You liked that traduction Espagnol
1,725 traduction parallèle
I thought you liked that. Not really. But I liked how much you liked it, so I bought it.
En realidad no, pero me gustaba como te gustaba, así que la compré.
You liked that I protected you and gave you a vest and stole milk boxes for you.
Te gustaba que te protegiera, que te diera el chaleco, y que robase bricks de leche para ti.
You liked that, huh?
Te gustó eso, ¿ no?
Look, you said that you liked me.
- Mira, dijiste que te gustaba.
He's a great guy, and he really liked meeting you, but he's one of Mommy's friends that's moving on, and everybody's okay.
Es un gran tipo, y realmente le gustó conocerte, pero es uno de los amigos de mami que está siguiendo adelante, y todo el mundo está bien.
You were gonna go to that school whether he liked it or not.
Tú irías a esa escuela le gustara o no.
I would've liked that a lot more than you getting shot trying to protect me.
Eso me hubiera gustado más que el que recibieras un tiro intentando protegerme.
- l didn't mind. I liked that you were watching me.
No me importó me gustó que estuvieras mirándome.
I'll tell her that you liked the tie. Where are we on the gambling?
Le diré que te gusta la corbata.
Something like that. You'd only pay for the one you liked.
Sólo pagabas por el que te gustaba.
You said that you liked me and you wanted to be with me.
Dijiste que te gustaba y que querías estar conmigo.
- Yeah. I liked the shit when you trotted out that witness story during the debate.
- Sí, me gustó lo que hicieron con la historia del testigo durante el debate.
yeah, you know, i kept explaining to her about transference and the fact that, you know, she probably only liked me because i was there to protect her.
Yo le expliqué lo de la transferencia, Y que seguramente sólo le gustaba porque estaba allí para protegerla...
I never liked that you lived there.
No me gustaba que vivíeras allí.
Now, I can guarantee you, he was his partner whether he liked that or not.
Ahora, te puedo garantízar, él era su socio le gustara o no.
I know you haven't liked that in the past, but I'm going about it in a whole different way.
Sé que no te ha gustado eso en el pasado, pero lo haré de modo distinto.
- I spent a little time with him today... and I really liked him. - You sure? That's good.
Qué bueno.
I liked that you even showed up.
Me gustó que estuvieras.
I would say I really liked Zac's dessert, mostly because I thought it was a really good cake, and then you used the red hot candy filling, and then what really brought it home for me was that licorice sauce- -
Diría que me gustó realmente el postre de Zac, sobre todo porque pensé que era un pastel realmente bueno, entonces usaste el relleno de caramelo rojo caliente y entonces lo que realmente me convenció fue esa salsa de regaliz
What I really liked about it is the consistency of the panna cotta, the creaminess when you take it out with the spoon, so that was really well done.
Lo que de verdad me gustó fue la consistencia de la panna cotta, la cremosidad cuando cortabas con la cuchara, así que quiere decir que estaba bien hecho.
I liked the fact that you used panko crumbs to coat your ice cream. I'd never seen that before.
Me gustó el hecho de que usaras migajas panko para cubrir tu helado.
Zac, I really liked the cake, I must say, and I think you tried really going a direction, shocking a little bit. I think the use of the curry, of pushing, a little bit, the envelope there, and so that was actually really great.
Zac, me gustó la tarta, y creo que lo intentaste yendo en una dirección, sorprendiendo un poquito creo que el uso del curry, a empujar el envoltorio, y pienso que fue bastante genial.
Do you know of anyplace that she liked to hang out?
- no podía acudir a nosotros - ¿ Sabe algún lugar al que le guste ir?
Oh, perhaps you would've liked that.
Ay, perdón por antojarlo.
The reason I liked'Scratch Acid so much was because they had, like, structure to their songs real simple pop structure that you could follow real easily and it was almost like an'Aerosmith'song, but it was really fucked up and that's what I was doing.
La razón por la que me gustaba mucho'Scratch Acid'era porque sus canciones tenían estructuras. La estructura de la trama era simple, fácil de seguir. Y era como una canción de'Aerosmith,'pero totalmente dañada.
To be honest with you, I wasn't even sure that you liked me.
Para ser sincero con usted, ni siquiera estaba seguro de que le gustara.
That's my job. I thought you liked me.
- ¿ Qué es eso?
I thought that you liked Chiaki-kun.
Pensaba que te gustaba Chiaki-kun.
But I thought you liked to work that way. As a team.
Pensé que te gustaba trabajar así, como un equipo.
I mean, I met them, and I liked them, but he was worried.You know, he thought they might not react that well.
Es decir, los conocí y me cayeron bien, pero él se preocupaba. Ya saben, pensó... que no reaccionarían tan bien.
The one that you liked.
Mm-Hmm, la que me gustaba?
And it felt really good that you liked me for who I was and not just that I was just a sure thing.
Y me hacía sentir bien que te gustara sólo por quien era y no porque fuera fácil.
That she liked you.
Que le gustas.
And there's that other one you liked.
- Y hay aquel otro que te gustó. - ¿ El verde?
You think you can mention to Matt that you liked it?
¿ Crees que puedas decirle a Matt que te gustó?
Jake, listen, I know you liked Kandi very much but she and I have decided that we really can't stay married.
Jake, escucha. Sé que te llevabas bien con Kandi. Pero ella y yo hemos decidido que no podemos seguir casados.
You should see how much the priest liked them, those panties that you brought me from Athens!
Hasta al sacerdote le gustaba el corpiño que me trajiste de Atenas! .
You couldn't have liked that.
Ooh. No pudo haberte gustado.
Although I liked it when you had that layered thing.
Aunque me gustaba cuando tenías el otro por capas.
And all the forensics in the world ain't gonna show you that when I smashed his face in... I liked it.
Y todos los forenses del mundo no les van a mostrar, que cuando le partí la cara lo disfruté.
I just wish that you liked who you are.
Sólo deseo que te guste quien eres.
I really am. And, look, I understand that you liked Luke and you're not so sure about Christopher, but, Sookie, you're my best friend.
Y entiendo que te gustara Luke y que no estés segura de Christopher, pero, Sookie, tú eres mi mejor amiga.
Hey, do you remember the crème brûlée that you and Dad always liked?
¿ Recuerdas la "Creme Brulè" que le encantaba a tu papá?
Look, I know you never liked her, but that doesn't mean you have to go throwing wrenches around right when you're leaving, all right?
Mira, sé que nunca te agradó pero eso no quiere decir que tengas que ir metiendo palos en la rueda mientras te vas, ¿ sí?
I mean, couldn't you see that I liked him?
¿ No te diste cuenta de que me gustaba?
They liked that you wanted to take part.
A ellos les gustaría que ustedes estuvieran en el lanzamiento.
you told her i liked it, she went out and got it just to get at me you should have kept quiet do you still have feelings for that?
le dijiste me gustó, ella salió y quedó sólo para llegar a mí que debería haber guardado silencio ¿ todavía sientes algo por eso?
That's right, you really liked evidence before.
Así es, realmente te gustaban las pruebas antes.
The first thing you need to know about Robin Gallagher was that everyone liked to look at her.
Lo primero que deben saber sobre Robin Gallagher... es que a todo el mundo le gustaba mirarla.
Recuerdo que dijistes que te encantaba tu ginecólogo.
If I knew that you still liked Lukas...
De haber sabido que aún te gustaba Lukas...
you liked it 124
you liked her 18
you liked him 30
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
you liked her 18
you liked him 30
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334