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You lied to him traduction Espagnol

246 traduction parallèle
You lied to him.
Le mentiste.
You lied to him.
Tu placa...
You lied to him to get to the spa.
Le mentiste para ir al balneario
You lied to him, too.
Le mentiste también
However, it would appear that when you first met the prisoner in Hamburg - you lied to him about your marital status.
Sin embargo, Frau Helm, parecería que cuando usted conoció al acusado le mintió acerca de su estado civil.
Now you're lying to me just like you lied to him.
Me mientes de la misma forma que le mentiste.
- You lied to him.
iLe mentiste!
You're gonna tell him you lied to him?
¿ En serio quieres decirle que le has mentido?
You Papist liar. You lied to him!
Papista mentiroso. ¡ Le ha mentido!
But you lied to him.
Pero le mentiste.
You lied to him, you stole from him.
Le mentiste, le robaste.
And you lied to him about the photograph.
Y tu le mentiste acerca de la fotografia.
Bridger will know that you lied to him.
Bridger sabrá que le mentiste.
And you lied to him.
- Le has mentido. - Le he mentido al capitán Kirk.
You deceived your husband for six months. You lied to him.
- ¿ Engañó a su esposo por seis meses y...
- Then he'll know you lied to him.
- Y descubriría que le habías mentido.
He found out you lied to him, that you were just using him, turning him into a thief.
Descubrió que le mentías, que lo usabas, que lo convertías en un ladrón.
Oh, God, that you lied to him for one.
Oh, Dios que usted mintió a él para uno.
- No, you lied to him.
- No, no. Le mentiste.
You don't dare tell him how you've lied to him.
No te atreves a reconocer tu mentira.
You followed our little friend then lied to Lorenz about stumbling over him.
Tú seguiste al pequeño amigo. Y le mentiste a Lorenz que casi chocas con éI.
You led this court to believe you were the parents when you had no legal claim to him whatever! You lied!
Dejaron que la corte creyese que eran los padres cuando resulta que no tienen ningún derecho legal. ¡ Ha mentido!
In a few day, you would have lied to him about me.
En uno días, me estarás engañando con él.
I lied to you, Mr. Jordan. I wasn ´ t interested in him, not for a second.
Le mentí, Sr. Jordan. No estaba interesada en él, ni por un segundo.
I lied to you just now. I had to put up with him last night.
Al principio le mentí y he tenido que soportarlo.
But you told him that Mrs. Stanford was willing to testify that she'd lied?
Pero, ¿ le dijo que la Sra. Stanford declararía que había mentido?
I could've lied to you. I could've filled your head with lies. I could have said that I wanted the kid, that I'd take him to the States with me.
Pude mentirte, llenarte la cabeza de mentiras, decirte que quería al niño, que le llevaría a Estados Unidos y otras mentiras.
I've lied to my brother. I told him the foreigner forced you to flee.
He mentido a mi hermano diciéndole que seguiste al extranjero obligada
If only you hadn't lied to him in the first place.
Si le hubieses dicho la verdad desde el principio.
You can tell him you lied to your Aunt Callie, Uncle Ike and Cousin Zack, all that's easy.
Dile que mentiste a la tía Callie, al tío Ike y al primo Zack. Todo eso es muy fácil.
You lied to me. Go get him!
- Me mentiste. ¡ Tráemelo!
Had been waiting on him at the starting line, wouldn't even budge... Until you lied to her about him throwing her over...
Que ni siquiera quería moverse hasta que le mentiste.
I lied to you when I told you I'd never seen him again.
Le mentí cuando le dije que no lo había vuelto a ver.
I know you were the last to see him alive You lied to me about parting at the door.
Me ha mentido, usted ha abandonado la habitación esta noche.
And Donny had a camera and we went and we lied down. I lied down next to him and we all got around him and we took a bunch of pictures, like family pictures and we're all going, "Hi", you know and taking pictures and stuff.
Nos tumbamos alrededor de el, y con la camara de Donny nos hicimos unas fotos, como fotos de familia diciendo "hola" y eso.
Will you love me forever, I said to him, and this is what he lied to me :
¿ Me amarás siempre? , le pregunté. Él me respondió así :
My father lied to you and you believed him.
- ¿ Le has creído? - ¡ Cállate!
You're telling me the things you promised this guy, lied to him.
Hablas de las cosas que le prometieron, pero le mintieron.
If Picard's knowledge and experience is part of you, then you know I've never lied to him.
Si los conocimientos y experiencia de Picard están en usted, sabrá que nunca le mentiría.
You think I lied to William so I could kill him?
¿ Creen que le mentí a William para matarlo?
I knew you were going to, so I lied to you. What did you tell him?
Sabía que ibas a hacerlo, así que te mentí. ¿ Qué le dijiste?
Havert you just finished proving... Weiss lied about my client hiring him to kill his wife?
¿ Acaso Weiss no mintió al decir que mi cliente lo usó para asesinar a su esposa?
Well, you lied to me about him being dead.
Me dijiste que estaba muerto.
Did you tell him that you know that he lied to you?
¿ Le dijiste que sabes que te mintió?
He lied to you, so that you would help him in his plan.
Les mintió para que colaboraran con su plan.
Steven, would you rather she lied and snuck off to see him?
¿ Prefieres que te engañe y lo vea a escondidas?
You lied that an Indian girl can be a wife to a foreigner like him.
Se engañó creyendo que una chica india podía ser la esposa de un extranjero como él
You just lied to him!
Usted acaba mentido!
It would appear that you've been hiding him and that you lied to us.
{ C : $ 00FFFF } Parece como si lo has estado escondiendo y que nos mentiste.
You lied then because you didn't want to implicate him, just like you're lying right now.
- No estoy mintiendo ahora. Mintió porque no quería involucrarlo de la misma manera que miente ahora.
You had already lied to him once. Why should he not assume you would do so again?
Ya le había mentido. ¿ Por qué no iba a asumir que volvería a hacerlo?

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