How much you want traduction Français
1,798 traduction parallèle
- How much you want?
- Combien vous en voulez?
How much you want?
Vous en voulez combien?
How much you want for him?
Vous voulez combien pour lui?
How much you want?
Combien tu veux?
How much you want for this?
Combien tu veux pour ça?
How much you want it to do down?
De combien je le descends?
How much you want for the bear?
Combien pour l'ours?
It's just a question of how much you want it to hurt.
Ça dépend juste de votre tolérance à la douleur.
It's just a question of how much you want it to hurt.
A vous de voir à quel point vous voulez souffrir.
How much you want to bet that's Wolfowitz in the doorway?
On parie que c'est Wolfowitz?
when we kiss, when we really kiss, i can feel how much you want me.
Quand on s'embrasse, quand on s'embrasse vraiment, je peux sentir combien tu me désires.
How much you want for it?
Combien tu veux pour la caisse?
Thank you very much. I just want to say right away how happy I am... that my daughter Lola is here tonight.
Je dois vous dire combien je suis heureuse que ma fille
My mama would just be mortified at my behavior, and I just want to tell you how much I appreciate what you're doing for me.
Ma mere aurait honte de mon comportement, et je veux te dire a quel point j'apprécie ce que tu fais pour moi.
How much do you want this time?
T'en veux combien?
So how much do you want for all this? Three hundred?
Vous en voulez combien, 300?
How much do you want to take me to the factory?
Combien voulez-vous pour m'accompagner à l'usine?
How much do you want for them?
Combien tu les vends?
If you want money then I will give you. How much will you give me?
Je te donnerai de l'argent si tu veux.
So how much do you want to get from here?
Combien veux-tu pour t'en aller?
How much do you want it to be?
Quel âge voudrais-tu qu'il ait?
- How much do you want?
- Combien vous voulez?
How much do you want?
Combien vous voulez?
- How much do you want? - 20,000.
- Combien?
How much more do you want?
Combien vous voulez?
Do you really want to know how much time I've spent in my life... worrying about how I was gonna make a living... worried about making ends meet?
Veux-tu vraiment savoir combien de temps j'ai passé dans ma vie... à m'inquiéter à savoir comment j'allais gagner ma vie... à m'inquiéter comment arriver financièrement?
How much do you want?
Combien tu veux?
The rabbit hole and how deep and how far we want to go... is really how far, how much do you want to discover about your true nature?
Le terrier de lapin, et jusqu'à quelle profondeur et jusqu'à quelle distance nous voulons aller est réellement aussi loin et aussi profond que ce que nous voulons découvrir au sujet de notre vraie nature?
I just know how much you love your grandparents and how important to you it was to have a relationship with them, and I don't want the fact that you inherited my stubbornness to screw that up.
Je sais combien tu aimes tes grands-parents. Et combien tu tenais à rester proche d'eux, et je ne veux pas que le fait que tu aies hérité de mon entêtement gâche tout ça.
How much do you want to bet?
Combien veux-tu parier?
God, if you were a person, you'd see how much I miss her... how much I want her to be here.
Si t'étais un être humain, tu verrais comme elle me manque! Comme j'aimerais qu'elle soit là!
But mostly I think I was afraid of how much I want to be with you.
Mais je crois que j'avais surtout peur parce que j'avais tellement envie d'être avec toi.
I didn't want to say anything to you because I know how much this means to you.
J'ai peur.
I do not want to know how much it hurts When you read in turns, As hatred summer because Morals Men as you look In a different way.
Je veux pas qu'elle sache à quel point ça fait mal de se tourner dans son lit, ou comme on peut haïr l'été à cause des maillots de bain, à quel point les hommes vous regardent différemment.
How much do you want to spend?
Combien tu veux dépenser?
So how much do you want?
Et combien il veut?
But how much more do you want?
Mais que souhaite t-on de plus?
And if there is anything that they would want you to know, it's that they know how much you love them.
Et s'il y a une chose qu'ils voudraient que vous sachiez, c'est qu'ils savent combien vous les aimiez.
And I will talk about this with you as much as you want, but I'll go see how he's doing first, okay?
Et on parlera de tout ça autant que vous voulez. Je vais d'abord voir comment il va.
How much do you want?
Et combien vous voudriez?
- How much do you want?
" - How much do you want?"
How much do you want to earn?
Combien voulez-vous gagner?
The real question is, how much of forever you want to spend in jail.
La vraie question c'est, combien de temps tu comptes rester en prison.
And I know how much that hurts, And so I would never want you to Feel that way again.
Et je sais combien ça fait mal, donc je ne te ferais jamais ressentir ça à nouveau.
- how much do you want?
Combien tu veux?
Isabelle, the man just told you straight up- - he doesn't want to marry you.How much clearer does he have to be?
Isabelle, cet homme vient de te dire en face... Il ne veut pas t'épouser. Ca ne peut pas être plus clair?
I just want everybody to know how much I love you.
Je veux juste que tout le monde sache combien je t'aime...
How much do you want for your property?
- Combien veux-tu pour le local?
you know, i can impress on the san diego pd how much we want moran picked up.
Je peux faire savoir à la police de San Diego que nous voulons vraiment ce Moran.
No matter how much evidence you have, I'm the Big Hombre. I get whatever I want, including store-bought justice.
Le nombre de preuves que vous avez n'a aucune importance, je suis le "big hombre", j'obtiens ce que je veux même la justice.
How much do you want?
Combien il te faut?
how much is that 99
how much 2482
how much are they 24
how much money have you got 16
how much money do you have 19
how much do you need 113
how much do you weigh 35
how much does it cost 46
how much time 156
how much do you have 55
how much 2482
how much are they 24
how much money have you got 16
how much money do you have 19
how much do you need 113
how much do you weigh 35
how much does it cost 46
how much time 156
how much do you have 55