Beat him up traduction Français
703 traduction parallèle
Sometimes I want to beat him up, but like today he's quite an okay producer.
Mais aujourd'hui c'est un Producteur professionnel.
- Oh. Yes. And he heard about a fella here in the store who tried to make a date with me... and he's waiting downstairs now to beat him up.
Il a entendu dire qu'un type du magasin m'avait invitée à sortir... et il l'attend en bas pour le corriger.
Beat him! Beat him up!
Frappe-le, frappe!
Beat him up!
He got the job first and you three surrounded him and beat him up.
Le gosse est arrivé avant, a eu le boulot et vous l'avez assommé!
Jennings says Professor Reed beat him up.
Jennings dit que le professeur l'a frappé.
Wasn't he that killer, and you beat him up?
Tu as renvoyé ce tueur en prison.
They beat him up. What?
Il s'est fait rosser.
- I'm sorry I didn't really beat him up.
- Je regrette de ne pas l'avoir rossé.
I wouldn't tell a lot of people about going up to Paine's place last night to beat him up.
Évitez de dire que vous étiez chez Paine pour lui casser la figure. Je m'en fiche.
I beat him up
Je l'ai bourré de coups.
I beat him up
Je l'ai tabassé.
They're going to beat him up.
Ils vont le passer à tabac.
They beat him up.
Ils l'ont passé à tabac.
Conroy beat him up in a cafe brawl.
Conroy l'a boxé dans une bagarre de café.
He drew his sword so we beat him up He's dead broke
Il a sorti son sabre, alors on s'est battus.
You're the one who said, " If he doesn't talk, I'll beat him up.
J'ai encore rien, c'est bien toi qui m'as dis, s'il parle pas, je fais la grosse tête
They beat him up so bad, he died in his mother's arms.
Ils l'ont tabassé, il est mort dans les bras de sa mère.
You say if these folks hand Jube over, you won't beat him up?
Si ces gens te livrent Jube, tu ne les canardes pas?
Beat him up? Or worse?
Ou pire?
Ever since he was five, his father beat him up regularly.
Son père le bat régulièrement depuis ses cinq ans.
He was at a union meeting last night, when they broke in and beat him up.
Ils sont venus le tabasser à une réunion.
He threatened to beat him up if he caused trouble, that's all.
Il a menacé de le corriger.
- They beat him up when they arrested him.
Ils l'ont battu, immédiatement en l'arrêtant.
Who'd you think could've beat him up that way, anyhow?
Qui a pu l'amocher ainsi?
Nobody beat him up, he just fell down the stairs.
Personne ne l'a frappé, il est tombé.
It was you and Roger beat him up.
Non, toi et Roger. Pas moi.
And that you and some other cadet he couldn't recognize beat him up, dressed him and put him on the quadrangle.
Et que vous et un autre cadet non-identifié l'avez battu, habillé et mis dans la cour.
Gatt beat him up, those freshmen poure d whiskey in him, and Koble carried him down to the quadrangle.
Gatt l'a frappé, les recrues ont versé le whisky et Koble l'a porté dans la cour.
It's the rule. Go ahead and beat him up!
Allez, donnez-lui la raclée qu'il mérite!
For sure, or we'll beat him up.
Pour ça, faudra lui fiche une tournée.
I could beat him up, anything, leave him someplace, and I bet he'd still love me.
Je pourrais le frapper, faire n'importe quoi et je parie qu'il m'aimerait toujours.
That scumbag beat him up.
Ce sont les coups de cet énergumène, qui l'ont dérangé.
- Did you beat him up?
- Tu l'as cogné?
If he doesn't, I'll beat him up!
S'il s'excite, je l'assomme.
But Fujii beat him up and said it was about a set-up.
Pourtant, M. Fujii l'a agressé. Il a dit qu'il s'agissait d'un racket.
We can still take him out and they'll beat him up.
Et encore, il s'en tire bien!
Beat him up!
Tous sur lui!
I gotta beat him up!
Faut que j'aille le corriger.
I'm gonna beat him up again.
Je vais le dérouiller une autre fois.
Beat him and you win this race.
Sun Up. Battez-le et vous gagnerez.
Because I want him to beat you up some more.
Pour qu'il vous tabasse encore un peu.
Oh Sally! Please don't let him beat me up!
Ne les laisse pas me frapper!
He beat up my father and I killed him.
Il a frappé mon père, alors je l'ai tué.
Let him come, to beat us all up, or shoot himself in his room...
Qu'il vienne! Qu'il nous assomme... ou qu'il se tue!
- Let him pick it up and beat it.
Laissez-Ie faire et s'en aller.
I heard you beat up that poor little boy in the woods... and it took all three of the Fern sisters to pull you off him.
Vous avez battu le petit Daigle! Il a fallu l'arracher de vos mains!
Are they going to beat him up?
Ils vont pas l'abîmer?
He just naturally would like to beat up on anything that was smaller than him.
Il aimait tabasser tous ceux qui étaient plus petits que lui.
"Nicole smiled at him, making sure that the smile gathered up everything inside her and directed it toward him, making him a profound promise of herself for so little, for the beat of a response."
"Nicole lui sourit. " Par ce sourire, elle reflétait tout son être... " et lui fit ainsi une promesse d'une manière simple.
I rushed right into the ballroom, spotted him on the floor ran up to him and started to beat him in the face and the chest with my fists till Cousin Sebastian took me away.
Non. Je me suis précipitée vers la salle de bal. J'ai repéré l'inconnu.
uptight 38
upstate 42
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
up next 81
upside down 57
up top 130
upstate 42
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
up next 81
upside down 57
up top 130
up yours 130
up against the wall 84
up to you 126
up guy 119
up call 187
up and at' em 72
up the stairs 74
up north 49
up we go 50
up now 50
up against the wall 84
up to you 126
up guy 119
up call 187
up and at' em 72
up the stairs 74
up north 49
up we go 50
up now 50