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Look what we have here traduction Français

137 traduction parallèle
Well, look what we have here.
Regarde ce qu'on a ici.
[Man] Hey, look what we have here, John.
Hé, regardez ce que nous avons ici, John.
And look what we have here. Hamar, it's like meeting an old friend.
Regarde, une vieilse connaissance :
- Let's see it! - Ah, look what we have here today!
Regarde ce qu'on fait aujourd'hui, comment c'est tissé!
Look what we have here.
Regardez-moi ça.
Look what we have here.
Regardez ce que nous avons là.
Look what we have here before us.
Regardez ce que nous avons ici!
And yet, look what we have here : Lyonet! The pride and joy of the U.S.A.
Et pourtant, braves gens, voici Lioness, la plus belle et courageuse des filles d'Amérique.
Baby, look what we have here.
Regardez un peu ce qu'on a.
And look what we have here.
Et qu'est-ce qu'on a là?
Look what we have here.
Regardez ça.
Oh, look what we have here.
Oh, voyez ce qu'on a là.
- Come on... - Look what we have here, boys.
Regardez ce qu'on a là :
Ooh, look what we have here.
Regardez ça. La prude de Peter.
Well, look what we have here.
Tiens, regardez-moi ça.
- Look what we have here.
Allez! - Regarde-moi ça.
Well, look what we have here.
Quelle surprise.
Look what we have here.
Regarde ce qu'il y a ici.
Dan, look what we have here.
Vous avez vu ça, Dan?
Look what we have here.
Regardez qui est là.
Well, look what we have here.
Mais regardez qui est là.
Look what we have here.
Qu'avons-nous là?
Look what we have here :
Regardez ce que nous avons là.
Look what we have here.
Regarde qui voilà.
Look what we have here.
Regarde ce que nous avons là.
Look what we have here.
Regarde qui on a là.
Yeah, look what we have here.
Regardez-moi ça.
Look what we have here, Twigg.
Regarde ce qu'on a là, Twigg.
Hey, guys, look what we have here.
Voyez qui est là.
Look what we have over here.
Eh bien! Regarde ça.
But now, I look upon what we have here.
Mais maintenant, je vois ce que nous avons ici.
If Earth didn't warn you we were coming, Governor, they must have had a very good reason. I wonder what it was? Now look here
Si la Terre ne vous a pas prévenus, il doit y avoir une bonne raison.
What does it look like we're doing in here? We have this place staked out.
On surveillait l'appartement.
Well, look-ey what we have here.
regardez qui est là.
Well, why don't we take a good look at what we have here.
Eh bien, regardons de plus près ce que nous avons là.
Well, look at what we have here.
Voyons voir.
Oh, look at what we have here.
Qu'est-ce que je vois?
Look, I know what the orders say but he attacked Chief O'Brien and we have rules here against that sort of thing.
Il a attaqué le chef O'Brien. Nous avons un règlement contre ça.
We'll take a look at what we have here.
Voyons de quoi il a l'air.
Here, look what we have.
Ici, regardez.
Look at what we have here.
Regarde un peu ça.
Look what we have got here
Regardez ça!
Look, we have no idea what's happening here.
Ecoutez, on n'a aucune idée de ce qui se passe ici.
If we don't take the right lessons from what happened here, we'll have more wars to look forward to, more aggression from despots and tyrants, not less.
En retenant la mauvaise leçon ici, il y aura d'autres guerres, encore plus de tyrans pour nous agresser.
Ladies and gentlemen since it appears we're going to be here for a while shall we have a look at what the Soviets are doing in Cuba?
Mesdames et messieurs... comme nous serons ici un certain temps... examinons ce que les Soviétiques font à Cuba.
Hey, look, we have to get out of here, okay. What's wrong?
- Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?
Now look, we have to come here in the morning and see what we can do. This could be dry.
Faut revenir demain matin et évaluer la situation.
Look, what we have to ask ourselves here is this.
Ce que nous devons vraiment nous demander, c'est ça.
OK, what have we got here? Let's take a look.
Voyons un peu ce qu'on a.
Oh, look. What do we have here?
Oh, voyez-vous ça.
Look, I don't care what the telly says, all right, we have to get out of here.
Écoute, je me fiche de ce qu'on dit à la télé, d'accord, nous devons sortir d'ici.

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