Hold on to him traduction Français
413 traduction parallèle
- That's fine. He's a swell guy, you want to hold on to him.
- Oui, vous tenez à le garder.
Officer, if you'll just hold on to him for a minute, I'll run on ahead. You don't have to run, Miss.
- Retenez-le, je vais courir.
Hold on to him.
- Now, hold on to him, boys.
- Tenez-le, les gars.
Hold on to him! He'll watch.
Tenez-le bien.
It's too bad I couldn't hold on to him.
Dommage que je n'ai pas pu l'attraper.
Hold on to him.
Gardez-le précieusement.
We're going to hold on to him by the nose and kick him in the ass.
On va les tenir par le nez et leur botter le cul.
Hold on to him firmly!
Tenez-le fort!
Don't tell ME you'rE going to try and have a baby to hold on to him.
Vous allez tomber enceinte pour garder mon père?
- Hold on to him!
- Ne le läche pas!
Grab his other arm. Hold on to him.
Attrapez son autre bras.
Take Randy's hand and hold on to him.
Donne la main à Randy.
- Hold on to him.
- T'inquiète.
Get hold of my understudy. Tell him he has to go on again tonight.
Dites à ma doublure qu'elle jouera encore ce soir.
Hold on to him!
Oh, when I find the half-wit who did that, there won't be enough left of him to hold an inquest on!
Quand je trouverai l'imbécile qui a fait ça, il sera pas en état de supporter l'enquête!
Bring pegs to hold him. Bring jacks, tacks, cleats, axe. All kinds of things and stuff like that there!
Qu'on apporte leviers, treuils et toutes ces choses-là!
Janis wants us to get Saliano to hold a seance so you can expose him.
Janis veut qu'on pousse Saliano à organiser une séance de spiritisme pour le démasquer.
He got filled full of buckshot the same way. Took four of us deacons to hold him.
On avait dû se mettre a quatre pour le maîtriser.
Dr. Rigas seems to have some sort of hold on him that the rest of us don't know about.
Le Dr Rigas semble savoir quelque chose qu'on ignore.
The whole marriage is just another campaign stunt to him — insisting we hold it the day before the election... so I'll get a good publicity break on election day.
Même le mariage fait partie de cette campagne. Il l'a prévu à la veille des élections pour me faire de la publicité.
Yea, Lord... dead in the selfishness of her spirit... and the man followed her. Her steps led him down to evil. Her feet took hold on death.
Oui, Seigneur, morte de l'égoïsme de son âme, et l'homme la suivit, ses pas le menèrent au mal, ses pieds se dirigèrent vers la mort.
But until Gerard chooses to cooperate I must hold him on suspicion of murder.
Mais en attendant la coopération de Gerard, je dois le garder comme suspect de meurtre.
- We'll hold him to it.
- On l'obligera à la tenir.
Just the same, sir, I think we ought to keep a tight hold on him for a bit.
Il vaudrait mieux le tenir fermement, au cas où.
L'm going to bring in Rinaldi and hold him on a suspicion of murder.
Je vais arrêter Rinaldi pour meurtre.
So if madame had her way, we'd grab him in broad daylight in a restaurant and we'd hold his feet to the fire to make him cough up the money.
En somme si on écoutait madame. On abattrait le mec en plein jour, au beau milieu d'une gare ou d'un troquet. Et lui curait la plante des pieds devant cent personnes.
Although'tis fit that Cassio have his place, yet, if you please to hold him off awhile, note if your lady strain his entertainment... with any strong or vehement importunity.
Il est sans doute à propos de rendre à Cassio sa place, cependant, s'il vous plaît, de le tenir éloigné quelque temps. Remarquez si Desdémona presse son rétablissement avec beaucoup d'instances : on verra bien des choses.
- This bad son and brother needs someone to take pity on him, you'll hold out your hand.
Si un jour René Brunel, mauvais fils et mauvais frère, a besoin qu'on ait pitié de lui, vous serez là pour lui tendre la main.
I don't think I ever did see him standing on his own 2 feet without something to help hold him up.
Je ne l'ai jamais vu tenir en équilibre tout seul.
What did you leave him go for? You had plenty to hold him on.
Pourquoi l'avez-vous laissé partir?
Hold on. Want him to think you hear him?
Tu veux faire croire que tu l'écoutes?
Hold on, we have Aquirico, I'm going to call him, he knows me.
Attends! Je vais appeler le Quirico.
One of these days, there won't be anybody to hold you. Get him out of here! Come on!
Un de ces jours, il n'y aura personne pour vous retenir.
On the contrary, I have to hold him off.
Je dois plutôt le réfréner!
McNab's orders were to hold him until we've got the woman.
Mr Nab veut que l'on trouve d'abord la femme.
To get rid of him just because of those teeth! Hold on gentlemen.
Cela doit être retiré.. juste parce que c'est un Denton-Messieurs!
We'll have to hold this great gunman's glass for him to drink now.
On devra bientôt lui tenir son verre au grand pistolero!
Take this to Okunaka and have him hold on to it.
Donne ça à Okunaka et assure-toi qu'il le garde.
Tell him we need to hold two surgeons over from the day shift.
Dites-lui qu'on a du boulot jour et nuit pour 2 chirurgiens.
We'll have to get them first, get into that house, grab Ketcham, and use him to hold the rest off.
D'abord on s'occupe d'eux, puis on entre dans la maison, on attrape Ketcham et on se sert de lui comme bouclier.
See if you can get him to hold off on that statement.
Fais en sorte qu'il attende pour le communiqué.
Any tramp that sets foot on my train... I'd hold him out and shake him to death like a snake!
Le premier qui met un pied sur mon train, je l'attrape et je le secoue comme un serpent.
We'll tell him how you tried to hold that girl's life over our heads.
On lui expliquera comment vous nous avez fait chanter avec sa vie.
They were gonna nail his ass to the floorboards for that one. But after the press got a hold of it, they promoted him to full colonel instead.
Ils s'apprêtaient à l'aligner, mais la presse s'en était emparée et on l'avait promu colonel.
Get him something to eat before that mob get hold of him and treat him to a hero's welcome.
- Bonne idée. - On l'envoie manger. On va le traiter comme un héros de retour.
Well, no... i tried to get a hold of him, but he's still on that fishing charter and...
Eh bien, non... j'ai essayé de l'avoir, mais il est toujours sur son bateau de pêche et...
We don't have enough to hold him on.
On n'avait rien contre lui.
Hold on to him.
I want to hold him. - What's that? - He has these hickeys on his neck.
Il a des suçons dans le cou.
hold on 13161
hold on a second 1159
hold on to me 73
hold on tight 161
hold on a sec 244
hold on a minute 292
hold on a moment 33
hold on one second 255
hold on for a second 24
hold on there 121
hold on a second 1159
hold on to me 73
hold on tight 161
hold on a sec 244
hold on a minute 292
hold on a moment 33
hold on one second 255
hold on for a second 24
hold on there 121
hold on one sec 46
hold on now 65
hold on to that 25
hold on just a second 39
hold on to it 26
hold on here 28
hold on to this 18
to him 225
to himself 21
hold the door 81
hold on now 65
hold on to that 25
hold on just a second 39
hold on to it 26
hold on here 28
hold on to this 18
to him 225
to himself 21
hold the door 81
hold my hand 117
hold it 2458
hold me tight 34
hold your horses 138
hold me 244
hold it right there 423
hold still 691
hold up 1863
hold me close 21
hold it down 43
hold it 2458
hold me tight 34
hold your horses 138
hold me 244
hold it right there 423
hold still 691
hold up 1863
hold me close 21
hold it down 43