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You wouldn't mind traduction Espagnol

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You know, I wouldn't even mind this stuff, if it wasn't for all the airbrushing.
Ni siquiera me molestarían estas cosas si no fuera por todos los retoques.
Maybe when you got time you wouldn't mind taking a look at my novel.
Quizás cuando tengas tiempo no te importaría echarle una leída a mi novela.
Listen, I wonder if you wouldn't mind doing me a favor.
Escuche, me preguntaba si no le molestaría hacerme un favor.
I think if you did actually love me as you said, you wouldn't mind any amount of awkwardness.
Creo que si me amaras como dices, no te importaría la incomodidad.
Hey, well, you know, I was in the vicinity, and I knew you wouldn't mind me dropping this off personally.
Estaba en el vecindario y supuse que no te molestaría si dejaba esto en persona.
Oh, um, I need some help, if you wouldn't mind.
Oh, um, necesito algo de ayuda, si no les importa.
Charles, you wouldn't mind having a look, would you?
Charles, ¿ podrías echar un vistazo?
They asked if you wouldn't mind coming down tomorrow.
Quieren saber si puedes ir mañana.
You must have been tied if he wouldn't mind you pawing through his gear.
Ustedes deben haber sido unidos, si a él no le importaría el que estuvieran rebuscando entre sus cosas.
Por cierto ¿ no te importaría mantener eso en secreto, verdad?
You wouldn't mind, would you?
No te importa, ¿ cierto?
Well, if you wouldn't mind just...
Bueno, si no te importa...
Geneive, if you wouldn't mind.
Si eres tan amable, Geneviéve.
Horatio, if you wouldn't mind, will you ask DNA to put a rush on this.
Horatio, si no te importa, ¿ le pedirás a ADN que se de prisa con esto?
Well... if sam wouldn't mind losing you for an hour or so.
- Bueno... si a Sam no le importa perderte durante una horita.
If you wouldn't mind getting comfortable behind the podium, I'd like to speak to Reed for a minute, please.
Si no le molesta ponerse cómodo detrás del podium, me gustaría hablar... -... con Reed un momento, por favor.
Seriously, Paddy, she damaged ma stuff, so when you find her, I wouldn't mind a word.
De verdad, Paddy, dañó mis cosas... asi que cuando la encuentres no me importa.
If you wouldn't mind, just give me five minutes here.
Si no te importa, dame sólo cinco minutos aquí.
Well, I'm sure he wouldn't mind buying you a nice piece of salmon.
Bueno, estoy segura de que no le importará comprarte una buena pieza de salmón.
Bill asked me to ask you if you wouldn't mind looking after my boys.
Bill me pidió que te preguntara si te molestaría cuidar de mis niños.
I was wondering if you wouldn't mind discussing the accident... that killed your brother and sister in law.
¿ Querría hablar del accidente en el que murió su hermano y su cuñada? .
If you wouldn't mind.
- Si no te molesta. ¡ No!
Oh, and I think it's a little low on gas, so if you wouldn't mind filling the tank, on the way back to the house, that would be great.
Oh, y creo que está un poco bajo de gasolina, entonces si no te importa rellenar el depósito, en el camino de vuelta a casa, eso estaría genial.
Well, if you don't mind, I hid Lex's wedding gift... in the wine cellar so he wouldn't find it.
Bueno, si no te importa oculté el regalo de boda de Lex en la bodega para que no lo encuentre.
- Yeah, if you wouldn't mind.
- Sí, si no te importa.
I wouldn't mind getting a copy of that tape when you're done.
Me gustaría una copia de eso cuando terminen.
You know, Dr Cox, I wouldn't mind all the crap you've been giving me if I was actually doing anything.
Sabe, Dr. Cox, no me molestaría todo lo que me ha dicho, si realmente yo estuviera haciendo algo.
Mai wouldn't mind seeing you dead.
- A Mai no le molestaría verte muerto.
Madam, I have a message to deliver to your husband, if you wouldn't mind...
Señora, yo tengo un mensaje para decirselo a tu marido, si te lo imaginarias...
Yeah, I'm a consultant with the Chicago Police Dept. and I'm just looking for somebody, so if you wouldn't mind...
Sí, soy un consultor del Departamento de Policía de Chicago y estoy buscando a alguien así que si no te importa...
So... if y'all wouldn't mind coming back when you actually have something...
Así que si hacen el favor de volver cuando tengan algo...
Well, if that's true, you wouldn't mind if we took your prints?
Bueno, si eso es cierto... ¿ le importaría que le tomásemos las huellas?
Now, if you wouldn't mind, Mr. King, we have a lot, we would like to discuss it with you.
Ahora, si no le importa, Sr. King, tenemos mucho que discutir con usted.
- Then if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to take this "bully" to see that Tourette's is very real.
¡ Porque si no le importa, me gustaría llevar a este gamberro a que vea que el Tourette es muy real!
I wouldn't mind being married to you.
No me molestaría casarme contigo.
Sir, if you wouldn't mind mentioning to the chief that you like my work...
Señor, si no le importaría mencionarle al Jefe que le ha gustado mi trabajo...
"to pop my clogs, if you wouldn't mind wiping the slate clean."
Tengo poca dignidad, sabes?
Keep in mind that you wouldn't have graduated if we hadn't paid extra!
Hasta para tu graduación tuvimos que pagar una escuela privada.
You wouldn't mind dropping me by the airport, would you?
Me podría dejar en el aeropuerto, podría?
"If you wouldn`t mind, I would love some help " with a little investigating.
Si no te importaria nesesitaria tu ayuda para una pequeña investigacion...
I wouldn't mind a little bit of what you flying on.
No me vendría mal un poco de lo que te hace volar.
- She wouldn't mind looking at you again.
- Ella no se opondría a que la mire otra vez.
If you wouldn't mind using the stairs.
Si no lo importa, use las escaleras.
First, if you wouldn't mind answering a few questions.
Debe responder algunas preguntas.
I'll be happy to assist you in increasing your credit limit, if you wouldn't mind answering a few questions.
Puedo aumentar el límite de su tarjeta de crédito si por favor responde algunas preguntas.
You wouldn't mind?
Bueno. ¿ No te importa?
- You figured you'd toy with me until someone better came along and I wouldn't mind because I was lucky a big star wanted me.
- Creíste que jugarías conmigo hasta que llegara alguien mejor y que no me importaría porque tenía suerte de que una gran estrella me quisiera.
I'm sure it wouldn't mind, if you asked it politely.
No creo que le moleste si preguntamos amablemente.
Just try to be unobtrusive, and leave the family to itself, if you wouldn't mind.
Sólo trate de ser discreto, y deje a la familia, si no le importa.
I wouldn't have had to take a risk if you wouldn't have broke... never mind.
No hubiera tenido que arriesgarme si tú no hubieras roto... No importa.
If you wouldn't mind.
Si no le importa.

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