Easy enough traduction Français
456 traduction parallèle
It's easy enough to be nuts about you, too.
C'est tout aussi facile de devenir fou de toi.
That ought to be easy enough?
Ce n'est pas si dur que ça.
I guess I could get one easy enough.
- Je pourrais en avoir un facilement.
- The current will take you to Lohara. - That's easy enough.
Une fois à la rivière, prenez un bateau et le courant vous mènera à Lohara.
Easy enough.
C'est facile.
That's easy enough to say, Miriam, but that girl's in his blood.
C'est facile à dire, Miriam.
Easy enough for us to pay it back then.
Ce serait assez facile pour nous de le rembourser.
It's easy enough to find out.
Allez voir.
You got to that one easy enough.
Vous l'avez eu facilement, non?
There seems to be a difference of opinion about that... but it's certainly easy enough to find out.
Je ne pense pas, mais on peut vérifier facilement.
It's easy enough to read the thoughts of a newcomer.
C'est facile de lire dans les pensées d'un nouveau venu.
It's easy enough to fool stupid villagers into thinking she's crazy but a doctor would know better.
C'est facile de faire croire à des villageois qu'elle est cinglée mais un docteur, c'est autre chose.
People, men particularly, find it easy enough to like you you're a natural and normal.
Vous plaisez aux gens, aux hommes entre autres. Vous êtes authentique.
Sure. Easy enough to get along with.
C'était facile.
It's easy enough to find out.
C'est assez facile à savoir.
And in the second place, if she'd wanted somebody better looking than me she could've had him easy enough
Et si elle voulait un plus bel homme que moi, elle aurait trouvé facilement.
At the races now, with strangers in it, he'll be leaving them behind easy enough.
S'il court contre des étrangers, il les battra facilement.
Well it's easy enough to put it right, sir.
Ce n'est pas bien compliqué.
I'd use a bellows myself... make one easy enough.
Un soufflet est plus pratique, et assez facile à fabriquer.
That was easy enough. The detonators took some doing.
C'était facile... ce sont les détonateurs qui m'ennuyaient.
He looks easy enough.
Il n'a pas l'air féroce.
I just can't seem to get the hang of it. It looks easy enough.
Ça a pourtant l'air facile.
You'd think that'd be easy enough in war, but it didn't work.
Ça devrait être facile en temps de guerre mais ça n'a pas marché.
It's easy enough to change beggars.
Il est facile de changer de mendiant.
I can find out easy enough, though.
Je peux le trouver facilement.
Oh, Fred. You know it's easy enough to chuck something you think is wrong. Whereas this way maybe there's a chance.
Ce serait facile de tout plaquer parce que quelque chose est injuste, mais j'ai espoir que ça s'améliore.
I'll replace them easy enough.
Je les remplacerai facilement.
Easy enough to talk of soul and spirit and essential worth.
C'est facile de parler de l'âme, de l'esprit et de la valeur de l'être.
We can find out, easy enough.
C'est facile à vérifier...
Well, we can handle one man easy enough.
On se chargera facilement d'un seul homme.
Easy enough to find out.
Ça va être facile de le savoir.
Easy enough to find out.
C'est facile à vérifier.
DiIIon's easy enough to place.
Dillon est assez prévisible.
He could have gotten out of it easy enough.
II aurait pu l'éviter.
Oh, that's easy enough. He comes here often enough to see my husband.
Il vient souvent séjourner ici, une folie de mon mari.
Easy enough.
La vérification est très facile.
It's easy enough to drudge along and cling on to something what somebody else has created.
C'est facile de trimer et de continuer le travail d'un autre.
Well, that's easy enough.
C'est facile.
He was already thought to be dead. Easy enough to get rid of him.
C'est facile de se débarrasser de quelqu'un qu'on croit mort.
A little bit of tile's easy enough to hide, and I don't want any fuss. - Besides... - Yes?
De plus, cette plaque a disparu sous votre nez, donc, à vous de la retrouver.
I don't go searching for trouble, friend. It's easy enough to come by.
Je ne cherche pas les ennuis, ils viennent assez tout seuls.
It hasn't been easy to find the money, but we have found it, enough to get started.
L'argent a été dur à trouver, mais j'ai réussi!
I know all the angles, and I think I'm smart enough to keep one step ahead of them till I get enough to pack it all in and live on easy street the rest of my life.
Je connais la chanson et je suis assez futée pour avoir un pas d'avance sur eux, jusqu'à ce que j'ai ramassé assez pour me la couler douce ensuite.
Well, you're not gonna get off that easy. My taxes are high enough already.
Vous ne vous en sortirez pas si facilement, je paie déjà assez d'impôts.
Easy enough.
It's gotta be easy enough to find.
Pas loin.
Easy. Crusades have given these people reason enough not to love Christians.
Les croisades leur ont donné des raisons de haïïr les chrétiens.
It's not easy with people who know just enough words to tell room service what they want
Mais ils connaissent tout juste assez de mots pour appeler le garçon d'étage.
You may perfect it enough to convince someone who doesn't know you... but right at present, it is quite easy to see through.
Les autres s'y laissent prendre, plus moi! Je vois très bien tes simagrées.
Haven't you seen enough gladiators in the arena... to see how easy it is to die?
N'as-tu pas vu assez de gladiateurs dans l'arène pour savoir... comme c'est facile de mourir?
That's easy enough for you to decide, captain.
On reste là.
enough 5528
enough is enough 234
enough for today 16
enough about me 63
enough said 73
enough chitchat 25
enough of this 129
enough talking 31
enough of this shit 25
enough now 40
enough is enough 234
enough for today 16
enough about me 63
enough said 73
enough chitchat 25
enough of this 129
enough talking 31
enough of this shit 25
enough now 40
enough already 193
enough games 17
enough's enough 35
enough talk 56
enough of this nonsense 22
enough with the 22
enough of that 96
easy peasy 72
easy does it 137
easy come 28
enough games 17
enough's enough 35
enough talk 56
enough of this nonsense 22
enough with the 22
enough of that 96
easy peasy 72
easy does it 137
easy come 28
easy now 258
easy go 25
easy as pie 25
easy money 34
easy there 232
easy to say 29
easy for you to say 139
easy go 25
easy as pie 25
easy money 34
easy there 232
easy to say 29
easy for you to say 139