On the bench traduction Français
985 traduction parallèle
There is about 4 to 6 inches of cob on top of the flue here on the bench so they can take a few hours before it heats up.
Il y a environ 10 à 15 cm de torchis sur le dessus du conduit ici, sur le banc donc cela prend quelques heurs avant de se réchauffer.
"Look at Speedy on the bench he still thinks he has a chance to get in the game!"
Mate un peu Speedy sur le banc il croit encore pouvoir jouer.
You never know who's sitting on the bench waiting to take your place when you fall out of the game.
On ne sait jamais qui est sur le banc à attendre que l'on perde sa place.
Gentlemen... if I were in the jury box... if I were judge on the bench... yea, even though I sat... in the governor's chair...
Messieurs, si j'étais membre du jury, si j'étais à la place de M. le Juge, même si j'étais à la place du gouverneur, je ne pourrais en dire moins et, devoir oblige, la présence parmi nous
Bring the bench, quickly. On the bench.
La banquette vite apporte la banquette!
Your Honor, you know my father. You've sat with him on the bench.
Vous connaissez mon père, vous avez siégé avec lui.
You're officiating on the bench.
Vous siégerez.
I must ask the lady to wait outside. Perhaps there on the bench.
Si vous voulez bien attendre sur ce banc.
On the bench, yes.
You said she wanted to wait on the bench!
Elle devait m'attendre sur ce banc!
Now you see, either Gyp or his brother are gonna tell us a lot... as soon as they find out Slade ain't gonna be on the bench. - Yeah.
Gyp ou son frere nous en diront un maximum... des qu'ils sauront que Slade ne sera pas a la barre.
Kiddies? In all my experience on the bench, I have...
Jamais, au cours de ma longue carrière...
All right, now, you fellas hop right up here on the bench.
Parfait. Sautez sur ce banc, vous deux.
In the first place there isn't a judge on the bench who'd dare hold Paul now that the Sloss thing is cleared up. Well, but...
Primo, parce que l'affaire Sloss est réglée.
Picking splinters off of your pants from sitting on the bench so long.
Retirer les échardes de son pantalon aprés être resté longtemps sur le banc.
He puts a fellow like Grunstadt on the bench.
Il fait la loi. Le juge Grunstadt est à ses ordres.
Let's put him on the bench.
- Respire à fond.
It's Monday. His day on the bench.
Le lundi, il va sur les bancs.
- On the bench? Hello, pop.
Quels bancs?
I wonder what sort of sentence you'd pass... if the Glue Man was brought before you and your friends on the bench?
Quelle serait votre sentence à l'encontre d'un "colleur" assis sur le banc des accusés?
Certainly. Put'em right there on the bench. - I'll keep me eye on'em.
Mettez vos bagages sur le banc, j'y veillerai.
I've been on the bench long enough to know what you can do and what you can't do.
Je connais le droit aussi bien que toi!
Remember, if we have Horfield on the Bench...
N'oubliez pas qu'Horfield préside.
I crossed on the bench itself.
C'était emballé sur le banc.
I found her sobbing on the bench the night it happened.
Je l'ai vue pleurer sur un banc le soir de leur mort.
Once he gets on the bench...
Quand il sera élu...
With the President's permission, I now would like to address a few remarks... to a notorious swordsman on the bench's opposite.
Avec votre permission, je désire adresser la parole à un escrimeur connu, des bancs de l'opposition.
The man on the bench.
L'homme sur le banc.
Khoka, take the things off the shelves and put them on the bench.
Khoka, retirez les choses des étagères et mettez-les Sur le banc.
Those on the mourner's bench have two more hours to go.
Ceux qui sont sur le banc ont encore 2 heures à faire.
Do I have to fly all the way to Haiti on a piano bench?
Je dois voler jusqu'à Ha : ti sur ce tabouret de piano?
The great Mr. Ziegfeld, producer of the Follies surrounded by hundreds of beautiful women sitting on a bench, holding hands watching the riverboats go back and forth.
