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You missed one traduction Espagnol

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But you missed one. Perhaps the most important.
Pero falta uno, quizá el más importante.
You missed one right here.
Mira. Perdiste una.
Hey, Dog, you missed one.
Eh, Dog, se deja uno.
You missed one.
Dejaste pasar uno.
Jeez, Bender, you missed one.
Jeez, Bender, ustedes se perdieron uno.
It looks like you missed one reason
Olvida un motivo.
Barney. There's one you missed.
Barney, te faltó una.
That's one you missed, Sam.
Un robo de más, entonces.
Listen, Joe, we've missed you. Like we've missed a head and two legs. There's only one Joe Krozac.
Escucha Joe, te hemos echado de menos tanto como lo habríamos hecho con la cabeza y con las piernas.
I know why you're going to the ball. I also know that Sheila Lane is chairwoman of the entertainment committee And hasn't missed one of these affairs in 5 years,
Sé que vas al baile de beneficencia... porque Sheila Lane podría estar allí.
One more go for the day you missed on the exercise.
Vamos a repetirlo una vez más.
It seems that you were the one who missed the shot, back then.
Genevieve, parece ser que fuiste tú quien me disparó y abandonó aquella vez.
- You missed that one, too.
Por poco te estrellas. - Sí.
My dear fellow, it's very obvious that you've missed. More than one of my broadcasts, Or you'd know that I'm not off the air until 8 : 30.
Querido amigo, es obvio que no escucha mi programa, si lo hiciera sabría que se acaba a las 8 : 30, y siempre tomo el de las 9.
Well, I don't think I missed you as much then as when you kept away from me for one day.
No creo haberte extrañado tanto entonces como cuando estuviste lejos de mí un día.
- You missed the big one.
- Olvidaste la mayor.
Here, you missed something on this one.
Aquí, se ha perdido algo en ésta.
That's the one thing I've missed all these years. A family. But now I'll have the two of you.
Por fin tengo una familia, os tengo a los dos.
- Thank you, Mrs. Winfield. Boy, this is one thing we missed overseas.
Esto es una cosa que te pierdes en el extranjero.
Tell me one thing, Baron. How come you missed Germany?
Dime una cosa, Baron, ¿ Cómo es que no fuiste a Alemania?
And you know Mrs. Morton. She'd have us all shot at sunrise if she'd missed one dreary waltz.
Y ya conoces a su mujer, nos fusilaría a todos al amanecer si se perdiera un solo vals.
You missed three sessions in a row, and you're late for this one.
Faltó a 3 sesiones seguidas, y llega tarde a esta.
You missed more than one this time, you missed the slip as well.
Ahora te perdiste más de una, también te perdiste la reedición.
You missed a good one.
- Muy bien.
Then you'll have to take up another card game, and we'll have missed another one.
Entonces usted deberá jugar otras cartas y no perderemos a otro.
Well, here's one you missed.
Aquí hay algo que usted falló..
You missed this one here.
Te perdiste este de aquí.
" I only missed one turn, you know, just one because I'm really good.
"Sólo me salté un giro, " sólo uno porque soy muy bueno.
You must have missed one.
Usted debe haber perdido uno.
Why, Mr. Holmes. Oh, you missed a lovely one yesterday. Oh, it's good to have you back, sir.
Sr. Holmes ayer se perdió una hermosa película cuanto me alegro que haya vuelto.
You missed my heart by one inch.
Te perdiste mi corazón por una pulgada.
Well, for one thing, you missed the dog.
¡ Bueno, para empezar, te has perdido el perro que ha salido!
Look, you missed a beautiful one. And this one?
- ¿ Y este?
Oh, yeah. I've had a couple of wood nymphs, I've had one banshee, 3 mermaids, and you know something, Karen- - I've missed you.
Una pareja de ninfas de la madera, un espiritu, tres sirenas de mar, y sabes una cosa Karen, te he extrañado.
You missed a good one.
Se perdió una buena.
You missed just that one.
Falló una nada más.
That's the fourth one in three days you've missed.
Es la cuarta vez que fallas en tres días.
Hey, paisan, you missed the big one.
Ey, paisano, te perdiste la grande.
And the one you missed, you missed by a mile.
Y el que perdió, se ausentó por una milla.
But you missed a good one.
Aunque te perdiste una buena.
You missed another one.
No me vas a decir cuantos, ¿ verdad?
I know you're dying to go to a place where no one looks twice at funny costumes and big floppy ears, but I think you missed the point here.
Sé que te mueres por ir a un lugar donde nadie mira dos veces en trajes divertidos y grandes orejas, pero creo que se ha perdido el punto aquí.
Outta the whole world you were the only one I missed.
De todo el mundo tú fuiste la única a la que extrañé.
The one you missed wants your ass.
El que queda vivo, quiere tu trasero.
- You missed one.
- ¡ Mamá, olvidaste una!
You missed one out there.
- Se ha saltado una.
You know, Number One, you missed something not playing with models.
Sabe, Número Uno, se perdió algo al no jugar con modelos.
You missed a good one.
Te perdiste uno bueno.
You missed the point. Golf isn't a game, it's a choice one makes with one's life.
El golf no es un deporte, sino la elección de un estilo de vida.
Since I missed my last two periods, I did one of those tests where you pee in a cup, - and it turned blue.
Como me ha faltado la regla dos meses, hice un test de los de mear en un vaso y se ha puesto azul.
You certainly- - You missed her this morning... because you made one mistake. You saw me this morning.
Me viste hoy.

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