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Deirdre traduction Français

390 traduction parallèle
I've called her Deirdre.
Je l'ai appelée Deirdre.
Well, I'll leave you, then, to Deirdre and Lionel.
Je te laisse à Deirdre et Lionel.
Well, Deirdre will be eight next month, so it must be almost eight years ago.
Deirdre va avoir huit ans le mois prochain, cela fait donc huit ans.
- This is Miss Deirdre Drake.
- Mlle Deirdre Drake.
When you married Preston and had Deirdre... and that put money in the bank.
En ayant Preston, Deirdre et de l'argent à la banque.
Will you keep an eye on Deirdre for me?
Tu veilleras sur Deirdre pour moi?
- Tell me, have you seen Deirdre?
- Tu n'as pas vu Deirdre?
Deirdre's father.
Le père de Deirdre.
You drop me off at my apartment, and I'll change... and then you go on and pick up Deirdre.
Dépose-moi chez moi, je dois me changer, puis va chercher Deirdre.
Look, I'm getting tired of playing nursemaid to Deirdre.
J'en ai assez de jouer les nurses.
You're very charming, Deirdre.
Vous êtes très charmante, Deirdre.
I should think perhaps he wants to talk to you about Deirdre.
Pour parler de Deirdre, peut-être?
Why... Why, Deirdre.
Qu'est-ce qui t'arrive, Deirdre?
I just ran into Deirdre in the hall and she was almost hysterical.
Deirdre a l'air au bord de l'hystérie.
Millie... what did you tell Deirdre about Rudd and me?
Millie, que lui as-tu dit sur Rudd et moi?
You're even jealous of Deirdre's affection for me.
Et de l'affection que Deirdre me porte.
Even if you didn't care how much you hurt me... you might at least have given a thought... to what it would mean to Deirdre to have her faith in me shaken.
Même si mon chagrin t'indiffère, tu aurais pu au moins songer aux conséquences pour Deirdre de voir sa foi en moi ébranlée.
And as you've taken everything else I've ever cared for in my life... you might as well take Deirdre, too, since she's so fond of you.
Puisque tu m'as pris tout ce que j'aimais, prends aussi Deirdre, puisqu elle t'aime tant!
I thought it was something you bought for Miss Deirdre.
Je croyais que c'était pour Mlle Deirdre.
Well, I've fallen in love with Deirdre.
Eh bien, je suis tombé amoureux de Deirdre.
- With Deirdre?
- De Deirdre?
Deirdre was feeling rather blue about something, too... and, well, we went for a walk.
Deirdre n'était pas très joyeuse non plus, nous sommes partis nous balader.
I just never had thought of you and Deirdre.
Je ne vous avais jamais imaginés ensemble.
And I think Deirdre's a very nice young girl.
Et Deirdre est une jeune fille épatante.
I've come for Deirdre.
Je viens chercher Deirdre.
- Deirdre!
- Deirdre!
Deirdre, are you coming out by yourself or shall I come over and drag you out?
Tu viens de toi-même, où je dois venir te chercher?
Mr. Grant, would you get Deirdre's hat and coat, please?
Le manteau de Deirdre, M. Grant.
Mr. Grant, would you get Deirdre's hat and coat, please?
Veuillez apporter son manteau, M. Grant.
Deirdre... I gave you credit for more intelligence than this.
Deirdre, je te croyais plus intelligente que ça.
Deirdre, I have never made a practice of slapping people... but I'm dangerously close to slapping you right now.
Il n'est pas dans mes habitudes de donner des gifles, mais je suis à deux doigts de t'en flanquer une.
- Come on, Deirdre.
- Viens, Deirdre.
Deirdre, I want no more nonsense.
Cesse tes bêtises, Deirdre.
- He was, Deirdre.
- Il l'était, Deirdre.
You can't say when you stop loving somebody, Deirdre.
On ne décide pas du moment où on cesse d'aimer quelqu'un.
Deirdre, you think over everything I've said and you'll realize I'm right.
Réfléchis à tout ce que je t'ai dit et tu verras que j'ai raison.
Deirdre and Rudd.
Deirdre et Rudd.
Deirdre was bound to marry someday.
Deirdre devait bien se marier un jour.
If a girl call it Deirdre.
Si c'est une fille, appelle-la Deirdre.
Where is Deirdre?
Où est Deirdre?
That's my wife. Her name is Deirdre.
c'est ma femme, elle s'appelle Deirdre.
It's Deirdre.
Elle s'appelle Deirdre.
Deirdre has always been a good companion to me and I never particularly anticipated any marital strife.
Deirdre avait toujours été une bonne épouse et je n'ai jamais pensé qu'on se querellerait.
Something which, Deirdre...
Et Deirdre...
Deirdre, that's my wife.
Deirdre, c'est ma femme.
All right, Deirdre, come out of there!
C'est bon, Deirdre, sors de là!
I slept on it a lot before my roommate, Deidre, moved out.
J'y dormais souvent avant que Deirdre déménage.
go faster.
Deirdre et Patrick!

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