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Don't come home traduction Français

710 traduction parallèle
They don't never come home.
Ça revient jamais.
If I hear that word again I'll scream. You don't have to come home with me.
Je rentrerai seul, Sam vous emmènera au Lido.
I wish. I don't know if my father will allow me to come home after 8.
Mon père veut me voir rentrée avant 20 heures.
I don't see any reason why he should ever come home at all.
Je ne vois pas ce qui pourrait le motiver à rentrer chez lui.
Why don " t you come home with me?
- Viens à la maison avec moi.
What will people say, if you don't come home?
Que dira-t-on, si vous ne rentrez pas à la maison?
I come home to find my husband in the arms of another woman, married! My children don't know me.
Quand je rentre à la maison, mon mari s'est remarié, mes enfants m'ignorent.
I don't believe you can get the money or get Horace to come home.
Je ne crois pas que tu puisses obtenir l'argent ni faire revenir Horace.
Dave, why don't you plan to come home with us for a while?
Dave, pourquoi ne viendrais-tu pas chez nous pour quelque temps?
Why don't you want to come home?
Tu ne veux pas rentrer à la maison?
I don't think Mario will come home.
Je ne crois pas que Mario reviendra.
- You always win your case, even though you don't have enough sense to come home dry.
- Tu gagnes toujours. Même si tu ne sais pas t'abriter de la pluie.
Go home girl and don't come back tomorrow.
Rentre chez toi, la fille, et ne reviens pas demain.
You don't think my husband will come home tonight?
Mon mari ne rentrera pas ce soir?
Why don't you come home?
Tu vas rentrer?
And don't come home before 7pm.
Et ne rentre pas avant sept heures.
I really don't know You come home and find a crazy person waiting there She tells you her whole life - she's an actress, she's tired...
Je rentre tranquillement chez moi pour tomber sur cette cinglée, qui me déballe l'histoire de sa vie.
Well then, if she wants to come home, why don't you welcome her?
Certes, mais puisqu elle veut revenir, pourquoi s'y opposer?
I don't come home anymore until the last possible minute.
Je ne rentre qu'à la dernière minute.
You're home. Come in, but don't break anything.
Vous êtes ici chez vous... entrez, mais ne cassez rien, hein!
Now, come on home, Papa, and don't make no trouble.
Viens, on va rentrer, sois gentil, viens.
I don't know. She didn't come home last night.
Je ne sais pas, elle n'est pas rentrée.
I don't think she expected you guys to come home that day.
Elle ne vous attendait pas si tôt.
Now go home, and don't come back here till you learn how to behave yourself.
Rentre et ne reviens pas avant d'avoir appris des manières.
Don't your parents want you to come home?
Tes parents ne veulent donc pas que tu rentres chez toi?
" Don't make any racket when you come home banging around the kitchen,
" Ne vole rien dans la cuisine quand tu arrives,
Please, don't come back home late.
Ne rentre pas trop tard, je t'en prie.
I don't think there's time to come home.
Je ne rentrerai pas.
Go to your girlfriend's or a hotel, but don't come home.
Va chez une amie, ou a l'hotel, mais ne rentre pas.
- Don't come home late.
Ne rentre pas trop tard.
- I don't know. - Paul didn't come home after the surrender.
Paul n'est jamais rentré après la reddition.
Well, my lawyer tells me the heat's off. But I don't know till I'm back... my lawyer's disbarred. So I come home.
L'affaire était tassée, alors je suis revenu.
Maybe you don't care what they think but think of how they're going to feel if you come home a nobody.
Pense à leur tristesse si tu reviens sans gloire.
I always come home, don't I?
Je suis toujours rentré.
Oh, I'm always busy, but you don't come home every day.
Je le suis toujours, mais ce n'est pas tous les jours que tu rentres.
You want a home, you go to a reaÉ estate agent. You don't come to me.
Je ne suis pas une agence matrimoniale!
- When you come home, don't bring her.
Pas d'elle chez moi.
If that sailor hadn't come along, I don't even know how I'd have got home.
Heureusement que ce marin m'a raccompagnée.
"Don't you dare come home with a kid", she said.
"ne t'avise pas de revenir à la maison avec un enfant"
Why don't you come home and have supper With us?
Pourquoi ne viens-tu pas dîner chez nous?
If you don't, they come drag you from your home and ship you off to Mauthausen, the death camp.
Si on n'y va pas, on vous arrache de chez vous... pour vous envoyer à Mauthausen, Ie camp de la mort!
Don't you want to come home? What happened?
Tu n'es pas heureux d'être avec moi?
- Can she come home? - Don't worry, she will.
Elle reviendra.
I don't know why we had to come to a hotel when home is five minutes away.
Pourquoi venir à l'hôtel alors qu'on habite tout près?
Why you don't come a few at home?
Pourquoi ne viens-tu pas un peu chez moi?
Look, Vince, the brave ones don't come home.
Les intrépides n'en réchappent pas. Continue d'avoir peur.
Don't you want him to come home?
Tu n'as pas envie qu'il revienne?
Why don't you come home with me, laddie?
Pourquoi ne pas venir chez moi?
I'm staying in Rome, and I won't come home any more. They flunked me, I don't have to go to Cantù Cermenate.
On m'a recalé, je ne vais pas à Cantu Cermenate.
Don't come to Italy, stay at home.
Ne visitez pas l'Italie Restez chez vous, ça vaut mieux.
What if they don't come home maybe they'll have an accident?
Et s'ils ne revenaient pas, Michèle? Ils auront peut-être un accident.

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