If i'd known traduction Français
1,233 traduction parallèle
I'll find out if the man who answered her anonymously in the paper, is in fact known to her.
Je saurai au cas où réellement celui qui lui a répondu comme inconnu est déjà connu d'elle, la mettre dans une situation
Too bad I forgot to time it. If I'd timed it, I would have known how long it took to hit the ground.
Dommage que j'ai oublié de chronométrer combien de temps ça a pris.
Sure sorry about that. If I had known, I'd have taken you to New Orleans... - Man, fuck you.
Sinon, je t'aurais emmené à la Nouvelle-Orléans pour t'apprendre des trucs.
But if only I had known how, I'd have made my escape.
Mais si j'avais su, j'aurais fui par là!
If I'd known, I'd have slashed my throat instead of my tendon.
Au lieu de me couper le tendon, j'aurais du me flinguer.
If I'd known you'd go mad, I wouldn't have.
Si j'avais su que tu le prendrais, comme ça, j'aurais rien fait.
If I'd known what sort you were I'd never have lowered myself by accepting your company.
Si j'avais su ton genre, je ne me serais jamais abaissée à accepter ta compagnie.
" If I'd known there was fraud
" Si j'avais appris l'escroquerie,
If I'd known...
" Si j'avais su...
If I'd known you were going to the next town instead of the one nearest the motel, I would've never gotten into this vehicle.
Si j'avais su que vous alliez si loin, je ne serais pas venue!
Hey, if I'd have known it was this easy... I would've scared you a long time ago.
Si j'avais su que tu prenais peur si facilement, je t'aurais fait peur il y a longtemps.
I'd have reported it myself, if I'd known that there was...
Je l'aurais fait moi-même si j'avais su que...
If I'd only known. Operator?
Si seulement j'avais su.
And if I'd known where you live, I would've written you a love letter everyday.
Si j'avais su où vous habitez, je vous aurais écrit des lettres d'amour tous les jours.
If the language resembled any reasonable tongue known in this galaxy, I would oblige :
du commandement de la défense aérienne nord-américaine : Ce quartier général était situé à l'intérieur d'une montagne :
If I'd known you were a lady, I would've done that more gently :
Avoir su que vous étiez une femme, j'y serais allé plus gentiment :
If I'd known you were here, I would've had Jill introduce you too.
Si j'avais su que vous étiez ici, Jill vous aurait aussi présenté.
If I'd known beforehand, I'd have found a pretext to turn it down.
Si je l'avais visitée avant, j'aurais peut-être réussi à le dissuader, à trouver un prétexte.
Two, the Spanish labor market happens to be relatively strike-free which you would have known if you'd bothered to check, as I did.
les grêves sont rares en Espagne. Vous auriez pu vous renseigner, comme moi.
Two, the Spanish labor market happens to be relatively strike-free which you would have known if you'd bothered to check, as I did.
2 : les grêves sont rares en Espagne. Vous auriez pu vous renseigner, comme moi.
If only I had known that you are a friend of Dominique's, I would not have greeted you with such violence.
Les ennemis de la confrérie sont nos amis, mais un homme qu'ils détestent au point d'offrir 7 millions pour sa capture est un héros.
If I had known things would come to this, I'd have been kinder to her while she was alive.
Si j'avais su que ça se passerait comme ça, j'aurais été plus gentil avec elle de son vivant.
If I'd known, I'd have added something interesting!
Si j'avais su, j'y aurais mis des choses intéressantes.
- I would never have done it if I'd known who you were.
- Je n'aurais jamais fait Ça si j'avais su qui tu etais.
If I'd known you were coming, I'd have cleaned up.
Si j'avais su, j'aurais fait le ménage.
If I'd known it, I wouldn't... The blood in your veins is mine.
C'est mon sang qui est en toi.
If I'd been invited, I'd have known this was a costume party.
Si on m'avait invité, j'aurais su qu'il fallait se déguiser.
- Helpful or not... I wouldn't have lifted a finger if I'd known you were a killer.
Excès de zèle ou pas, soyez certain que je n'aurais rien fait pour vous si j'avais su que vous étiez un assassin!
If I'd known, I'd have met you somewhere nicer... but with your rush and my work...
Si j'avais su que vous veniez, je vous aurais reçu ailleurs... mais j'ai beaucoup de travail...
If I'd known why you'd been arrested, I wouldn't have come.
Si j'avais su pourquoi on t'a arrêté, je ne serais pas venue.
No, I'm afraid not even if I'd known what I was looking for.
Non, je ne savais pas quoi chercher.
- If I'd known...
- Si j'avais su!
If I'd known the answer, I wouldn't have asked the question, would I?
Si je connaissais la réponse, je ne poserais pas la question!
Cut the bullshit! If I'd have known you were..
Si j'avais su que c'était toi...
If I'd known you wanted to drink...
Si j'avions su...
So she says, "If I'd known all that, I'd never have given birth to you."
C'est alors qu'elle lui a déclaré : si j'avions su, je t'aurais pas enfanté.
Well, if I'd known you were out of town
J'ignorais que t'étais en voyage.
If I had known about the shoes, I'd taken up a collection.
Si j'avais su pour les chaussures, j'aurais trouvé l'argent.
If I'd known what size shoe you wear, I'd have bought'em for you.
Si je connaissais ta taille, je te les aurais achetées.
Aw, Christ, if I'd have known that, I'd have gone somewhere else. How did he get in the yard?
- J'aurais dû aller ailleurs.
- About 15 minutes ago. If I'd known, I'd have greeted you.
Si seulement je l'avais su... je vous aurais moi-même reçu.
If I'd known that'd get a promotion, I'd have blown up the place.
Si j'avais su, j'aurais aussi tout fait sauter.
If I'd known...
que j'ignorais, il est vrai!
If I'd known this, I would've come earlier, before 33 years.
J'aurais su, je n'aurais pas mis 33 ans à revenir...
If I'd known that all three of you were gonna...
Si j'avais su que vous alliez...
And that I'd never have known any of you if I hadn't been doing the kinds of things I've been doing.
Je ne vous aurais pas rencontrés si je n'avais pas fait les trucs que j'ai faits.
Un portefeuille, $ 7 et 32...
I'll be obliged if you send Nora and the girls to church for the next month to pray for the continued health and strength of the Misters Gilliam, Reese, Snider Campanella, Robinson, Hodges, Furillo, Podres, Newcombe and Labine collectively known as the Brooklyn Dodgers.
Je vous serai obligée d'envoyer Nora et les filles à l'église afin de prier pour la santé et la force des messieurs ci-après : ... Campanella, Robinson, Hodges, Furillo, Podres, Newcombe et Labine... collectivement connus sous le nom de Brooklyn Dodgers.
If I'd known...
Si j'avais su...
You know damn well I wouldn't have come here if I'd known.
Tu sais fichtre bien que je ne serais pas venu si j'avais su.
If I'd known you'd sink this low, I never would've dumped ya.
Si j'avais su que tu tomberais si bas, je t'aurais jamais larguée.
if i'd have known 20
known 107
known what 18
known associates 21
known fact 28
known as 31
if i'm not mistaken 223
if i'm honest 98
if i'm right 186
if i'm being honest 85
known 107
known what 18
known associates 21
known fact 28
known as 31
if i'm not mistaken 223
if i'm honest 98
if i'm right 186
if i'm being honest 85