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Jonesy traduction Français

387 traduction parallèle
Hiya, Jonesy.
Salut, Jonesy!
Jonesy, don't tell me you're a writer!
Jonesy? Ne me dites pas que vous êtes écrivain?
J.G. Wants to see you, jonesy.
J.G. te demande, Jonesy.
It's like this, jonesy, the paper figures this is a good time to pull the life story of mannion.
Voilà, Jonesy... Il s'agirait d'écrire la vie de Mannion...
Think of that, jonesy!
Poor jonesy.
Pauvre Jones!
Can you imagine jonesy, an author?
Vous imaginez Jones écrivain?
Hi, jonesy. How are you?
Salut, Jonesy, comment ça va?
That's your public, jonesy.
Eh oui, Jones!
Thanks, jonesy.
Merci, Jonesy!
Jonesy, you sure are going places!
Jonesy! De mieux en mieux!
Jonesy, you need a caretaker.
Jonesy, il vous faut un manager.
More mail, jonesy.
Encore du courrier, Jonesy...
Jonesy, I had to see ya!
Il faut que je vous parle!
I guess that trip to Shanghai is a cinch now, jonesy.
Shangai se rapproche, Jonesy!
Hey, jonesy!
For heaven's sake, jonesy, if thought you were gonna keep me waiting out there all night,
Bong sang, Jonesy! Pas trop tôt! Si j'avais su, j'aurais amené un lit de camp!
And it's just what I expected, jonesy.
C'est bien comme je l'imaginais, Jonesy.
Oh, jonesy, you're cute.
Oh, Jonesy! Vous êtes mignon!
Well, jonesy, when we get you safe up there in prison, it'll be a cinch to get mannion!
Maintenant, Mannion sera vite pincé!
Jonesy? J'ai une bonne nouvelle pour toi.
You can help me, jonesy.
- Tu peux m'aider, Jonesy. - Comment?
Will you do it for me, jonesy?
Tu le ferais pour moi, Jonesy?
I'll be back in an hour. I know, boss, but with jonesy on the spot, we've gotta take a lamming out of town...
Faudrait qu'on pense à quitter la ville!
It's jonesy!
C'est Jonesy!
Oh, Arthur! Arthur! Jonesy!
Oh, mon Jonesy!
Now, jonesy, will you give us a great, big kiss?
Pouvez-vous lui donner un vrai grand baiser?
Okay. How about it, jonesy?
Alors, Jonesy?
Well, Jonesy, let me tell you, that note that came with your flowers —
Et le mot que vous m'avez écrit...
Now, Jonesy, don't be touchy.
Ne soyez pas susceptible.
Oh, Jonesy, Jonesy, you make it all sound so wonderful. - But how could I explain such a gift to —
Seulement, comment expliquer un tel cadeau...
Jonesy, you're asking a lot.
Vous demandez beaucoup.
Five thousand? Oh, Jonesy, you underestimate me.
Vous me sous-estimez.
Good luck to you, Jonesy.
Bonne chance à toi, Jonesy.
So long, Jonesy.
Au revoir, Jonesy.
You did all right, Jonesy.
Tu as bien joué, Jonesy.
That's what Canino said to little Jonesy.
Canino a dit ça à Jonesy.
- Jonesy took it better than you.
- Jonesy l'a mieux pris.
Jonesy! Hey, Jonesy!
Jonesy, hé, Jonesy!
Thank you, Jonesy.
Merci, Jonesy.
Jonesy can't hold him and there he goes.
Jonesy le laisse passer. Le voilà.
Where Youghal goes, he goes too, only Jonesy's not gonna let him by.
Il se colle à Youghal. Jonesy ne se laisse pas faire.
Youghal, Jonesy, Mike Brannan and Dinky Devereaux on the outside.
Youghal, Jonesy, Mike Brannan et Dinky Devereaux à l'extérieur.
Jonesy did.
C'était Jonesy.
Jonesy, strip him of everything we can use.
Prends tout ce qui peut servir.
Why, jonesy!
Eh bien, Jonesy!
Come on, jonesy.
Allez, Jonesy.
Sit down, jonesy.
Assieds-toi, Jonesy.
Oh, thank you, Jonesy. What a difference.
Quel contraste!
Come on, Jonesy, move your butt.
Jonesy, bouge ton cul.
jones 1267

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