And really traduction Français
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Tina's really confident, man, and really sexy.
Tina a confiance en elle, et elle est vraiment sexy.
You really must try and drink more from the green bottle and less from the pink.
Vous devriez boire plus de la bouteille verte et moins de la bouteille rose.
And Angela fucking really hates her too.
Angela la déteste aussi putain.
I never asked because I never really felt like you and Ella truly accepted me.
Je n'ai jamais demandé car je n'ai jamais senti que toi et Ella m'acceptaient réellement.
Left to their own devices, all they really want to do is play with their dicks and eat chicken.
Livré à lui-même, il veut juste se tripoter la bite et manger du poulet. "
And so, if you wanna go on pretending you can win, you're really left with no option but to try to convince the country you've invaded that you're actually here to help.
Si vous voulez continuer à faire semblant de pouvoir gagner, la seule option est de persuader le pays que vous avez envahi que vous êtes là pour son bien.
We've been in Helmand province for five years now, and in all that time, all we've really managed to secure is this base.
Ça fait cinq ans qu'on est dans la province du Helmand, et tout ce qu'on a réussi à tenir, c'est cette base.
I don't know, sir. It seems to me that we all here with our guns and shit, trying to convince these people that deep down we're actually really nice guys.
On est là avec nos armes à essayer de persuader ces gens qu'on est gentils.
And... I was just thinking that it's really interesting, the way things happen.
Et... je me disais, c'est intéressant de voir comment les choses évoluent.
It was in the third quarter when the game really got weird, and I got a low bar for weird.
C'était pendant le 3ème quart temps que le match est devenu bizarre, et j'ai un bar bizarre.
Then he ran up against one tall kid, and found out he really wasn't that good.
Ensuite, il tomba sur un grand gamin, et se rendit compte qu'il n'était pas aussi bon que ça.
I mean, he seemed really sweet, and...
Mais il a l'air très gentil.
She was really very artistic and always wanted everything to be beautiful.
C'était quelqu'un de très créatif. Elle voulait que tout soit beau.
Yeah, and it... it was really dangerous, but he... but he did it to help me, because he knew how much I loved you.
Oui, c'était risqué. Mais il a fait ça pour m'aider parce que je t'aimais.
I haven't really done drugs myself since I sort of... I smoked this bit of shoji root on an excursion in the desert, and I died.
J'ai pas pris de drogue depuis, en gros, que j'ai fumé de la racine de shoji pendant une excursion dans le désert et que je suis morte.
It's coming from the fact that you don't really seem to adore me, that you're rarely interested in having sex, but specifically today, it's coming from your constant carrying on about Nathan and his seemingly perfect life,
Je dis ça parce que t'as pas l'air de m'adorer. Tu as rarement envie de faire l'amour. Mais aujourd'hui, je te le dis parce que tu es obsédée par Nathan et sa vie soi-disant parfaite.
I've really dedicated a lot of my life to vets, specifically PTSD, so I'm gonna hold a little, you know, fundraising dinner party and help defray costs and keep the facility open.
Je suis très engagée auprès des vétérans atteints de stress post-traumatique. J'organise un dîner pour récolter des fonds et sauver l'hôpital.
Just'cause you read the goddamn Bible every night, you think you're so high and mighty and moral, when there are people out there who are actually, really, truly suffering...
Parce que tu lis la Bible chaque soir, tu penses être meilleur que les autres? Il y a des gens qui souffrent vraiment...
"If something makes you really mad, you've gotta go out there and do something about it."
"Si quelque chose t'embête, tu dois agir."
And the dance had all these really special moves, and I was gonna teach all the other kids, but...
La danse avait des mouvements bizarres et j'allais l'enseigner aux autres mais...
And while I was dancing, the Scout leaders, they were trying to hide that they were laughing, like really laughing.
Alors que je dansais, les chefs scouts essayaient de cacher leurs sourires. Ils riaient aux éclats.
But... because he's a criminal... ♪ I could go ♪... and a really good one, he's gonna be just fine.
Mais.... parce qu'il est un criminel ♪ I could go ♪ et un très bon, il ira bien.
But when I actually saw it, physically saw the design they had... they had... They had done, and I really get the sense they... they really did, uh, officially name the outpost with his name. And to see the actual drawing on the side of the wall...
Mais quand je l'ai vu, vu le signe physiquement, j'ai vraiment pris conscience qu'il ont officiellement utilisé son nom pour cet avant-poste, et de voir le dessin qui se trouvait le long du mur.
My dad always said, to really get to know Rob you needed to go to the places he went, experience what he loved and see the things he built.
Mon père a toujours dit que pour vraiment connaître Rob, il fallait se rendre où lui-même allait. SHAWN PIRELLI FRÈRE DE ROB Découvrir ce qu'il aimait et voir ce qu'il avait construit.
He was really sick and in a hard place, but he knew it was... okay because he was gonna see his son again.
Il était vraiment malade et traversait un moment difficile, mais il savait que ça irait, car il allait rejoindre son fils.
- Right. And he really made an impact.
Il a vraiment aidé au sein du camp.
He is really good-looking and he's handsome.
Il est vraiment beau et très attirant.
- and can you really blame them?
- Faut-il les en blâmer?
And will the Resistance really do better by negotiating?
La négociation leur serait-elle plus profitable?
I had a really tough time getting pregnant. And... and... - I had four miscarriages.
