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Communists traduction Français

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That formula stays in our vaults. We give it to you, first thing we know... the Chinese Communists will have it.
Si on vous la donne, la Chine communiste l'aura le lendemain.
To the Communists, I'm an American spy. To the Americans, I'm a Communist.
À l'Est, je suis un espion, à l'ouest, un communiste.
These communists should all be shot!
Dis-moi... On devrait tous les fusiller, ces communistes.
- Tomorrow, May 1 st, we're going to Portella della Ginestra to shoot at the communists. - Why?
- Demain, 1er mai, on va à Portella della Ginestra, tirer sur les communistes.
He said we would shortly all be leaving with him to go to Portella della Ginestra, where, the following morning, we would fire on some communists gathering there.
"que nous devions partir avec lui " à Portella della Ginestra où, le lendemain, " nous devions tirer sur des communistes qui devaient s'y réunir.
I mean, they're all Republicans or Democrats. No communists or anything of that sort.
Tous sont républicains, ou démocrates, pas communistes.
He'll stage a giveaway to the communists that'll make Munich look like a clambake.
Il cèdera tout aux communistes : Ce sera un nouveau Munich.
But it wasn't an idle question, Mr. Leffingwell. I've had some complaints against things you've said in some of your speeches... about our relations with the communists. Some go so far as to say you're not loyal.
Ce n'est pas une question oiseuse car certains de vos discours traitant de nos relations avec les communistes ont fait douter de votre loyalisme.
Do you think it's wrong to suspect the good faith of the communists... after four decades of dishonor?
Estimez-vous blâmable de suspecter les communistes après 40 ans d'imposture?
It wouldn't hurt to assume at times... a desire for peace from the communists.
Admettons que le monde communiste aspire à la paix.
Mr. Leffingwell, do I understand you wish to placate the communists?
M. Leffingwell, vous souhaitez vous concilier les communistes?
Why are you afraid to tell us what terms you'd make with the communists?
Craignez-vous de révéler en quels termes vous négocierez avec les communistes?
We want to know what you intend to give away to the communists.
Qu'abandonnez-vous aux communistes?
Well, he says you associated with left-wingers and communists.
Il prétend que vous fréquentiez des gens de gauche.
If the communists demand we yield certain strategic positions... - what would you recommend?
Si les communistes exigeaient l'abandon de positions stratégiques, que diriez-vous?
- How many Communists did you say? Oh, uh...
Combien de communistes, d'après vous?
I have absolute proof there are, uh, 104 card-carrying Communists in the Defense Department at this time.
J'ai ici la preuve qu'il y a 104 communistes ayant leur carte au ministère de la Défense.
I'd be a lot happier if we could just settle on the number of Communists I know there are in the Defense Department.
Je serais plus heureux si on pouvait arrêter le nombre de communistes que je sais travailler au ministère de la Défense.
Are they saying, Are there any Communists in the Defense Department?
Se demande-t-on s'il y a des communistes au ministère de la Défense?
They're saying, How many Communists are there in the Defense Department?
On se demande : "Combien y a-t-il de communistes au ministère de la Défense?"
The situation is pretty embarrassing, for a fierce warrior who, only a few years ago, during the war against the Malaysian communists, decapitated 36 partisans.
C'est une situation embarrassante pour un guerrier qui, lors de la guerre contre les communistes malais, a tranché la tête à 36 partisans.
Communists. No!
- Des communistes.
The minute we take our guns and tanks out of here... there will be a vacuum that the Communists will jump into... faster than Hitler took Poland!
Dès qu'on enlèvera nos fusils et nos tanks... il y aura ici un vide dans lequel les communistes bondiront... plus vite qu'Hitler a pris la Pologne.
By proving to the Sarkhanese people... that Freedom Road is something for their benefit, and by making it clear to the Communists... that you are going to put the pressure on and you're going to keep it on.
En prouvant au peuple sarkhanais... que la route de la Liberté leur est bénéfique... et en rendant clair aux communistes... que vous allez mettre toute la pressionjusqdau bout.
You see Communists in your dreams.
Tu vois des communistes partout.
The, uh, Communists.
Les communistes.
The Communists killed Deong... and, uh, misunderstanding.
Les communistes ont tué Deong... et un malentendu.
Are you saying that America's losing the Cold War... because we're pushing these countries into the hands of the Communists?
Voulez-vous dire que l'Amérique perd la guerre froide... parce qu'elle pousse ces pays entre les mains des communistes?
Jews, communists, all that mob raise their eyes.
Juifs, communistes, toute la vermine lève les yeux.
Who should we vote for then? The Communists?
Alors on vote communiste?
Just as sure as the almighty made communists, catholics, and jews.
Les animaux sauvages avait échangé avec nous leur place dans la cage.
You know where I stand. I'm not a lover of communists, socialists, or intellectual bleeding hearts.
Vous savez queje ne suis pas... l'ami des communistes... ni des intellectuels de gauche.
Now, I'd say, since the war, our methods, our techniques, that is, and those of the communists have become very much the same.
Donc, je dirais que depuis la guerre, nos méthodes, c'est-à-dire nos techniques, ainsi que celles des communistes, sont devenues presque identiques.
Three quarters of Congo is in the hands of rebels and communists.
Les trois-quart du Congo sont dans les mains des rebelles et des communistes.
Young Communists.
Paul Laurier, Jeunesses Communistes.
Our ranks include both Communists and anti-Communists.
Nous avons dans nos rangs communistes et non-communistes.
Chiang Kai-shek peacefully, the Communists in the movement by force.
Tchang kaï-chek, pacifiquement. Les communistes, par la force.
Because if we fire back, we give them new propaganda to use against us, and play into the hands of Communists, who want us to start a real war so that Russia can come to China's rescue and in that way take her over.
Car si nous ripostons, cela servira la propagande contre nous. Les communistes veulent que nous déclenchions une guerre afin que la Russie vienne au secours de la Chine, et s'en empare.
The communists have a way of using people like that.
Les communistes ont tendance à utiliser les gens comme ça.
- The Communists are suppressing it.
- La propagande communiste.
I am going to destroy the pagan Communists forever.
Et détruire ces païens de communistes à jamais.
If there were no communists at all, what help would he get from the United States?
S'il n'y avait aucun communiste, quelle aide obtiendrait-il des États-Unis?
Rebels are not always communists, unless America insists.
Tous les rebelles ne sont pas communistes, sauf pour les Américains.
He loves everybody, except the Communists.
Il aime tout le monde, sauf les communistes.
Communists, in England, Communists are not the same, you know...
En Angleterre, les communistes ne sont pas... tu sais...
The Communists didn't waste a second.
Quoiqu'il en soit, ils n'ont pas perdu leur temps.
"left-wingers" or "communists." Those terms are used carelessly by some people.
Ce terme est mal employé.
The communists, the communists did this.
All of'em, all of'em were communists.
Donnez-nous des noms.
The Communists, for example?
Les communistes?
As a politician he's opened a new course... in league with the socialists and Communists from the province, and they are already giving him the wink.
Trois millions comme membre de "Siculedile"

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