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Did that happen traduction Français

1,781 traduction parallèle
How did that happen?
Comment c'est arrivé?
When did that happen?
T'as fait ça quand?
How did that happen?
Comment est-ce arrivé?
Right, and how did that happen?
Bien. Et comment est-ce arrivé?
- How did that happen?
- Comment ça se fait?
How did that happen?
Comment ça?
- How did that happen?
- Comment ça?
- Did that happen?
- C'est arrivé?
Oh, Rodney, did that happen to you?
Ça t'est arrivé, Rodney?
When did that happen?
Quand est-ce arrivé?
How did that happen?
Comment est-ce possible?
How did that happen?
Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé?
How did that happen?
Comment ça se fait?
- Did that happen to you?
- Ça t'est arrivé?
How did that happen?
Comment s'est arrivé?
Mr. Gooding, when did that happen?
M. Gooding, quand cela est-il arrivé?
- How did that happen?
- Comment ça a pu arriver?
- Well, how did that happen?
- Comment c'est arrivé?
When did that happen?
Quand ça?
- How the hell did that happen? - I'm not sure yet.
- Je ne sais pas encore.
How in the world did that happen?
Comment c'est arrivé?
- How did that happen?
- Comment est-ce possible?
Comment ça se fait?
Ok. Um, when did that happen?
Et... c'est arrivé quand?
And i was like, how did that happen?
Et j'étais genre, comment c'est arrivé?
W - when did that happen?
Depuis quand?
Yeah, I did happen to catch that, while I was writing it.
Oui, j'ai inventé ça en l'écrivant.
How did that happen?
Ils se sont construits comment?
Did something happen there that you been... keeping to yourself?
Un truc t'est arrivé là-bas, que tu... gardes pour toi?
That the moon landings definitely did happen.
Que les alunissages ont bien eu lieu.
How did that happen?
Qu'as-tu fait?
You didn't happen to lock that door by any chance, did you?
Tu n'as pas fermé cette porte par hasard, n'est-ce pas?
Well, that wasn't your fault, pet. When did it happen?
Vous n'y êtes pour rien.
Did you happen to see a couple in Fenchurch that afternoon?
Avez-vous vu un couple à Fenchurch cet après-midi-là?
That's OK. Did something happen to a patient?
Il est arrivé une chose à un de vos patients?
I happen to know that you did go to a concert with your best friend Casey, and you did it when you were in the ninth grade. Even though you weren't 16, even though your parents said you couldn't.
J'ai réussi à savoir que tu étais allée à un concert avec ta meilleure amie Casey, et c'est quand tu étais en seconde alors que tu n'avais pas 16 ans, bien que tes parents t'aient dit non.
Did you also happen to mention to my son that during these jaunts, the community here filled out a missing persons report.
Avez-vous rappelé à mon fils que durant les fugues d'Oswald la communauté a toujours déclaré sa disparition?
Did he happen to mention that I'm a Psychic?
Vous a-t-il dit que je suis médium?
That did not just happen.
C'est pas vrai!
That did not just happen.
- Ça ne vient pas de se passer.
Oh, did you happen to see the note that I left for you in the kitchen last night?
Tu as vu la note que je t'ai laissé dans la cuisine?
And I did everything I could to make sure that didn't happen.
Non. J'ai fait tout ce que je pouvais pour être sûr que ça n'arrive pas.
Once we got wind of it, and our suspicions were confirmed, the whole thing was ultimately gonna be covered up, but you tracked down the target before that could happen. They all did.
Did something happen that day to prompt your resignation from the corrections department?
Quelque chose a précipité votre démission?
How did you let that happen?
Comment t'as pu laisser faire ça?
um, it didn't happen like that, and I did not spit.
Ca s'est pas passé comme ça et je n'ai pas craché.
He knew the danger and what would happen if he drank from that goblet, but he did it.
Il savait ce qu'il risquait, ce qui allait se passer s'il buvait, mais il l'a fait quand même.
Did that just happen?
C'est vraiment arrivé?
If anything did happen he would be court-martialed, and I would personally see to it that he'd be hanged.
S'il tentait quelque chose, il irait en cour martiale, et je m'arrangerais pour qu'il soit pendu.
I'm sorry, Mater, that did not happen.
Désolé, Martin, tu te la racontes.
Mater, that did not happen.
Martin, tu te la racontes.

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