Je vous sais gré de le reconnaître. Tenez, encore un ferry qui traverse.
But here I am, sitting on a bench holding hands and watching the riverboats go back and forth.
Sinon je n'oserai pas. L'homme à femmes est timide?
Or you can go over to that second bench on the left, sir.
Ou vous pouvez vous asseoir sur le second banc à gauche.
Well, here's the bench and there's the moon, so this must be the place.
Voici le banc et voilà la lune, on doit être au bon endroit.
Sue Kent with Slade on the bench?
- Avec Slade a la barre?
We'll put you at a bench first, see how things are talk to the men, see what they're saying, and then you can let me know.
On va vous tester d'abord, pour voir comment ça va, parlez aux gars, voyez ce qu'ils disent et faites-le-moi savoir.
You see, we didn't have any money, so we went third class, and there was a farmer on the opposite bench with cheese in his lap.
On était pauvre, alors on a pris la classe économique, et il y avait ce fermier en face de moi, un fromage sur ses genoux.
So old Judge Kinsey, the toughest man on the California bench, took one look at me in that mob and nearly dropped his gavel.
Le vieux juge Kinsey, le plus dur de Californie, m'a regardé et a failli en lâcher son marteau.
Professor, you've solved this case beautifully and I'm very grateful but this country needs you on the Supreme Court bench.
Vous avez résolu cette affaire et je vous remercie. Mais on a besoin de vous à la Cour Suprême.
And you're going to sit on the bench.
Vous, au Palais.
I was sitting on that bench... and this woman, or whatever it was... howled and grabbed me by the throat. There!
J'étais assis sur ce banc... et cette femme, ou cette chose... a hurlé et m'a attrapé à la gorge.
Suppose you manage to arrange it, but I personally won't tolerate in the institution entrusted to me the children of indigent and millionaires sitting on the same bench, talking and playing together.
Supposons que vous arriviez à Iui obtenir une bourse, je ne peux admettre au sein de l'établissement qui m'a été confié que les enfants des pauvres et des millionnaires soient assis au même pupitre, jouent et discutent.
Oh, Andy, I left the bonemeal on your work bench.
J'ai laissé l'engrais sur l'établi.
Look, you sit out there on that bench. We're out on the field.
C'est nous qui trimons, pas vous.
The Mrs. Ennis who was sitting on a park bench at 8 : 00 this morning, if she was?
La Mme Ennis qui était assise sur un banc à 8 h du matin, s'il y en a une.
Go in the park. Sit on a bench. Feed the peanuts to the pigeons.
Va au parc, assieds-toi sur un banc, et nourris les pigeons.
After the second game, they put me on the bench.
Ensuite, ils m'ont mis sur le banc.
He's on the precision bench in the spare parts department the plant Stanley travels for.
Il est dans le service des pièces détachées, à l'usine où travaille Stanley.
There's no law against them sitting on a bench at the depot.
Ils ont le droit d'attendre à la gare.
But on a bench in the park You'd be surprised
Mais au clair de lune, oh, pardon
on the whole 55
on the tv 16
on the other hand 1607
on the table 116
on the way home 32
on the 426
on the plus side 107
on the ground 440
on the other side 107
on the floor 300
on the tv 16
on the other hand 1607
on the table 116
on the way home 32
on the 426
on the plus side 107
on the ground 440
on the other side 107
on the floor 300
on the roof 79
on the contrary 1002
on the beach 77
on the right 145
on the internet 51
on the one hand 116
on the other 48
on the surface 75
on the dot 66
on the record 70
on the contrary 1002
on the beach 77
on the right 145
on the internet 51
on the one hand 116
on the other 48
on the surface 75
on the dot 66
on the record 70
on the house 231
on there 23
on the side 64
on the sidewalk 17
on the inside 58
on the street 102
on their own 19
on the back 61
on their way 28
on the phone 192
on there 23
on the side 64
on the sidewalk 17
on the inside 58
on the street 102
on their own 19
on the back 61
on their way 28
on the phone 192