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Mccormack traduction Français

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Honorable Charles H. Hungadunga, care of Hungadunga, Hungadunga, Hungadunga, Hungadunga McCormack.
Honorable Charles H. Hungerdunger... au soin de Hungerdunger, Hungerdunger, Hungerdunger et McCormick.
Honorable Charles H. Hungadunga, Hungadunga... McCormack.
Honorable Charles Hungerdunger, au soin de Hunger... et McCormick.
"C / o Hungadunga, Hungadunga, Hungadunga McCormack."
"Au soin de Hungerdunger, Hungerdunger, Hungerdunger et McCormick."
"... and McCormack. Gentlemen, question mark. "
- "Messieurs, point d'interrogation."
- Oh, you mean Daisy's boyfriend, Mr. - M-Mr. McCormack?
Tu veux dire l'ami de Daisy, M. McCormack?
McCormack... enters Yvonne's room.
- McCormack entre chez Yvonne.
Yeah, McCormack enters Yvonne's room.
McCormack entre dans la chambre d'Yvonne.
Miss Patty McCormack as Rhoda... and Miss Nancy Kelly as Christine Penmark.
Patty McCormack était Rhoda, et Nancy Kelly était Christine Penmark.
Was it Langley or McCormack?
C'est Langley ou Mc Cormack?
Lem, could a travelling jewellery salesman by the name of McCormack been on his way here to see you?
Lem, est-ce que tu attends la visite... d'un représentant en bijouterie du nom de McCormack?
Do you think Bubber Reeves killed this McCormack?
Tu crois que c'est Bubber Reeves qui a tué McCormack?
That's how we discovered McCormack's body an hour ago.
Nous av ons découvert le corps de McCormack, il y a 1 heure.
That McCormack was a fine man.
Ce McCormack était quelqu'un de bien.
That McCormack he had a wife and three little babies.
Ce McCormack... il était marié... il avait trois enfants en bas âge.
- Mr. McCormack...
- M. McCormack...
McCormack, chairman of the board.
McCormack, le président du conseil.
Tell McCormack the police cars are arriving.
La police arrive. Prévenez McCormack.
- No. - John McCormack.
- John McCormack.
The Honorable Judge McCormack presiding.
sous la présidence du juge McCormack.
McCormack : You want to tell us who's coming to this party?
Les Etats-Unis contre Beecham.
And young McCormack.
Et le jeune McCormack.
Harry McCormack, flyweight.
Harry McCormack, poids mouche.
Catherine McCormack hadn't done much before, just a small film, and I just kind of got a vibe off her.
Catherine McCormack n'avait tourné qu'un petit film, et j'ai trouvé cette vibration en elle.
McCormick, McConaugh, Milligan...
McCormack, McConaugh, Milligan...
There's something wonderfully loose and slightly edgy about Mary McCormack in her performance as Jeff's wife.
Une certaine légèreté, une sorte de facilité un peu tendue marquent le jeu de Mary McCormack, la femme de Jeff.
"Alan Adler, David Preslack, Julie Axlerod, Shep Sutton, Scott McCormack."
LES GRIFFIN Alan Adler, David Preslack, Julie Axlerod, Shep Sutton, Scott McCormack.
- What aboutJohn McCormick? - Yeah.
EtJohn McCormack?
The only reason that we've kept this town going is the hope the McCormack mines could turn their selves around and put everybody back to work.
Ce qui a fait tenir cette ville... c'est l'espoir que les mines McCormick redémarreraient... et redonneraient du travail.
Old man McCormack, God rest his soul he's dead.
Le vieux McCormick, paix à son âme... est mort.
Who knew Chris McCormack would suddenly get gold fever?
Comment prévoir que Chris McCormick aurait la fièvre de l'or?
As far as Chris McCormack reopening the gold mines and putting everyone back to work...
Chris McCormick rouvre les mines d'or... et redonne du travail à tout le monde.
( Mike Mansfield ) There was a husband... ( John McCormack ) We are bound to feel shattered and helpless in the face... ( John F. Kennedy ) And we are not here to curse the darkness.
- Il était un mari... - Nous nous sentirons sûrement - brisés et impuissants en face de...
I'm just saying, with your reputation, you can't blame McCormack for thinking...
Avoue qu'avec ta réputation, c'est normal que McCormack pense...
Cliff McCormack.
Cliff McCormack.
His name is Jason McCormack.
Il s'appelle Jason McCormack.
Your father's attorney, Clif-Mr McCormack sent me to get you.
L'avocat de ton père, Mr McCormack, m'a envoyée te chercher.
Cliff McCormack from "Weekly World News."
Cliff McCormack du "Weekly World News."
Former head coach Mike McCormack may not have run the tightest ship in the NFL, but at least it wasn't a ship of fools.
L'ancien entraîneur Mike McCormack ne menait pas les champions de la N.F.L., mais au moins, ce n'était pas la débandade.
The haunted look in his eye suggests that he doesn't know what Eric McCormack'a going to do after Will Grace either.
Le regard hanté dans ses yeux indique qu'il ne sait pas non plus... ce que fera Eric McCormack après Will Grace.
It was bought in McCormack's in Brightcity.
Elle vient de chez McCormack, à Villeclaire.
McCormack's don't have crosses of island limestone.
McCormack ne vend pas de croix de basalte.
Chez McCormack?
It's not made from island limestone, if it was bought in McCormack's.
Si elle vient de chez McCormack, elle n'est pas en basalte de l'île.
Oh, the state of drunkenness have leveled off to acceptable levels this morning as Buddy Bob Roseland and Dead-Eye Derek McCormack,
L'état d'ivresse reste à un niveau acceptable, ce matin. Buddy Bob Roseland et Derek McCormack, de la police de l'Ontario...
Stone : Bingo. McCormack :
M. Stone, personne ne m'accusera d'avoir libéré un assassin.
( McCormack whistles ) Ain't politics great?
La loi hésite sur ce sujet.
Chris McCormack! I didn't know you were back.
Chris McCormick!
My name is Chris McCormack.
Je suis Chris McCormick.

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