It just disappeared traduction Français
192 traduction parallèle
It just disappeared, huh?
Disparu, hein?
We had a farmer with his tractor, he went out on his field, and he's got a monster's tractor, and it just disappeared he's never come back to the farm or nothing.
Y a un fermier, avec un tracteur... il est allé dans les champs. Il avait un énorme tracteur. Il a disparu.
It just disappeared from the scope.
Il a disparu du radar.
What the hell do you mean it just disappeared?
Que voulez-vous dire, il a disparu?
Then it just disappeared.
Puis il a tout simplement disparu.
It just disappeared. It's a ghost car!
C'est une voiture fantôme!
It's no good, the signal's gone. It just disappeared.
C'est inutile, le signal a tout simplement disparu.
It just disappeared, but they won't believe me.
Autant que je sache, il a disparu mais ils ne me croient pas.
It just disappeared!
Attendez! Ca a disparu.
It just disappeared.
elle a disparu?
Just after they printed about it in the paper he.. He disappeared.
Après l'annonce dans le journal, il a disparu...
But just as I was going to pull it up, he disappeared deep under me.
Au moment de l'attraper, elle s'est enfuie.
Excuse me, Sir, just where was it General Mayberry disappeared?
Où le général Mayberry a-t-il disparu?
Do you find it impossible to remember just why your husband disappeared?
Vous ne vous rappelez pas pourquoi votre mari a disparu après souper?
Then it was on his whole head, and then in just a second he disappeared.
C'était sur sa tête, et il a disparu.
Funny, it's just as though he disappeared.
Aucune tentative de contact?
He gave it to me just before he disappeared.
Il me l'a offert la nuit de sa disparition.
Yes. And if it isn't, they've just disappeared.
Oui, et sinon, alors c'est qu'ils auront simplement disparu.
Now I think about it, he disappeared just when they brought you... that box as a surprise.
Maintenant je me rappelle qu'elle a disparu quand on a apporté... cette belle boîte surprise.
It can't just have disappeared.
Nous devrions avoir une réponse bientôt.
They haven't disappeared - it's just that people don't know how to laugh any more.
Ils n'ont pas disparu, ce sont les gens qui ne savent plus rire.
The plane on which Baumer was travelling disappeared into the Pacific Ocean, we'll unfortunately never know if it was due to sabotage or just a simple accident.
L'avion a sombré dans le Pacifique. Malheureusement, on ne saura jamais si c'est un sabotage ou une pure malchance.
It was so strange when you just disappeared.
C'était si étrange quand vous avez disparu.
It's like every fish sorta disappeared. Just suddenly up and disappeared.
On dirait que les poissons ont tout bonnement disparu.
It just let go of me and disappeared.
Il m'a lâché et il a disparu.
It was a bit like in Gateshead where he suddenly climbed the rigging on the stage and just disappeared.
C'est un peu comme à Gateshead, où il avait grimpé aux échafaudages de la scêne et avait disparu.
It's not that I'm curious, it's just that she suddenly appeared here and then she disappeared without even saying goodbye.
Ce n'est pas que je suis curieux, mais elle a disparu si soudainement... Sans même dire aurevoir.
It's like they just disappeared.
Evanouis dans la nature.
It seems just to have disappeared.
Il semblerait qu'elle ait disparu.
It can't just have disappeared.
Elle n'a pas pu disparaitre comme ça.
It's like he, he just disappeared.
C'est comme s'il avait disparu.
He came into the joint that night and then just disappeared. That was it.
Il est passé au bar ce soir-là, puis il a disparu.
It came out of the forehold this morning just after we docked and disappeared into the slums.
II est sorti de Ia cale ce matin à Ia mise au quai, et s'est enfoncé dans Ia ville.
But when she disappeared, I... I just never thought it would happen.
Quand elle a disparu, je n'avais pas envisagé ça.
Michael, it... just disappeared.
Michael, il a... disparu.
If I could see a body, if there were wreckage, I'd accept it, but my mother has just disappeared.
Si je voyais son corps, ou une épave, je l'accepterais, mais ma mère a disparu.
One day, after several months had passed the deafness disappeared just as mysteriously as it had begun.
Puis, quelques mois plus tard, sa surdité disparut. Tout aussi mystérieusement qu'elle était arrivée.
Maybe it's just him who's disappeared.
Peut-être qu'il est le seul à avoir disparu.
It's like he just disappeared into fat air.
C'est comme s'il avait disparu comme une grosse bulle.
- It was dismissed just a few weeks before he disappeared.
Il l'a perdu quelque temps avant de disparaître.
It was like he just disappeared.
Comme s'il venait de disparaître.
It just disappeared! Disappeared?
It's just a shame you got there too late, right after he disappeared.
Et que tu sois arrivé trop tard. Juste après son départ.
It couldn't have just disappeared.
Elle n'a pas disparu comme ça.
- It just disappeared.
- Il a disparu.
It was like his mind, his spirit, whatever you want to call it, just disappeared.
Son esprit, ou son âme, si tu veux, avait disparu.
No, sir. It's just that two days ago, I disappeared too.
C'est parce que moi aussi, avant-hier, j'ai disparu.
No, just that she disappeared on patrol in the Romulan Neutral Zone. I'll look into it.
II a disparu en patrouille dans la zone neutre romulienne.
Excuse me, but it might be easier if Resnick just disappeared.
Excusez ma franchise. Il y a plus simple : Resnick disparaît.
Sorry about last night, It was awful from me that I just disappeared,
Je suis désolé pour hier soir. - J'ai disparu comme un voleur.
Before 1989, Henry held down a job for nine years at a train yard, but after the accident, as you said, it's like he just disappeared off the face of the earth.
Avant 1989, Henry travaillait depuis 9 ans dans une gare de triage. Après l'accident, il s'est littéralement volatilisé.
it just happens 49
it just doesn't feel right 28
it just occurred to me 28
it just goes to show 17
it just is 92
it just feels right 19
it just doesn't 17
it just so happens 29
it just came out 53
it just started 21
it just doesn't feel right 28
it just occurred to me 28
it just goes to show 17
it just is 92
it just feels right 19
it just doesn't 17
it just so happens 29
it just came out 53
it just started 21