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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ D ] / Did that

Did that traduction Français

90,895 traduction parallèle
I totally did that.
Je l'ai fait.
I did that, too!
Je l'ai fait aussi!
I hated the detectives who did that when I was in uniform.
Je détestais les détectives qui me le faisait faire quand j'avais l'uniforme.
That gun may have landed in front of you, but it was your finger that pulled that damn trigger. You did that.
Le flingue t'est tombé sous le nez, mais tu as pressé la détente.
You did that!
C'est toi!
Yuliya Ovechkova did that for a month.
Yuliya Ovechkova y a été un mois.
Man, we did that for, like, less than a week. Mmm.
- Ça a duré moins d'une semaine!
Did that coffee shop even happen?
C'est vraiment arrivé, le café?
- How the fuck did that hole...
- D'où sort ce trou...
She just did that.
Elle a fait pareil.
What did that poor chicken ever do to you?
Qu'est ce que c'est pauvre poulets t'on fait? Ils ont traversés la route.
My father did that?
Mon père aurait fait ça?
Why did you do that?
Pourquoi as-tu fait ça?
Did you get that right?
Vous l'avez bien dit?
Dad, did you give up on that phone call with your boss when the pig got loose in the car?
Papa, as-tu abandonné ton appel quand le cochon courait dans la voiture?
Did you hear that, Frieda?
Tu as entendu, Frieda?
Did any of you children think to tell somebody that a stack of boxes just appeared outside while you were on duty?
Aucune de vous n'a pensé à prévenir que des cartons étaient apparus devant la porte?
I was drunk and insensitive and rude, and you did not deserve that.
J'étais soûle, j'ai été insensible et malpolie, tu ne méritais pas ça.
And we know that MCC's been spending 20 % less per inmate than the federal government did.
Et on sait que MCC a dépensé 20 % de moins par détenue que le gouvernement.
Where did you find that?
Où vous avez trouvé ça?
Did you ever think that maybe your prison pals are avoiding you because you're being, like, an aggro psychopants?
Tes amies t'évitent peut-être parce que t'es une psychopathe agressive.
The human body... um, starts shutting down after 31 hours without sleep, did you know that?
Le corps humain arrête de fonctionner après 31 heures sans sommeil.
How did you get that off?
- Comment tu as réussi à l'ôter?
Did he do that to you?
Il t'a fait ça?
Hey, now that I'm in here and everything, can you please tell me what I did?
Maintenant que je suis là, tu me dis ce que j'ai fait?
Where did you get that?
Où as-tu trouvé ça?
Take some fucking responsibility, so when all this is over, you can say that you stood up and did something.
Prends des responsabilités, pour que, quand ce sera fini, tu puisses dire que tu as résisté et fait quelque chose.
My girlfriend got a fish that was supposed to remind me of beauty... and, in response, I did this.
Ma petite amie s'est fait faire un poisson censé me rappeler la beauté des choses, et, en réponse, on m'a tatoué ça.
But that's where you're wrong,'cause you did sign up for this.
C'est là que tu te goures parce que si.
I kind of think that I did.
Je pense avoir assuré, ce coup-ci.
What did he hear? What did he mean by that?
A quel bruit faisait-il allusion?
That was a nice thing you did.
C'était une belle chose ce que t'as fait.
Lisa, did you just drink that?
Lisa, viens-tu de boire cela?
I did a little more thinking last night about my mother's funeral request and I definitely think I'm gonna need that money.
J'ai réfléchi aux souhaits de ma mère pour son enterrement et je vais vraiment avoir besoin de cet argent.
Because if she did do this, that's on you.
Parce que si c'est son œuvre, c'est ta faute.
My guess is, is fuckin Boyd did some stupid shit, like hit the power cord or some shit like that.
Je parie que Boyd a fait une connerie et a touché au câble, un truc du style.
Uh... did you charge the radio that I gave you when you were here?
Tu as chargé la radio que je t'avais donnée quand tu étais ici?
- We never studied that. - Uh, no, but I think Alice did.
Non, mais je crois qu'Alice, oui.
- Oh... Did I forget to mention that I have to take this now?
J'ai oublié de dire que je prenais ça?
Did you do that on purpose?
Tu l'as fait exprès?
Did you say that the cattle are here?
Qu'est-ce qui est lourd?
Did I hear that right, brothers?
Mes frà ¨ res, ai-je bien entendu?
Did you compare our honest holy men to that magistrate?
Vous comparez le magistrat à nos saints au visage radieux?
Mom, why did you not tell the elders that the magistrate is a charlatan?
Mà ¨ re, pourquoi tu ne l'as pas dit à nos vieilles sages?
Just like that white-haired motherfucker did a couple months ago.
Comme ce connard grisonnant il y a quelques mois.
Patricia MacCready died tonight, did you know that?
Patricia McCready est morte cette nuit.
Did I ever tell you that I love you, but I hate your driving?
Je t'adore, mais je déteste ta conduite.
Hey, did you hear that?
Tu as entendu?
Hello? Megan, did you feel that?
Megan, tu as senti ça?
Did I write that?
J'ai écrit ça?
The fact that we did this already?
Le fait qu'on ait déjà fait ça?

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