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You liked it traduction Espagnol

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I'm glad you liked it.
Estoy feliz que te haya gustado.
You liked it. Was it a blast?
Te gustó. ¿ Un desmadre?
I thought you liked it.
Pense que te gustaba.
You liked it?
¿ Te gustó?
Yeah? Glad you liked it, because it wasn't included.
Me gusta que te haya gustado, porque no fue incluido.
I mean, you liked it, and things just got so much easier once you booked jobs.
Y cuando empezaste a actuar... te gustaba. y las cosas se convirtieron mucho más simples... una vez que llegaron los cheques.
You liked it.
Te gustó.
besides, you liked it.
Además, te estaba gustando.
I thought you liked it rough.
Creí que te gustaba duro.
You liked it last time I brought you flowers.
La última vez te gustó que te trajera flores.
I thought you liked it doggy style.
Creía que te gustaba a lo perrito.
Not unless you liked it.
No, a menos que te haya gustado.
- You liked it?
- ¿ Te ha gustado?
And you liked it?
¿ Y le gustó?
¶ ¶'Cause if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it ¶ ¶
# Si te gustaba entonces, deberías haber puesto un anillo en mi dedo. #
¶ ¶ If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it ¶ ¶
# Si te gustaba entonces, deberías haber puesto un anillo en mi dedo. #
¶ ¶'Cause if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it ¶ ¶
# Porque si te gustaba entonces, deberías haber puesto un anillo en mi dedo. #
because that must have been the way you liked it.
Porque ésa debe haber sido la forma que te gustaba.
I didn't realise you liked it quite that much.
No me había dado cuenta de que te gustase tanto.
You had a taste of being the boss, and you liked it.
Has probado cómo es ser el jefe, y te ha gustado.
Wow, Lynette. You liked it, huh?
Lynette, te ha gustado, ¿ verdad?
You got your hands dirty and you liked it, didn't you?
¿ Te ensuciaste las manos, y te gustó. ¿ Cierto?
I'm glad you liked it.
Me alegro que te guste
I seem to remember you never liked it when I was too quick about it.
Que yo recuerde, a ti nunca te gustó que fuera rapido en eso.
It's not where I'd have liked to take you, but...
No quería traerte aquí, pero...
I like knowing that it meant something to you. And I liked reading what you thought.
Me gustaria saber que significó algo para tí, y me gustaria leer lo que pensaste.
You said you liked to drink, but you didn't characterize it as a problem.
No caracterizaste eso como un problema.
- It's okay. And, uh... I thought you liked her.
No importa, y pensé que te gustaba, perdon por el malentendido
You know, I never much liked parties before. But it might be nice to be royalty again.
Sabes, nunca me han gustado mucho las fiestas, pero puede estar bien ser parte de la realeza de nuevo.
It's really liked. It also comes with a DVD. It's about an hour long, so, if you have any questions.
- También viene con un DVD, dura una hora,...
What you said in there about taking charge of your own destiny, I liked it.
Lo que dijiste adentro sobre hacerse cargo de su propio destino. Me gusto.
What? Would you have liked it?
Lo hubieras preferido.
He liked to feed before resting, so it might be a bit messy but you're welcome to it.
Le gustaba alimentarse antes de descansar así que puede estar un poco desordenado pero eres bienvenido a usarlo.
But it seemed like he really liked you.
Pero parece que le gustas de verdad.
Because you would have stopped me, and I liked it too much.
- Me habrías detenido, - y me gustaba mucho.
It's very nice. I liked it, in you know what, a family values kind of way.
Es muy bonito, me gusta el tema de los valores familiares
I just liked how you played it off like it was all part of the routine.
Me gustó que hicieras como si formara parte del número.
Can you end it so easily like this after you told me you liked me?
¿ Puedes terminarlo tan fácilmente después de que me dijiste que te gustaba?
You think somebody like Duren liked it right out of the gate
¿ Crees que a alguien como Duren le gustó desde el principio o tuvo que superar el gusto?
You take a bud from a tree that produced fruit that you liked and insert it into a young, developing tree.
Se toma un brote de un árbol, que produció ese fruto que te gustó, y lo insertas en un árbol joven y en desarrollo.
It was good. He, uh, he liked you guys.
Le cayeron bien.
I knew you liked it rough. I-
Sabía que te gustaba rudo.
And if I liked short, fat men sucking on my dick, I'm sure that no one could do it better than you either.
Y si me gustaran los hombres bajos y gordos mamándome la verga seguramente nadie podría hacerlo mejor que tú tampoco.
You never liked this case, and... yet you - - You gave it everything.
Nunca te gustó este caso y, aún así, lo diste todo.
You know, I think I liked it better when you hated me.
Creo que me gustaba más cuando me odiabas.
You tried to bribe people with sushi parties and gift bags, and nobody liked it.
Tu trataste de sobornar a la gente para convertirlos en tus amigos con fiesta de sushi y regalos, y a nadie le gusta eso.
How we used to say, "it's too bad Joan of Arcadia isn't a real girl,'cause Joe Mantegna and Mary Steenburgen would've really liked you."
Yo solía decir que era una pena que "Joan of Arcadia" no sea una chica de verdad, porque a Joe Mantegna y Mary Steenburgen realmente le hubieras gustado.
You've never liked it and you haven't hidden it well,
Nunca te gustó y no lo has disimulado...
You know, I liked it best when it was just you and me.
Sabes, me gustaba más cuando éramos sólo tú y yo.
He must've liked something about the peace, you know, of a dark theater, but for me, it was just...
Debio haberle gustado algo sobre la paz, sabes, de un teatro oscuro, pero para mí, era sólo...
- You liked it.
- Te gustó.

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