His hand traduction Français
6,461 traduction parallèle
Why cut off his hand?
Pourquoi couper sa main?
Ha'penny for the girls, but I'm sure a man with his own newspaper column can afford to put his hand in his pocket?
Un demi penny pour les filles, mais je suis sure qu'un homme avec sa propre rubrique peut mettre la main à la poche?
He's letting you hold his hand, isn't he?
Il te laisse prendre sa main.
He will need someone then, who'll hold his hand and bring him into light.
Il aura besoin de quelqu'un pour lui tenir la main et le garder dans la lumière.
And the one who'll hold his hand will be our child.
Et celui qui lui tiendra la main ce sera notre enfant.
Hopefully, this won't be him trying his hand at poetry again.
J'espère que ce n'est pas encore lui qui s'essaie à la poésie.
Because he died with a gun in his hand, that's how it is, they won't let us take him into the church.
Il est mort, un flingue à la main. C'est inutile. Il n'entrera pas à l'église.
Yesterday I was with my father in the jail of shit and spoke with his heart in his hand.
Hier, j'ai vu mon père dans cette taule de merde. Il m'a parlé, le cœur sur la main.
Once he has mobility in his hand, get a keyboard in front of him. See if he can type.
Une fois qu'il aura de la mobilité dans sa main, mettez un clavier devant lui pour voir s'il peut taper.
I thought you were gonna go for his hand.
Je pensais que tu choisirais sa main.
My parents are going out of town, so I'm gonna ask Malik for his hand in marriage.
Mes parents quittent la ville, Je vais demander Malik en mariage.
- Did you see his hand?
Vous avez vu sa main?
Ok, what happened to his hand?
Ok, qu'est-il arrivé à sa main?
Found his hand up Jamela Larkin's skirt.
Et j'ai vu sa main sous la jupe de Jamela Larkin.
Kilgallen always had his hand out.
Kilgallen a toujours la main tendue.
And he put his hand out - - said that he'd be quiet if I paid.
Il a tendue la main... disant qu'il se tairait si je payais.
All the while, Ivan had his hand in my wallet.
Pendant tout ce temps, Ivan avait sa main dans mon portefeuille.
And he's cutting his hand off.
Il a coupé sa main.
... cutting his hand off.
... coupé sa main.
-... his hand off.
-... sa main.
Berlin cut his hand off.
Berlin lui a coupé la main.
He cut his hand off?
Il lui a coupé la main?
He was handcuffed to a guard, and he's cutting his hand off.
Il était menotté à un garde et il lui coupe la main.
Yeah, that's what all the prisoners said- - he cut his hand off.
C'est ce qu'ont dit les prisonniers... il a coupé sa main.
He cut his hand off.
Il a coupé sa main.
Yeah, I can't believe that Goldberg kid lost his hand.
Ouais, Je n'arrive pas a croire que le gosse Goldberg ait perdu sa main
Okay, is he feeding her nuts out of his hand like she's a squirrel?
Il lui donne des noix, et elle mange dans sa main, comme un écureuil?
Francis, I broke a glass and Edward cut his hand on a piece of it.
Francis, j'ai cassé un verre, Edward s'est coupé la main en m'aidant.
He had the knife in his hand, Luke.
Il avait un couteau dans sa main, Luke.
They're teeny. - His hand is tiny.
- Je te jure, minuscules.
You need to press your forearm into the back of his neck, grab your elbow with the other hand to choke him right out.
Tu dois appuyer ton avant-bras contre sa nuque, attraper ton coude avec l'autre main pour l'étouffer d'un coup direct.
Now, I know Mr Grove is doing his best but... But there's no reason we can't give him a helping hand.
Je sais que M. Grove fait de son mieux mais il n'y a pas de raison qu'on ne l'aide pas.
I just held his hand.
Cette vieille dame a failli finir chez un ferrailleur.
When I was little and he was angry, he would backhand me with his left hand.
Malheureusement, j'ai l'habitude des rubans policiers sur ma propriété. Vous avez été très utile. Plus que ce que les personnes attendaient.
And sometimes, when he was feeling mean, he'd use his right. He wore a ring on that hand.
Je sais que mon désir d'intimité peut sembler un peu étrange pour les habitants.
You put that hand sanitizer into his big furry mitt!
Vous avez mis du désinfectant dans son grand gant à poil!
There's a big blanket over us, and at one point, he takes my hand and puts it on his enormous penis.
Il y avait une couverture sur nous, et à un moment, il a pris ma main et l'a mis sur son énorme pénis.
Now when I go to shake my father-in-law's hand at the wedding, maybe my other hand won't be goosing his behind.
Lorsque j'irai serrer la main de mon beau père au mariage, peut être que mon autre main n'ira pas lui pincer les fesses.
And she became his wife after he worked seven years to earn her hand in marriage.
Il a obtenu sa main après sept ans de dur travail.
Then I get him by the hand, lead him to the next room where all his presents are waiting.
Puis je l'ai pris par la main, je l'ai mené dans la pièce d'à côté où l'attendaient tous ces cadeaux.
They're on their way to his apartment, warrant in hand.
Ils sont en route vers son appartement, mandat en main.
I was his right hand.
J'étais son bras droit.
"Jessica grabbed the ranch hand by his belt buckle and pulled him close, her lips attacking his, their bodies destined to become one."
"Jessica attrapa l'ouvrier du ranch par sa ceinture et le tira tout près, ses lèvres attaquèrent les siennes, leurs corps destinés à ne devenir qu'un."
She was holding Mr. Johnson's hand and leading him in a salvation prayer for his soul when we heard this loud boom.
Elle tenait la main de M. Johnson, elle lui récitait une prière pour qu'il parte en paix, Quand on a entendu un gros "boom".
As unlikely as cutting off a man's hand to access his RFID chip?
Aussi improbable que de couper la main d'un homme pour obtenir sa puce RFID?
Ted really led the way, with the whole paperless classroom thing, he had his kids hand in all their work on those USB sticks.
Ted était le leader de l'écologie, il ne voulait pas de la paperasse, il faisait rendre les devoirs des élèves sur des clés USB.
And when I... I finally found him in the field where Fayette police had found the last victim... He was carving the Roman numeral eight into his own hand.
Et quand je... je l'ai retrouvé à Fayette là où la police avait trouvé la dernière victime... il gravait le chiffre romain VIII sur sa propre main.
then the researcher has to hand over his or her copyright to this multi-billion dollar company.
à la dernière étape, le chercheur doit abandonner ses droits à ces sociétés multi-milliardaires.
Berlin cut off his own hand?
Berlin s'est coupé sa propre main?
I want to hand him the one piece of news that will destroy him, and I want to watch his face when it happens.
Je veux lui révéler cette information qui va le détruire, et je veux regarder son visage quand ça arrivera.
He couldn't have slashed her throat with his right hand.
Il ne pouvait pas trancher sa gorge avec sa main droite.
his hands 34
handsome 790
hand 531
handle 38
hands 577
handy 35
handcuffs 78
handed 1098
handyman 20
handled 28
handsome 790
hand 531
handle 38
hands 577
handy 35
handcuffs 78
handed 1098
handyman 20
handled 28
handles 20
handsome man 22
hands off 293
hands in the air 324
hands on the wheel 31
hands where i can see them 140
hands behind your back 288
hands up 935
hands above your head 53
hands on your head 187
handsome man 22
hands off 293
hands in the air 324
hands on the wheel 31
hands where i can see them 140
hands behind your back 288
hands up 935
hands above your head 53
hands on your head 187