I'm feeling it traduction Français
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I have a feeling that if we got together, collaborated on a note to leave behind, and really worked on it, it would not only be a very fine piece of literature, but it might save me a black eye.
Il me semble que si nous nous y mettions... Si nous écrivions ensemble un mot bien peaufiné à lui laisser, non seulement ce serait un morceau d'anthologie, mais ça m'éviterait un œil au beurre noir.
Ouch! Never say fingerprints when I'm around. It gives me a sickly feeling.
Ne dis pas "empreintes digitales" devant moi, ça me rend malade.
I was feeling when he saved my life but I just didn't know what it was then.
J'y ai pensé quand il m'a sauvé la vie, mais sans savoir quoi.
I'm mad, and it's a great feeling!
Oui, je suis fou, et ça fait du bien!
Well, it wasn't quite clear, but I got the feeling that I was headed for the sharp end of a sellout.
Ce n'était pas très clair, mais j'ai eu l'impression de devoir m'attendre à me faire rouler.
Maybe it's my own sense of guilt, but I have an unpleasant feeling I'm going to be made to pay the piper for what I'm doing tonight.
Je me sens coupable. J'ai l'impression que c'est à moi qu'on fera payer les pots cassés.
Sorry, Doctor, but whether you believe it or not... I'm trying to help Miss Hammond and her brother... and I have a feeling they'll need help.
Désolé Docteur, mais croyez-le ou non... j'essaie d'aider Mlle Hammond et son frère... et j'ai le sentiment qu'ils auront besoin d'aide.
It began the other morning when I left you... feeling so hopeless because you wouldn't marry me.
Ça a débuté l'autre jour, quand j'étais désespéré que tu ne veuilles pas m'épouser.
- Please do not say it that way, I'm trying to cure myself from feeling like a freak.
- Ne dites pas ça comme cela j'essaie de me soigner d'apparaître comme une bête rare
Then suddenly I had the feeling that someone was listening that I was singing for someone who enjoyed it.
Et soudain, j'ai eu l'impression que quelqu'un m'entendait que je chantais pour quelqu'un à qui ça faisait plaisir.
If I say that's anti-Semitism, your feeling that being Christian is better than being Jewish you'll tell me I'm heckling you or I'm twisting your words around or it's just facing facts, as someone else said to me yesterday. Face me, Miss Wales.
Si je dis que votre attitude est une forme d'antisémitisme, vous rétorquerez que je vous tourmente, et qu'il s'agit d'un simple fait, comme on m'a dit hier.
You mean you've got that "I'm scared, but it's wonderful" feeling?
Ce sentiment : "J'ai peur, mais je suis bien"?
Say that again about... the "I'm scared, but it's wonderful" feeling.
Parle-moi encore de ce sentiment... "J'ai peur mais je suis bien".
Yes, I know it, and yet when I had to kneel before you and you crossed the sword over my head, and you raised me to the rank of the Count of Bergamo, it was a feeling of...
Oui, je sais. Mais en m'agenouillant pour que vous m'éleviez au rang de comte de Bergame c'était un sentiment assez...
A good feeling. I liked it.
Ça m'a fait du bien.
I'm certain you don't think you must leave your husband... for the sake of this feeling, as overwhelming as it may be.
Je suis certain que vous ne pensiez pas devoir quitter votre mari... pour un simple sentiment, aussi fort fut-il.
You don't deserve it, but I'm feeling generous.
Vous ne les méritez pas, mais je sais me montrer généreux.
I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy it here too.
Je sens que je vais bien m'amuser.
I first thought it was by God's grace that I was not feeling any pain.
J'ai cru que Dieu me faisait une grâce en m'ôtant la peine.
I can't deny the feeling that drew me here this evening. It was not just curiosity.
J'avoue que ce qui m'a attirée ici ce soir n'est pas une simple curiosité.
I've got a feeling I'm not going to like it.
Ca va coller! - Je ne vais pas apprecier... - Tu vas detester!
I have a strange feeling it's out there somewhere waiting for me.
j'ai le pressentiment qu'il est la, quelque part. en train de m'attentre.
I know I'm feeling sorry for myself, but it's true.
Je m'apitoie sur mon sort, mais c'est si vrai.
I don't know, it gives me a feeling of calm, of security.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais tu m'inspires... le calme, la sécurité.
It's just like the feeling I get when I'm gonna have one of those spells.
Cela s'apparente à ce que je ressens quand j'ai ces évanouissements.
I'm getting the feeling that it ain't Hallie that's lost, it's me.
J'ai l'impression que c'est pas Hallie qui est perdue, mais moi.
I have a feeling I'm gonna need it.
J'ai l'impression que je vais en avoir besoin.
