocer a la chica adecuada?
What you just said implies that you and Ms Lau had a compromising relationship
Lo que usted acaba de decir. Implica que usted y la Sra. Lau tuvieron una relación comprometida.
Mr. To, what you just said clearly implies that the alleged harassment came after you had sex with her
Sr. To, lo que usted acaba de decir claramente implica eso. El presunto acoso. Se produjo después de que tuviera relaciones sexuales con ella.
Was that true what you just said about Lily Jones?
¿ Era cierto lo que acabas de decir sobre Lily Jones?
If I'm watching The daily show, Can I call you and repeat funny things that Jon Stewart has just said?
Si estoy mirando The Daily Show, ¿ puedo llamarte y repetirte las cosas graciosas que dijo Jon Stewart?
While you said all that, two cats went into the corner and I'm fairly certain, just made another cat.
Mientras decías todo eso, dos gatos se fueron a la esquina y estoy bastante seguro de que acaban de engendrar otro gato.
Good ide... you should have just said that.
Podrías haber comenzado con eso.
It was like you just committed, Like, the cardinal sin to us and So as a group we said that can't Happen.
Era como si acabas de cometer el pecado capital. Y así como un grupo dijimos que eso no puede suceder.
Just as you said, since it was that easy for me to like you, this time it will be easy too.
Como dijiste una vez... como fue tan fácil enamorarme de ti, también será fácil enamorarme de alguien más.
For you to, well, let's just say, bang a woman in his apartment when he's not there... a woman who, I might add, is there for the sole purpose of disinfecting and cleansing said apartment... that might cross the line into inappropriate behavior.
Cuando tú, bueno, digamos que, te tiras a una mujer en su apartamento cuando él no está... una mujer que, por cierto, está allí con el único propósito de desinfectar y limpiar dicho apartamento... eso podría empezar a ser una conducta inapropiada.
Jenna just said she's about to leave, so if you want to get that round in, you better go quick.
Jenna dijo que iba a irse, así que si quieres entrar en esta ronda, date prisa.
I just know this game is not fair, but, you know, no one said the "big brother" game is fair, but I definitely think that I proved myself in the first h.O.H. Competition.
Sé que este juego no es justo pero pero creo que lo demostré en la primera prueba del lider. Fui muy grande.
Elaine Barrish Hammond, just minutes from addressing the pack ballroom at the Cliff Hotel in Chicago, there's not much you can say about the governor that hasn't been said.
Elaine Barrish Hammond, solo unos minutos antes de dirigirse a la multitud de la sala de baile del Hotel Cliff de Chicago, no hay mucho que decir sobre la gobernadora que no haya sido ya dicho.
What you just said, coupled with the phone records gives us enough- - more than enough- - to prove that you orchestrated the whole thing.
Lo que acabas de decir, junto con los registros del teléfono nos da suficiente... más que suficiente... para probar que tú orquestaste todo.
No, what I said was that I needed time and so that I would just... - You kind of said you loved me too.
De alguna manera, tu también dijiste como que me amabas.
Everything would have been cool if you hadn't said that. You just talk too much.
Todo iba bien hasta que dijiste eso, hablas demasiado.
Derek, did you ever stop to think that said ass-hat is exhibiting this behavior just to get under your skin?
Derek, ¿ acaso no pensaste que ese Don Nadie se comporta de ese modo para provocarte?
Wait, what are you saying? Oh, man. No, maybe she just said that because she felt threatened by you, his girlfriend checking her out.
Espera, ¿ qué estás sugiriendo? Quizás solo dijo eso porque se sintió amenazada por su novia investigándola.
When I said I wanted three kids and you said "sounds good," were you just saying that to shut me up?
Cuando dije que quería tener tres niños y tu dijiste "suena bien", estabas diciendo eso solo para callarme la boca?
And he said that you could get to the Atlantic from just here.
Y me dijo que usted podría llegar al Atlántico desde aquí.
When you said they told people, "just don't do that,"
Cuando usted dijo le dijeron a las personas, "Simplemente no haga eso,"
Look, I was just wondering, you said that you and Sarah were friends.
Mira, me estaba preguntando, dijiste que Sarah y tú erais amigos.
I just talked to Dot, and she said that if the mother never showed up, that we would have a chance, you know, if we want to adopt Charlie.
Hablé con Dot, y dijo que si la madre no aparece, que podríamos tener, si quisiéramos, la opción de adoptar a Charlie.
You know, I just feel terrible that I wasn't able to show up at your announcement, as I said I would.
Sabes, me siento fatal... por no haber podido aparecer en tu anuncio. como te dije que haría.
You just tell David I said good-bye, and that's just the way it is.
Solo dile a David que he dicho adiós, y que esto es lo que hay.
You just said so yourself that he's an outsider.
Acaba de decirlo usted mismo, que está un poco fuera de sitio.
But... maybe I just said that to make myself feel better about us because the truth is... there's no way to separate your money from who you are.
Pero... quizá solo lo dije para hacerme sentir mejor sobre nosotros porque la verdad es que... no hay forma de separar tu dinero de quien eres.
I just cannot believe that he said "I love you"
Yo simplemente no puedo creer que dijera : "Te amo"
Yeah, that's the stupidest thing you said yet, and just dumb enough to seem smart to Glitch.
Si, esa es la cosa mas estúpida que has dicho hasta ahora, y suficientemente tonta para parecer inteligente para Glitch.
When you said that you had never been there, I thought maybe you were just nervous, or that you'd forgotten.
Cuando dijiste que nunca habías estado allí, pensé que quizá simplemente estabas nervioso o que te habías olvidado.
You said it would just be Barnum's and the docks that would burn, late at night, when no innocent people were around.
Dijiste que solo sería Barnum y los muelles lo que iba a arder, tarde, por la noche, cuando no hubiera gente inocente cerca.
I heard what Liz said about you, and I just have to say that I have known Liz a long, long, long time and she's totally shady.
He escuchado lo que Liz dijo de ti, y únicamente tengo que decir que conozco a Liz desde hace mucho, mucho, mucho tiempo y es realmente maliciosa.
It says that you're a really good guy who took on the responsibility of supporting his family when he could have just said, "get lost," you know, that you can excel at whatever you put your mind to, whether it's your plan "b" or your
Dice que eres un buen tipo que realmente asume... la responsabilidad de mantener a su familia cuando simplemente podría... digamos, "perderse", que puedes sobresalir en cualquier cosa que puedes ponerle tu empeño si es tu plan "b" o tu
I thought we were just gonna chat, and so when I finally got to the end of my story, you said something like, "The reason I wanted to come and see you " is that I have something kind of important to tell you. "
Pensé que sólo íbamos a charlar y así que cuando finalmente llegué al fin de mi historia dijiste algo como, "La razón por la que quise venir a verte es porque tengo algo bastante importante que decirte".
you just got home 17
you just don't get it 121
you just wait 46
you just do it 28
you just don't know it yet 34
you just let me know 45
you just left 30
you just watch 30
you just don't 25
you just don't understand 39
you just don't get it 121
you just wait 46
you just do it 28
you just don't know it yet 34
you just let me know 45
you just left 30
you just watch 30
you just don't 25
you just don't understand 39