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He lost it traduction Français

986 traduction parallèle
It's unfair of him to ask his money back after he lost it. Isn't it?
C'est injuste de sa part de réclamer son argent après l'avoir perdu.
I bet he lost it trying to see something that wasn't his business.
Il a dû le perdre en épiant ce qui ne le regardait pas.
How he lost it. You see, he just didn't have any to give.
Il l'a perdu, car lui... n'en avait guère à donner.
We think he lost it in there.
On pense qu'il l'a perdue ici.
He said he lost it in the metro.
Il a dit que ça s'était passé au métro La Fourche.
He lost it during the war.
Il avait perdu une jambe à la guerre.
He owes me that, he lost it in a bet.
Il a perdu un pari contre moi hier. Il me le devait.
Has he lost it, completely?
L'a-t-il complètement perdue?
That shoe in the hall is his. He lost it during the fall.
Il a perdu une chaussure dans sa chute.
It was just a harmless flirtation, and then, well, he lost his head.
Ce n'était qu'un flirt sans importance, mais il a perdu la tête.
I thought I'd lost my shirt He's got it, he's got it he's got it, he's got it
Je croyais avoir perdu ma chemise
If he's lost his job, it's a cinch he'll be here to marry ya.
S'il a perdu son emploi, c'est sûr qu'il va vouloir te marier.
He lost it all. And now it's up to you to get him out of it.
Et tu dois le tirer de l.a.
although The Invisible Man was always thought to be CIaude Rains'first film, it was confirmed recently that he had a supporting role in a silent British feature production of 1920 called Build Thy House, which apparently is a lost film.
On pense souvent que L'homme invisible est le premier film de Claude Rains, mais on a appris récemment qu'il avait joué dans un film britannique muet de 1920 intitulé Build Thy House, qui a apparemment été perdu.
I'll bet he's wondering when he lost it.
Il doit se demander quand il l'a perdu.
Is it not admirable Monsieur Cantrell can joke so cleverly... when he has just lost the lady of his heart?
Il plaisante bien qu'il ait perdu l'amour de sa belle.
- Wouldn't it be fun if he was lost?
- Ne serait-ce pas drôle qu'il se perde?
My father gave me this ring and said if ever he lost his temper with me to bring it to him and he'd forgive me.
Mon pêre me l'a donnée en disant que s'il se fâchait avec moi, il suffirait de la lui ramener pour qu'il me pardonne.
I have to go over the place with Frank, just to make sure that he hasn't lost any of it.
Je dois vérifier que la propriété est encore entière.
He didn't mention anything about marriage until after it was over and until it got in the papers about us and he lost the election, and that Norton woman divorced him.
Il ne m'a parlé de mariage qu'après que ce soit dans le journal... qu'il ait perdu les élections et qu'il soit divorcé. Ma voix l'intéressait.
No. He was a man who got everything he wanted, and then lost it.
Kane a eu tout ce qu'il a désiré et il a tout perdu.
- Looks like he's lost it.
- Il l'a perdu.
It seems he's lost some of his papers and it may take months to replace them.
II a perdu ses papiers, il faut des mois pour les refaire.
- He wasn't there. Well, anyhow, before I knew it, I lost my head.
C'est là que j'ai perdu la tête.
As it happens, he was lost by enemy action.
C'est... lui qui est perdu.
To top it all, he lost his foreman.
Pour finir, il a perdu son contremaître.
He doesn't want to see me because he's lost his leg and he doesn't even want me to know it's happened till he gets a new leg and learns how to use it.
Il ne veut pas me voir car il a perdu une jambe et il ne veut pas que je le sache avant qu'il ait une nouvelle jambe et qu'il sache s'en servir.
I know it sounds funny, but the night went so fast and I got sleepy, and then we lost each other this morning, and he's only got today.
Ça peut paraître bizarre, mais la nuit est passée si vite, j'avais sommeil... On s'est perdus, ce matin. Il s'en va demain.
And he was on the other side of it, lost.
Et lui, là-bas, il était perdu.
It's faith, precious particle - something he has by him. That's where I've lost.
Mais il a quelque chose d'autre... quelque chose de précieux, quelque chose qu'il possède, et que moi, j'ai perdu.
You know, it's your fault he lost.
Par votre faute.
And now, when he's lost it all, everything,
Et maintenant, quand il a perdu Tout, tout,
I wish our cat would get lost and he'd bring it back. Then we'd get to talking.
Si notre chatte se perdait, il pourrait nous la ramener.
It was supposed to be me, and a big wave came up and washed it away, and he said, "Well, I've lost you", and I said, " You'll never lose me, Frank.
C'était moi. Une vague l'a emportée et il a dit : "Je t'ai perdue." J'ai répondu :
He put his heart into it. And lost his life.
Il y mettait tout son cœur... et y a perdu la vie.
He'd been so busy building a great production machine that he finally lost sight of why he was building it, of why he was the man he was!
Tellement occupé à bâtir une grande machine de production qu'il avait perdu de vue la raison pour laquelle il bâtissait, pour laquelle il était qui il était!
If he is to be lost then he should do it quickly.
II sera évêque dans 7 ans! Oui...
Once in Milan, a 70 kg man lost his eyesight, when he tried it.
Une fois, à Milan, un homme de 70 kg a perdu la vue en essayant, de faire ça.
Bet your shirt. It would pay more if he lost.
- Les gains seraient meilleurs s'il perdait.
It seems he's been under heavy mental stress and tonight he lost control.
Il était sous pression et a perdu son sang-froid.
Well, it looks like he's lost something.
On dirait qu'il a perdu quelque chose.
It does not surprise me that he lost.
Ça ne me surprend pas qu'il ait perdu.
" And before he was aware of it he was lost.
"... avant qu'il ne le comprenne, il était perdu.
A human being knows when he has lost... and he tries to save himself. When you are put into the army, you are expected to risk your life. But you are not expected to just throw it away.
Quand on entre dans l'armée, on est censé risquer sa vie, mais on n'est pas tenu de la perdre pour rien.
If you tell a man he's a hero, then he thinks of himself as one and then you've lost it. You've lost the true reason.
Si vous traitez un homme de héros, il jouera les héros... et il ne sera plus sincère.
Sergeant of mine in the Philippines once lost an ear. When he got back to the States, they made him a rubber one and it looked so lifelike you couldn't tell the difference.
Un de mes sergents avait perdu une oreille... on lui en a fait une en caoutchouc... si bien imitée que ça ne se remarquait pas.
" What man having 100 sheep, if he lose one of them does not leave the 99 in the wilderness and go after that which is lost, until he find it?
''Quel homme, s'il a cent brebis et vient à en perdre une,''n'abandonne les 99 autres pour s'en aller''après celle qui est perdue jusqu'à ce qu'il la retrouve?
It all started when he lost to Ushitora at gambling.
Tout a commencé quand il a joué et perdu contre Ushi-Tora.
It was as if he had lost a treasure.
C'était comme s'il avait perdu un trésor.
In any event, his was the only ship to do it, and I believe he lost 50 percent of his crew.
De toute façon, seul ce navire l'a fait, et il me semble qu'il a perdu cinquante pour cent de son équipage.
It happened during the night. He lost consciousness at dawn but then came to a bit.
Il s'est évanoui à l'aube, puis s'est un peu remis.

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