It means something traduction Français
845 traduction parallèle
That time it meant something to you to stay. Now it means something to me to have you stay.
Vous avez tenu à rester parmi nous, à moi de tenir à ce que vous restiez.
The amount I need means nothing to you, but it means something to me.
Le montant dont j'ai besoin n'est rien pour vous, mais pour moi oui.
It means something when he asks for something himself.
C'est lui qui l'a demandé, c'est différent.
You may find it means something to you after all.
Il vous rappellera des souvenirs.
Only it means something, like how the world's changing, how things aren't the same anymore, how a guy's got to be careful and not keep on in the same old rut.
Mais en essayant de dire un truc : le monde qui change, les choses qui sont différentes, comment il faut faire attention de ne pas s'enliser dans la routine.
When I tell you, it means something, so you can just listen a second.
And now, you dear ladies and gentlemen we come to the part of the program which is my favorite because it means something.
Et maintenant, mesdames et messieurs, voici l'instant que je préfère. Parce qu'il a un sens.
It means something too.
Maybe it means something, maybe it doesn't. We'll find out.
Je ne sais pas si c'est important, mais nous le découvrirons.
It means something like...
Ça signifie quelque chose comme...
perhaps it means something to have your... general lie back in your arms, even though he's heartily sick of the whole campaign... tired and hungry and dry
Ça veut peut-etre dire quelque chose d'avoir ton général dans tes bras, meme s'il est écouré par la campagne. Fatigué, affamé, assoiffé.
It means something doesn't work in Sector 6.
Alors quelque chose ne va pas au 6ème secteur.
But it means something to me too.
- Si, c'est quelque chose.
I'll say it means something.
Ça signifie bien des choses.
Like, I say, "Would you like to take a walk?" And it means something else.
Si je dis : "Aimeriez-vous aller vous promener?"... ça signifie autre chose.
And she says, "I can't. I've got a French test tomorrow." And it means something else.
Demain, j'ai un examen de français "... ça signifie autre chose.
And you say, "I'll come over and help you study." And it means something else.
Si vous dites : "Je vais vous aider à réviser", ça signifie autre chose.
Especially when it means something to ya.
Surtout les objets qui ont une valeur sentimentale.
You won't like that one little bit when you find out it means your workingman expects something as his right, and not your gift.
Tu ne vas pas aimer ça du tout quand tu vas comprendre qu'ils veulent leurs droits, et non tes charités!
It means that... something has gone out of this valley that may never be replaced.
Ça signifie que... quelque chose de cette vallée a disparu et ne sera peut-être jamais remplacé.
That means it's a calling, something that comes naturally.
C'est une disposition, une attirance innée.
It was just because I felt we owed it to him but Mr. Macy suggested that we find something else for him and keep you on by all means. Oh, well, thanks.
Je pensais reprendre l'autre père Noël... mais M. Macy lui a trouvé un emploi... et souhaite vous garder.
It means we're a couple of fools In a dead village dreaming about something That will probably never happen.
Que nous sommes deux idiots dans une ville morte qui rêvons à quelque chose qui n'arrivera pas.
A man can be like that, Paula, something has to happen, a big thing or a little thing, but it can make him realise how much someone means to him, how much he really loves,
Les hommes sont comme ça. Il faut que quelque chose se passe, pour qu'ils comprennent combien ils tiennent à quelqu'un.
It's obvious that a furnished house for free is not something you can get by snapping your fingers, through strictly legal means.
Evidemment, une maison meublée et gratuite, on en trouve pas tous les jours de façon absolument légale.
One chance in a thousand. Invest your money where it means something.
Fais un bon placement.
It means if you think something hard enough, the thought waves go through the air. Sometimes they go this way. Sometimes they go this way.
Si tu penses fort à un truc, ça émet des ondes, comme ça, ou comme ça... ou parfois en l'air.
I know what it means to lose something of value.
Je sais comment c'est de perdre quelque chose de valeur.
