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Put that thing away traduction Français

183 traduction parallèle
Put that thing away.
Baissez ce truc.
Will you put that thing away before you put somebody's eye out?
Tu veux bien ranger ce machin avant d'éborgner quelqu'un?
Now he sings "Pistol-Packin'Mama, Put That Thing Away."
Maintenant, il chante "Méchante Maman, range ça maintenant."
Will you put that thing away?
Tu veux bien ranger ce truc?
And don't put that thing away, in case.
Garde ça, dans le cas où.
Why don't you put that thing away?
Arrête avec ça!
Put that thing away, boy.
Range ça.
Put that thing away, Linus.
Arrête, Linus.
Why don't you put that thing away?
Pourquoi vous rangez pas ce truc?
Just put that thing away.
Mais range ça.
Will you put that thing away!
Veux-tu planquer ça en vitesse!
Put that thing away, Fendall.
Range ça, Fendall.
- Sulu, put that thing away.
- Sulu, écartez ça.
Put that thing away.
Range ça.
Why don't you put that thing away and lend me a smoke.
Range ça et donne-moi une cigarette.
Put that thing away. I don't want any trouble while she's here.
Range ça. Je ne veux pas d'ennuis en sa présence.
Why don't you put that thing away, let me interview you for a change?
- Pourquoi ne mettez-vous pas tout ça de côté? Laissez-moi vous interviewer pour changer. - Vous êtes Syrien?
Put that thing away, Billy.
Range ça, Billy.
Put that thing away.
Vous voulez me sauver la vie.
Put that thing away.
Et rengaine ce truc.
Put that thing away!
Range ce machin!
Non, non, range ce truc.
You put that thing away, and I'll stick with you, OK?
Entrez ce revolver, et je serai à vos côtés.
Crop dusters don't wave guns. Put that thing away.
On n'est pas censés être armés.
- You put that thing away, or you'll get a close-up of my foot.
- Eloignez ça ou vous aurez un gros plan de mon pied.
Put that thing away, will you?
Rangez ça, vous voulez bien?
Put that thing away.
Enlève ce truc.
So you might as well put that thing away.
Nous ne vous toucherons pas.
Look, put that thing away.
Range ce truc.
Put that thing away! You're gonna get us all killed!
Posez cette arme, vous allez nous tuer!
Will you put that thing away?
Pointez ça ailleurs.
- And you, put that thing away.
- Arrêtez de me viser, vous!
Put that thing away, you stupid idiot!
Range ce truc!
Put that thing away.
Cachez-moi ça! Ça va pas bien?
- Put that thing away, kid.
- Pose ça, gamin.
And put that thing away, last thing we need is cops.
Range ça, on n'a pas besoin des flics, ici.
Put that thing away it's dangerous!
Ne pointe pas ce truc sur moi.
Some of the ladies have asked if you would put that thing away.
Quelques dames vous demandent de cacher cette chose.
- Daddy, put that thing away.
Papa, range ça!
Put that thing away.
Range ton pistolet.
Man, would you put that thing away?
Tu vas poser ce truc, oui?
Hey, put that thing away.
Hé, range ce flingue.
Put that silly thing away and get into bed, now.
Range cette chose ridicule et viens te coucher.
Put away that thing, man.
Range ça, bon sang!
- Put that silly little thing away.
- Rangez cette horrible chose.
There's only one thing left, and that's to put him away where his illness can't harm others.
Il y a une seule chose à faire, et c'est de le mettre là, où sa maladie ne peut nuire à autrui.
Now, now, Hanbe. Put that crude thing away.
Allons, allons, Hanbe. range ça.
Put that thing away.
Why don't you just put that thing down and come and fold yourself up in my arms and I'll make all this crap go away, like it's never been.
Pose cette arme et viens dans mes bras. Je te ferai oublier tout ça, comme si ça n'était jamais arrivé.
Just put away that obscene thing.
Range cette chose obscène.
Put that fuckin'thing away!
Range-moi ce putain de flingue.

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