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It wouldn't matter traduction Français

320 traduction parallèle
- It wouldn't matter to you, Richard.
- Ça n'a aucune importance, Richard.
- It wouldn't matter.
Allez viens.
Do you have to Leave tonight? It wouldn't matter much if I were a day Late, but what's the point?
Tu es obligé de prendre un train ce soir? Si je ne partais que demain, ce retard ne ferait pas un scandale.
It wouldn't matter if you wanted me to stay.
Si tu me demandais de rester, ça importerait peu.
If you were, it wouldn't matter. Now, or any other time.
Et même si c'était vrai je m'en moque!
Even if I told you what was the matter with you, you wouldn't admit it.
Même si je vous l'expliquais, vous ne l'admettriez pas.
It doesn't matter. You probably wouldn't recognise one anyway.
Vous ne savez même pas ce que c'est, une dame!
Anyways, if it had been that Mrs. Kennedy's husband by hisself... I wouldn't have lifted a finger, no matter what Rhett said.
Je n'en aurais pas fait autant pour le mari de Mme Kennedy... quoi qu'eût pu dire M. Butler!
Well, now, wouldn't you say it was a matter of self-defense... to use that blade... so long as Scrub didn't come at'em with the other end of the pistol?
Ne diriez-vous pas qu'il s'agissait de légitime défense s'ils ont utilisé ce couteau et que Scrub n'a pas utilisé la crosse du pistolet?
It wouldn't matter. I've served 22 years already.
Peu importe, j'ai déjà purgé 22 ans.
A little reform wouldn't do you any harm. As a matter of fact, I think it would do the state good if somebody'd reform you right out of existence.
Le salut public exigerait qu'on vous réforme de l'existence!
Your enemy has the law on his side... which wouldn't matter a threepenny bit if he didn't have power to go with it.
Votre ennemi a la loi de son côté... ce qui importerait peu s'il n'avait pas aussi le pouvoir.
But you had your alibi ready no matter who was dead. Yet you knew the minute Laura got back it wouldn't stick. Don't you see?
Vous aviez votre alibi de toute façon et saviez qu'il ne résisterait pas au retour de Laura.
Don't you see if they had, it wouldn't matter to them now?
S'ils t'avaient vraiment aimée, ça n'aurait pas eu d'importance.
It wouldn't matter how late, George.
N'importe quelle heure sera la bonne, George.
Wouldn't matter if it did.
Ça ne changerait rien.
It wouldn't matter.
Ce ne serait pas grave.
I wouldn't have broken into that ballroom if it wasn't a matter of life and death.
Il a gagné un argent fou en vendant ses machines parlantes.
That wouldn't matter to some boys, but it does matter to him terribly.
Ce n'est pas important pour vous tous, mais pour lui c'est terrible.
" It wouldn't matter where you'd be
Peu importe où tu seras
Laurie, no matter what happens I wouldn't have it any other way.
Quoi qu'il arrive... je ne regrette rien.
It wouldn't matter to me what you were or what you did, and you know it.
Peu m'importerait votre passé, vous le savez.
He wouldn't say nothing, no matter how much it hurt.
Il ne dira rien... N'est-ce pas?
Because if it were all to disappear tomorrow, it wouldn't really matter.
Tout pourrait s'évanouir...
It wouldn't matter. You'd still be worrying.
Tu t'inquiéteras, de toute façon.
Those girls at the Rendezvous, don't be too sure it wouldn't matter to her.
Ces filles au Rendez-vous... ne croyez pas que ça lui serait égal.
It Wouldn't matter to me how little he Was.
Il pourrait être tout petit, ça m'est égal.
Tony, if it was you and me, it wouldn't matter much.
Tony, s'il ne s'agissait que de toi et moi, ça irait.
If I loved her, it wouldn't matter.
Si je l'aimais, ça ne serait pas important.
It wouldn't matter at all.
Ça ne compterait pas.
It doesn't matter that it's used? My God, I wouldn't lend it to you if it did.
sinon je ne le prêterais pas.
His reality may be more interesting than ours, and it wouldn't matter what he ate.
Sa réalité doit être plus intéressante que la nôtre. Et il ne doit pas se soucier de trouver à manger.
- It wouldn't matter to you.
Rien qui vous concerne.
Why wouldn't you? Why? It's a matter of course.
Tu me soupçonnais tant... je voulais partir loin...
It wouldn't matter, anyway. No matter what they do or how they feel about her, they're still her parents, and children belong to their parents.
De toute façon, quoi qu'ils fassent ou quoi qu'ils pensent, ils restent ses parents, et les enfants appartiennent à leurs parents.
It wouldn't matter if i did.
Peu importe. Il faut partir tout de suite.
One or two, it wouldn't matter.
Juste un. Tu comprends pas?
Wouldn't matter who I was, would it?
Que ce soit moi ou une autre, qu'importe, hein?
That would explain the high-radiation readings, wouldn't it, Captain? If the matter - antimatter..?
Cela expliquerait le niveau élevé de radiations si...
No matter how many times I asked, she wouldn't tell me why she did it.
Peu importe combien de fois je lui ai demandé, Elle n'a pas voulu me dire pourquoi elle a fait ça.
It wouldn't matter.
Ça sert à rien.
But, you know... it wouldn't really matter anyway wheter I lived or died...
Mais, tu sais... cela importe peu en fait... que je vive ou que je meurs...
Supposing the kids went to day care while we worked shifts at a factory? - It wouldn't matter.
Si nos gosses étaient à la crèche et que nous faisions les 3-8... ce serait pareil.
It wouldn't matter. I could do it.
Peu importe, je l'aurais tué.
'And if he was still alive,'it wouldn't matter that she'd pumped three bullets into him.
Et s'il avait été encore vivant, ça n'aurait pas compter qu'elle lui ai tiré 3 balles
It wouldn't matter - I could never fall in love with you.
Peu importe, moi je ne le serai pas.
If only she knew everything we know. It wouldn't matter a damn.
si elle savait tout ce que nous savons... ça ne changerait rien.
Huer could know everything and it wouldn't matter.
Huer pourrait tout savoir que ça ne ferait aucune différence.
It wouldn't matter to you.
Tu t'en ficherais.
But even if you hadn't, it wouldn't matter.
Et si tu ne l'avais pas fait, tant pis.
No matter how much I kissed you it wouldn't compensate that one kiss you asked me and i denied you.
Malgré tous nos baisers, je n'ai jamais pu oublier celui que tu me demandais et que tu n'as pas eu.

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