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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ B ] / But you were right

But you were right traduction Français

820 traduction parallèle
I didn't lie to you, but you were right and I was wrong.
Pour moi, tu as toujours raison.
- Why? When you attacked the prince, you were reckless and imprudent. But you were right.
Vous aviez de bonnes raisons d'attaquer le prince.
But you were right in the middle of those night interception tests.
Mais tu étais en plein test d'interception nocturne.
I never thought I could say it but you were right.
Je ne pensais pas pouvoir l'admettre.
Col. Carruthers. I know this may sound horrible, but you were right and we were all wrong.
Colonel Carruthers, c'est peut-être affreux de le dire, mais vous aviez raison, et nous avions tous tort.
- I hate to say this, but you were right.
- Il m'en coûte de vous dire cela, mais vous aviez raison.
I didn't believe you, but you were right, so naturally, I figured you're an expert, and you know just what you're doing all the time.
Et vous aviez raison. Alors je me dis que vous êtes un expert... Je pense que vous savez ce que vous faites.
I resisted you about Deong, but you were right.
J'étais d'un autre avis pour Deong, mais vous aviez raison.
I resisted changing the course of the road, but you were right.
Même chose pour la direction de la route, mais vous aviez raison.
I thought my people would grow tired of killing. But you were right.
- Je croyais qu'on se lasserait de tuer.
- But you were right
- Si vous voulez.
"'That's but fair, honorable and right,'he told them. " Who were delighted, you can imagine.
"Il n'y a que cela de juste, d'honorable et de vrai", a-t-il déclaré à nos amis, qui, tu penses bien, étaient ravis.
But since you were both stoned when you broke in, and not in your right mind...
Mais puisque vous étiez défoncées quand l'effraction a eu lieu et pas dans votre état normal...
Mother, I wish you were right, but you're not.
Si seulement tu avais raison, mère, mais non.
But I could tell you were the real thing right off.
Mais j'ai su tout de suite que vous l'étiez.
I realize that, but I mean if we were sweethearts... I'd have the good right to tell you what's what.
Je sais bien, mais si nous l'étions, je pourrais vous dire ce qui convient.
You were right. Donelli was right. Everyone was right but me.
Donelli, toi, tout le monde a raison, sauf moi!
That's right, you were. But you'll get your money's worth.
Exact, mais tu en auras pour ton argent.
But you were right.
Vous ne vous trompiez pas.
You were right next door, but you heard nothing?
Tu étais juste à côté, mais tu n'as rien entendu?
Yes, I'm all right but what were you saying?
Oui, bien mieux mais que disiez-vous?
- We were, but that gave you no right to do what you did.
 Oui. / mais tu n'as pas le droit
If you'd just said you were skating on thin ice... all right, I-I would have tried to understand, but I wouldn't be in a spot like this.
Si seulement tu avais dit que tu étais sur un terrain glissant... j'aurais tenté de comprendre, mais je ne serais pas dans cette situation.
You were perfectly right, and I'm much obliged to you. It may sound silly but..
C'était très bien.
C'est vrai, mais toi tu étais assis à côté de lui pendant le dîner.
Besides, I wouldn't have brought it up right now, but just the same... for the past several weeks you've been going out in the afternoons... and you've always managed to avoid telling me where you were.
Au cours des dernières semaines, tu t'es souvent absentée sans dire où tu allais.
I must admit, I felt pretty awful about the other morning... but now I'm sure you were right.
Je dois dire que tout d'abord, j'ai été atterré. Mais là, je sais que tu as raison.
I felt that... you won, that you were right, but I was proud!
Je sentais que tu avais gagné, que tu avais raison. Mais j'étais trop fier!
You were right but how did you know those two got in?
Tu avais raison, comment savais-tu qu'ils étaient là?
Oh, yes, I know you were, but he's been called out on an emergency but he'll be right back, right back, and I'll go and see if the doctor can see you now, my dear.
Il a été appelé en urgence. Il va revenir. Je demande s'il peut vous recevoir.
But there is. You were so right about marriage.
Mais si, vous aviez raison à propos du mariage.
Tu as tort! Mais comme j'aimerais que tu aies raison!
- You were right, Sir Clifford but the workers don't understand why we take so much risk.
- Les ouvriers ne comprennent pas qu'on prenne des risques pareils.
All good plans include the human element, but then, I admit you were right.
Tout bon plan comprend cet element. Mais vous disiez vrai.
You may think you were in Philadelphia... but, actually, you were right out there on the corner. Or else, you have a double to end all doubles, Pel.
Tu pensais peut-être y être mais tu étais bel et bien à ce coin, ou alors tu as un sosie qui dépasse tous les sosies.
Suppose you were caught here, it may be all right for them but...
Mais si on vous prenait ici...
But if you were strong enough to work, then you went through the right gate.
Mais si on était assez fort pour travailler, on passait la porte de droite.
I wouldn't wish this on a goat, but right now I wish you were Jenny.
Je ne le souhaiterais pas à une chèvre, mais maintenant, j'aimerais que tu sois Jenny.
But, who did go to the square to sing for the Saboya? You were a student, right?
Mais qui chantait : "Nice et la Savoie" dans les rues?
You were so ill, but you're going to be all right now.
Tu étais si mal, mais ça va aller maintenant.
I'm sorry, but I remembered when you were dictating that one about Mrs. Hobbs'brother... what you really thought of him... it was so long, I ran right out of the book. Uh-huh.
La fois où vous aviez dicté votre opinion sur le frère de Mme Hobbs, mon bloc n'avait pas suffi.
When you said you might be a loser, I didn't believe you but now I see you were right.
Quand tu m'as dit que t'étais peut-être un tocard, je t'ai pas cru, mais finalement, je crois bien que c'est toi qui as raison.
But now you must forget. I came right back to Rome when you called to say you were leaving.
Je suis revenue à Rome quand vous m'avez appelée.
Mais tu avais raison.
But what struck me as a curious coincidence was the fact that it was right after Cuba that you were passed over for admiral.
Mais il est curieux... que juste après Cuba... on ait oublié de vous nommer Amiral.
But you were also talking about right? Truly with all it's adornments it could be Victorian.
Moor et finement ouvragé petite pendule.
You're right, but... we were at the beach.
Mais nous étions à la mer!
But if you were right in supposing me to have objections, and right again... in supposing my objections to be treasonable... the law would let you cut my head off.
Mais si vous aviez raison de supposer que j'ai des objections, et si effectivement elles étaient de l'ordre de la trahison, la loi vous autoriserait à me couper la tête.
I never thought it would, but you were quite right.
J'en doutais, mais vous aviez raison.
You're right that we were together, but only for about a month.
Si, mais... Ça n'a duré qu'un mois.
But your hopes were in vain, because an unknown assailant shot you right here.
Mais vous allez tous deux être abattus ici par quelqu'un.

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