If this is it, it's... it resembles what I'm feeling right now.
Si c'est ça, c'est... Ca ressemble à ce que je sens en moi en ce moment.
I'm seeing it, and I'm feeling it, but I don't believe it.
Je le vois, je le sens, mais j'y crois pas.
But by the way I'm feeling I may be up to it by next week.
Mais je vais de mieux en mieux. La semaine prochaine, peut-être.
They're so tempting, it's a shame I'm feeling so well.
C'est très tentant. Malheureusement, je me sens bien.
I'm always feeling like something is going to happen and it never does.
C'est comme si... j'attendais quelque chose qui ne vient pas.
You must be cleverer than I am. I've tried feeling pity for you, but it keeps on turning into something else.
J'ai tenté de m'apitoyer sur vous... mais ça se transforme toujours en autre chose.
And I can scarcely explain... what feeling of repugnance it was which... in the end, operated to prevent me.
Et je peux à peine expliquer... quelle sensation de répugnance ce fut qui... à la fin, agit pour m'en empêcher.
I'm feeling great, and I owe it all to Darrin "He's-Done-It-Again" Stephens.
En pleine forme, et c'est grâce aux exploits renouvelés de Jean-Pierre le Magnifique.
I can't pin it down, but I have a definite feeling that something didn't fit.
Je ne sais comment dire, mais il y a un détail qui m'échappe.
Can't you understand it was the feeling I was affected by?
C'est l'émotion qui m'a bouleversée.
I happen to have tickets for Cinema Sociables, dining, and dancing, and I have a cab waiting outside, and it seems that there's just nothing here now, and I'm quite upset about it, and I seem to be feeling quite degraded.
J'ai des billets pour le cinéma, le dîner et la boite de nuit, et j'ai un taxi qui attend dehors, or, elle n'est au courant de rien, ce que je trouve agaçant et humiliant.
It's a reasonable offer, also because I'm feeling hungry...
C'est une offre raisonnable, parce que j'ai faim...
I'll let that witticism slide by,..... because it's my feeling that they're about to re-establish..... the parks and forests system.
Je m'abstiendrai de répondre à ce mot d'esprit parce que j'ai le pressentiment qu'ils vont rétablir l'organisation des parcs et forêts.
It's a pity you're not feeling well, child... otherwise I'd insist that you come with me.
Dommage que tu ne te sentes pas bien, sinon j'insisterais pour que tu m'accompagnes.
But you won't be able to have it your own way much longer... because the country ain't the same anymore... and I'm already feeling the strange in myself.
Mais tu ne pourras pas faire comme tu veux bien longtemps, parce que ce pays n'est plus le même. Je m'y sens déjà comme un étranger.
Nope, but I got the feeling I'm gonna hear it.
Non, mais je sens que je ne vais pas tarder à l'entendre.
I get this feeling, and it's building up fast, that Mr. Martin's health has gone downhill since I saw him last.
J'ai le pressentiment, et il grandit rapidement... que la santé de M. Martin s'est aggravée depuis ma dernière rencontre avec lui.
Now, I'm not sure what's going on, but I have a feeling it'll make Watergate look like a pie fight.
Now, l'm not sure what s going on, mais j'ai le sentiment que ça fera Watergate look like a pie fight.
I have a feeling I'm going to like it here.
Je crois que je vais me plaire ici.
I'm forced to admit it... caught in the act... and maybe we've hit it... this strange new feeling... is something you're feeling...
Je dois bien l'admettre, La main dans le sac, On a mis dans le mille
I can't describe it, what I'm feeling and what I'm thinking.
J'arrive pas à expliquer ce que je ressens... et ce que je pense.
But I have a strange feeling... That somebody already told me about it--Or something similar.
Mais j'ai l'étrange sentiment... que quelqu'un m'a déjà parlé de ça ou de quelque chose dans le genre.
Maybe it's the trip, but I'm not feeling too well.
C'est peut-être le voyage, mais je me sens patraque.
I'm glad to hear that. I had a feeling it wasn't because of him.
Tant mieux, si ce n'est pas à cause de lui.
i'm feeling good 33
i'm feeling sick 16
i'm feeling lucky 18
i'm feeling fine 23
i'm feeling better 55
i'm feeling great 18
i'm feeling 30
i'm feeling much better 40
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
i'm feeling sick 16
i'm feeling lucky 18
i'm feeling fine 23
i'm feeling better 55
i'm feeling great 18
i'm feeling 30
i'm feeling much better 40
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
item 93
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
item 93
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itis 22
itchy 49
italy 247
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
itis 22
itchy 49
italy 247
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
itself 24
items 25
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's only fair 72
it's a girl 287
it's just 7387
items 25
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's only fair 72
it's a girl 287
it's just 7387