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Lei traduction Français

437 traduction parallèle
Away above the chimney tops
Et lei, loin au-dessus Des cheminées.
Clip, clip here Clip, clip there
- Ciseaux par-cf - Ciseaux par-lei.
Bet you a lei of beads.
- Je te parie un rang de perles.
No gottum lei.
- Eh bien range-les.
But at that moment it was the only way to show contempt.
Mais à ce moment-lei, c'était la seule façon d'exprimer du mépris.
He must come here and when he does, I'll tell him.
Il doit venir ici, je lui dirai à ce moment-lei.
What about you?
E lei? Cosa desidera?
This comes from Webb's? Not a sound.
Questa viene da lei? Elle rigole.
Lei': go to sleep.
Dormons maintenant.
I know that your perfume is named "Per lei"
Je sais que ton parfum s'appelle "pour lui"
Mei-Lei I would like to arrive more appropriately dressed.
Mei-Lei... j'aimerais être habillé plus convenablement à l'arrivée.
Sydney, tell Mei-Lei to keep an eye on him.
Sydney, dites à Mei-Lei de le surveiller.
" Lei Ling's Cut Black Comfort Tea.
" Thé noir fortifiant de Lei Ling,
"... where she, for me the only woman, would rest her lovely body... " "... kind branch on which it pleased her, ( I sigh to think of it )... "... to make a column for her lovely side... "
... ove le belle membra pose colei che sola a me par donna gentil ramo ove piacque, con sospir mi rimembra a lei di fare, al bel fianco, colonna...
- Twenty lei for a kilo.
- Vingt la poignée.
Sixteen lei, then.
Seize, alors.
Dennis Day, Marvin Gaye, George Jay, Sammy Kaye, Swing'n'Sway with a carnation lei.
Dennis Day, Marvin Gaye, George Jay, Sammy Kaye, Swing'n'Sway avec son collier d'œillets.
Yan Yun of Bagua Clan, Master Lu Chong.
Yan Yun et Lei Chong de l'école des 8 Trigrammes.
Brother Yan, Brother Lu.
Frère Yan, Frère Lei.
Brother Lei,
Frère Lei.
Brother Lei, come here to greet Master Fang.
Salue le seigneur Fang.
Brother Lu, you may get your revenge.
Frère Lei, venge-toi!
I've wanted to get rid of you for a while Lei Ting, you are such a bully... with your golden whip
Lei Ting le Fouet d'or, tes crimes passés méritaient déjà que je te tue.
Golden Whip Lei Ting got killed in Heishi town... by someone with the Wavering Sword
Lei le Fouet a été tué par une Épée souple au bourg de Heishi.
I heard that the Golden Whip was lost to you
Tu as battu Lei Ting le Fouet.
Have you seen Lei Li who uses the Twin swords?
Avez-vous vu Lei Li, celui qui utilise les sabres jumeaux? Oui.
Yes. We've killed Chieftain Ho's brothers and... sent the bodies back to Yuan Sing Security bureau ; Along with a word that while dying they said...
Après avoir tué les compagnons du Chef Ho, nous avons renvoyé leurs corps à la société de protection Yuan Sing, en disant que durant leur agonie, ils avaient désigné Lei Li comme coupable.
Cheiftain Ho had sent Lei Li a letter... and asked him to meet at the Black Forest.
Le chef Ho a envoyé une lettre à Lei Li lui donnant rendez-vous aux Bois Sombres.
Friend Lei, your skills have rocked the martial world.
Ami Lei, ton talent a ébranlé la communauté des arts martiaux.
Lei Li, you robber and plunderer.
Lei Li, espèce de sale voleur.
Lei Li.
Lei Li.
This Lei Li fellow ; A few more years in the martial arts world... and his fame would have soared higher than yours.
Ce Lei Li, quelques années de plus, et sa renommée aurait dépassé la vôtre.
Lei Li, we have customers.
Lei Li, on a des clients.
Brother Lei.
Frère Lei.
Lei Li, you're always being bullied.
Lei Li, on n'arrête pas de te maltraiter.
I want to give it to Lei Li.
Je veux le donner à Lei Li.
He is a good man, but bullied by many.
Lei Li est un homme bon, mais il se fait maltraiter.
The poor fellow has lost his right arm.
Ce pauvre Lei Li a perdu son bras droit.
Lei Li, don't offend customers.
Lei Li, n'offense pas les clients.
Lei Li?
Lei Li?
You are Lei Li?
Tu es Lei Li?
Lei, my friend.
Lei, mon ami.
Lei Li, Lei Li.
Lei Li, Lei Li.
Lei Li, whom are you chasing?
Lei Li, tu pourchasses qui?
If Lei Li had not come after you... you would have ended up at Tiger Mansion.
Si Lei Li ne t'avait pas suivie, tu aurais fini au Manoir du Tigre.
Lei Li?
- Lei Li?
He had great skills before.
Lei Li était un grand guerrier avant.
Lei Li, I have never seen you smile.
Lei Li, c'est la première fois que je te vois sourire.
Lei, the customers are waiting.
Lei Li, les clients attendent!
Brother Lei.
- Frère Lei.

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