If I say something, that means I believe it.
- Je pense ce que je dis.
But even with the fog it has something with its quiet harbor, its little lobster boats and a sign, "Bienvenidos." That means welcome.
Elle dégageait quand même quelque chose. avec son port, ses petits bateaux de pêche. et son panneau, "Bienvenidos", qui veut dire bienvenue.
Even if it means stealing something that is yours.
Ils voleront même.
Because it means something.
Parce qu'il a un sens.
Honey, you wouldn't know what psychosomatic means. It means when your mind gets sick of your body, it does something to it. I do too.
Tu ne sais même pas ce que ça signifie.
When he says something is adequate, what he means is, it is entirely inadequate.
Par "adéquat", il faut comprendre "complètement inadéquat".
The name of this house means something to me. That has nothing... it may mean nothing to you.
Il doit rester propre... quel que soit ton avis.
When it's important that a child learn something... I use the most direct means available.
Pour enseigner certaines choses... j'utilise la méthode directe.
If a girl says she's not scared, then can't even light her cigarette, it means she's scared of something.
- Quand une fille n'arrive pas à allumer sa cigarette, c'est qu'elle a peur de quelque chose.
Do you understand what it means when you start something like this?
Savez-vous ce que ça implique de se lancer dans une chose pareille?
Something that breaks down in a month means that it wasn't well-repaired.
Tu ne l'avais pas bien réparé, ce jour-là.
Do you think this phantom asthmatic really means it? I mean, if you cross him, do you think he'll do something?
Tu crois que ça tournera mal... si tu le fais marcher?
If you're flattering me it means you want to ask me something.
Si tu me flattes, c'est que tu veux me demander quelque chose.
Something that means my entire life's happiness, and he won't do it.
Une chose qui contribuerait à mon bonheur, mais il ne le veut pas.
And er... And that means something, does it, Mrs Savage?
Et... cela veut dire quelque chose, n'est-ce pas?
If a woman keeps the nail of a man as a memory for ten years, it means that something happened between them.
Il n'y a pas l'ombre d'un doute. C'est Tarumi. Inugai Takichi, c'est-à-dire Tarumi Kyoichiro a laissé cet ongle chez Yaé.
That means something, doesn't it?
Ça veut dire quelque chose, n'est-ce pas?
That means, Kisoya that unless he's the noble son of a Daimyo or something discussing his marriage to a princess is just absurd, isn't it?
Tu comprends, Masagoro. Il est normal que j'exige de mon futur gendre qu'il soit au moins fils d'un grand suzerain.
Well, it means that... for now, you can start with something very easy, but... just as satisfying.
Eh bien... vous commencerez par quelque chose de très facile. Tout le monde y trouvera son compte.
It means you're doing something for someone you love.
Je le fais pour ceux que j'aime.
It means you think I should go out and call Steve Henderson up... - and challenge him to a fistfight or something.
Tu penses que je devrais appeler Steve Henderson... pour lui dire qu'on va régler ça à coups de poings.
If you come here, it means that something happened.
Si tu viens me voir, c'est qu'il s'est passé quelque chose. Salut.
When I want something... I get it by my own means.
Quand je veux quelque chose... je l'obtiens par mes propres moyens.
it means something to me 22
it means 895
it means a lot to me 71
it means that 49
it means a lot 105
it means everything 19
it means nothing 90
something went wrong 81
something 1990
something came up 177
it means 895
it means a lot to me 71
it means that 49
it means a lot 105
it means everything 19
it means nothing 90
something went wrong 81
something 1990
something came up 177
something happened 421
something like that 1529
something's happening 161
something on your mind 83
something's not right 271
something special 67
something bad happens 16
something is wrong 141
something's wrong here 34
something's wrong 881
something like that 1529
something's happening 161
something on your mind 83
something's not right 271
something special 67
something bad happens 16
something is wrong 141
something's wrong here 34
something's wrong 881