Looks real traduction Français
808 traduction parallèle
It looks real too.
Elle a l'air vraie.
With the burn, my face looks real ugly, don't it?
Avec cette cicatrice j'ai l'air mauvais, non?
- It looks real to me.
- Ça m'en a l'air.
Looks real, though, doesn't it?
Ça fait réel, quand même, non?
It looks real on you.
Sur vous, il fait vrai!
It's not real, but it certainly looks real, doesn't it?
Ce n'est une vraie, mais on dirait une vraie!
Looks real good.
elle est três jolie.
It looks real.
Ça a l'air réel.
Looks real pretty on you.
Ça te va bien, Pete.
He looks real happy, doesn't he?
Il a l'air tres heureux, n'est-ce pas?
It looks real valuable.
- On dirait que ça vaut cher.
You know, the way you do your hair looks real nice.
J'aime bien ta coiffure.
But it looks real good on Monsieur.
Mais monsieur la porte à ravir.
Yeah. That gun looks very real. It really does.
Ce fusil semble réel.
Yeah, as a matter of fact, it looks a little too real. Oh, my God.
En vérité, il semble un peu trop vrai.
It sure looks good. I can't tell it from the real McCoy.
Je ne les distingue pas des vrais.
- It looks like a real mountain.
On dirait une vraie.
Looks like were beginning to have some real action.
Oui, merci. On dirait que ça s " active.
- My eye. Looks like the real McCoy.
- Tu rêves, c'est pour de vrai.
Your luck's all right, and you've got real looks too.
Votre chance est intacte et vous êtes très jolie en plus.
I don't know his real name. - I don't even know what he looks like.
Je ne sais pas son vrai nom, ni même de quoi il a l'air.
It looks just like real one!
C'est comme si elle était vivante.
The territory's fightin'Spain, and it looks like we're gonna have a real shooting'war too.
Le territoire se bat contre l'Espagne. Il semblerait qu'on va avoir une vraie guerre!
It looks so real!
Ce que c'est ressemblant!
Looks as if you got yourself into real trouble. Not at all.
Vous êtes dans de vilains draps.
Get a load of this. " Word along the stem is that Joe Ross'new musical Fall in Love, looks like a real buy.
Écoutez ça! "Le nouveau spectacle musical de Joe Ross " Coup de Foudre semble être prometteur.
Well, it looks like we're starting our second year with a real bang.
On commence, notre deuxième année sur des chapeaux de roue.
If you want to know what a real HeIImo pike looks like just have a look at Kerstin's aunt. But be careful because she bites.
Mais si vous voulez savoir à quoi ressemble un vrai brochet de Hellmo jetez juste un coup d'oeil sur la tante de Kerstin's. Mais attention, car elle mord.
Looks like that star of yours brought you a real pot of gold.
On dirait que ton étoile t'a rapporté une montagne d'or.
Looks like real gold.
Ça a l'air d'être du vrai or.
Looks like you got yourself a real interesting problem in tactics, Sheriff.
On dirait que vous avez un sacré problème de tactique, shérif.
He looks like a real man.
On dirait un homme réel.
Real estate looks better going home.
On se sent mieux quand on rentre.
- Looks like he's hurt real bad.
Je crois qu'il a son compte.
It looks very real, very dangerous.
Elle a l'air très réelle, très dangereuse.
Looks peaceful here. But a real danger spot
C'est paisible ici, mais vraiment dangereux.
Looks like a real Ice Age.
- On dirait bien la période glacière!
Looks like Dempsey got real soft.
Dempsey a su y faire!
looks real prime.
Du premier choix.
Well, looks like a real fancy barbecue.
Un vrai barbecue fantaisie!
Looks very real to me.
Très réaliste.
I knowed old cap Donovan. Looks like he put up a real good fight before they wiped him out.
On dirait que le capitaine Donovan s'est battu avant qu'ils ne l'anéantissent.
It looks like you're doing your job real good, so don't spoil it by some of your philosophizing.
Vous semblez bien faire votre boulot, alors arrêtez de philosopher si vous ne voulez pas le compromettre.
How do you make her understand that her real mommy ain't never coming back, but another woman who just looks like her?
Comment lui expliquer qu'elle ne verrait plus sa mère, mais une autre femme, qui lui ressemble?
Looks like this time I let my big mouth talk me into real trouble.
On dirait que cette fois, je me sortirai pas de ce pétrin.
Well, Doctor, it looks like we have a real case of hysteria on our hands.
Docteur, je crois que nous avons là un vrai cas d'hystérie.
I've got this spot all picked out that looks like it might produce real color if I could just boost it.
Bon. Ecoutez ça. J'ai trouvé cet emplacement, qui pourrait bien donner de la couleur, si je pouvais l'exploiter.
It looks like we're going to end up on strike like real workers.
Qui m'aurait dit qu'on ferait la grève comme les ouvriers!
Looks like Poliakoff sent a couple of real ladies.
On dirait que Poliakoff nous a envoyé de vraies dames.
A page with so many annotations and deletions looks like a stabbed body. But this time the body was the body of a man. The wounds were real wounds, the blood was red blood.
Une page couverte d'annotations et de ratures à l'air d'un corps poignardé, mais là, il s'agissait du corps d'un homme, avec de vraies blessures, du vrai sang, rouge, chaud.
- Looks like a real space rocket.
- On dirait une vraie fusée.
really 59005
real 457
reality 92
really nice to meet you 21
really beautiful 58
really bad 194
really appreciate it 27
real talk 21
really great 205
really good 625
real 457
reality 92
really nice to meet you 21
really beautiful 58
really bad 194
really appreciate it 27
real talk 21
really great 205
really good 625
really nice 181
really like you 26
really cute 39
really is 30
real quick 147
really funny 68
really hard 112
really pretty 34
really happy 49
really sad 32
really like you 26
really cute 39
really is 30
real quick 147
really funny 68
really hard 112
really pretty 34
really happy 49
really sad 32
really cool 63
really smart 29
really hot 28
really amazing 26
really fast 52
really close 38
really well 130
really weird 32
really sweet 28
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really smart 29
really hot 28
really amazing 26
really fast 52
really close 38
really well 130
really weird 32
really sweet 28
really stupid 26