J'ai eu beaucoup de mal à tomber enceinte et... j'ai fait quatre fausses couches.
And when the twins were born, they were... they were born really early.
Ils sont nés très prématurés.
Some of these lymphocytes are really good at fighting bad guys, like viruses and bacteria.
Certaines de ces cellules combattent les méchants, comme les virus ou les bactéries.
He was a really good friend, and I know he loved you like crazy.
C'était un ami cher. Je sais qu'il t'aimait éperdument.
And I think maybe I... I don't really believe.
J'ai l'impression que... je n'ai pas vraiment la foi.
'Cause with your frame and your genetic makeup, if you really pushed your body,
Avec ta carrure et ta génétique, si tu t'entraînais,
and I mean really train, you know?
et je veux dire à fond...
And I just, I don't really know what to say anymore because I really want to rip the tags off but I don't know how to because you are my best friend and I'm just really confused right now and I don't want to...
Et je, je ne sais plus vraiment quoi dire maintenant parce que je veut vraiment briser ces barrières mais je ne sais pas comment vu que tu es mon meilleur ami et je suis vraiment confuse maintenant, et je veut pas..
And I don't know what any of this is... but I do think if there's a meaning to any of it, it has something to do with not pressing the reset button, even if things get really rough.
Je ne sais pas ce qui se passe... mais je pense que si tout ça a un sens, ça a à voir avec le fait de ne pas presser le bouton "réinitialiser", même si les choses vont mal.
I don't really think we should be choosing color of skin because we should be showing everyone the sexual experiences that we are having, and, of course, if there's couples that are interracial, they might want to watch interracial porn.
On ne devrait pas choisir en fonction de la couleur de peau, car on devrait montrer les expériences sexuelles que l'on vit, et si des couples sont interraciaux, ils veulent sûrement regarder ce genre de porno.
It was really weird how when you get popular, people who were nice to you last week just, like, venomously hate you and are talking about you behind your back.
C'est bizarre, quand on devient célèbre, les gens qui vous aimaient un jour, vous détestent viscéralement le lendemain et parlent de vous dans votre dos.
And I feel like my brain was starting to go to mush because it was so easy to be the most successful porn star in the business because all I had to do was follow some really basic instructions.
Je sentais que mon cerveau se ramollissait car il est si facile d'être la star du porno la plus populaire du milieu car tout ce qu'on doit faire, c'est suivre de simples instructions.
And there was something really romantic about that.
C'était vraiment très romantique.
I've been really lucky with... you know, I started three Web sites as well as doing my paintings and everything, I have my auction site.
J'ai eu beaucoup de chance. J'ai créé trois sites Internet, en plus de mes peintures et de tout le reste.
Fuck it. " So I got into it, and like, I really love it so far.
Je m'y suis mise, et jusque-là, j'adore ça.
And I'm really into, like, pushing the boundaries of future porn, of, like, I don't know, technologies and stuff.
Je suis à fond là-dedans, pousser les limites du porno du futur, dans la technologie, par exemple.
I'm really into, like, virtual reality porn and stuff like that at the moment.
Je suis dans le porno de la réalité virtuelle et des trucs comme ça en ce moment.
I think it was called "Erocity," where I was raping the fuck out of this guy's ass in my dungeon, and it was really hilarious because I broke my discipline horse. And I just kept pounding that motherfucker into the ground.
Erocity, où je défonçais le cul de ce gars dans mon cachot, c'était hilarant car j'avais cassé mon fouet et je continuais de baiser ce con.
It's just that it's not for me,'cause it's really way far out of town, and I don't like the money split there.
C'est loin de la ville, je n'aime pas comment l'argent est partagé.
And I think that girls are doing things nowadays that they probably wouldn't really want to do, like the double anals or the double vag. Because they want to make the money and because there's so much competition.
Les filles font des trucs aujourd'hui qu'elles ne veulent pas vraiment faire, comme le double anal ou le double vagin car elles veulent faire de l'argent et parce qu'il y a tellement de compétition.
And if Gary ever had a hard time and said, you know, "I really don't want you to do this anymore."
Si Gary avait de la difficulté et m'avait dit : " Je ne veux plus que tu fasses ça.
So, what I'd like to do is go and kind of see the colleges and see the different like paths that I can take'cause I don't even know really what I want to do after porn.
Ce que j'aimerais, c'est aller voir les universités, voir quel chemin je pourrais suivre, car je ne sais pas ce que je vais faire après le porno.
really 59005
really nice to meet you 21
really bad 194
really beautiful 58
really appreciate it 27
really great 205
really good 625
really nice 181
really cute 39
really like you 26
really nice to meet you 21
really bad 194
really beautiful 58
really appreciate it 27
really great 205
really good 625
really nice 181
really cute 39
really like you 26
really is 30
really hard 112
really pretty 34
really smart 29
really cool 63
really funny 68
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really fast 52
really happy 49
really hot 28
really hard 112
really pretty 34
really smart 29
really cool 63
really funny 68
really sad 32
really fast 52
really happy 49
really hot 28
really well 130
really sweet 28
really amazing 26
really close 38
really big 43
really weird 32
really stupid 26
really sorry 237
really sick 34
really scared 32
really sweet 28
really amazing 26
really close 38
really big 43
really weird 32
really stupid 26
really sorry 237
really sick 34
really scared 32