Put your clothes on traduction Français
347 traduction parallèle
You put your clothes on and go home.
Rhabillez-vous et rentrez chez vous.
Yeah, you're awake. Put your clothes on.
Put your clothes on.
Get dressed, put your clothes on.
Tu vas te rhabiller.
Come in and put your clothes on.
Viens t'habiller!
Put your clothes on, I'll drive you to the airport.
Habillez-vous, je vais vous déposer à l'aéroport.
Go put your clothes on.
Go put your clothes on, you can go home today.
Allez m allez vous habiller, vous rentrez chez vous aujourd'hui
- You put your clothes on and get out of this place.
Rhabille-toi et sors vite d'ici!
You know, I hate you to put your clothes on.
Dommage que tu te rhabilles.
- Put your clothes on!
- Mais habille-toi, voyons!
Come on, put your clothes on.
- Put your clothes on.
- Rhabille-toi.
Come on, put your clothes on.
Allez, mets tes vêtements.
Put your clothes on.
Put your clothes on, Ringerman.
Rhabille-toi, Ringerman.
You're flipping. Will you put your clothes on?
Tu ne tournes pas rond.
Come on, put your clothes on.
Allez, rhabille-toi.
Forget France and put your clothes on.
Oubliez la France... et habillez-vous.
Going hungry a couple of days a week so you can have some clothes to put on your back.
Avoir faim deux jours par semaine pour avoir quelque chose à se mettre sur le dos.
You put on your clothes and we'll see you later. Shh!
Habillez-vous et on vous retrouve plus tard.
Put your clothes on.
Put on your clothes, Lester.
Habille-toi, Lester.
Put those things on. Your clothes will be dry soon.
Enfilez ces vêtements, les vôtres seront vite secs.
Put your clothes back on and get out of here.
Habillez-vous et sortez!
I thank you for your kindness, but I'd rather put on my wet clothes.
Vous êtes très aimable, mais je préfère mes habits même humides.
You've studied the layout... drawn your plans, worked out your timetable... put on your dark clothes with your crepe-soled shoes... and your rope, maybe your face blackened.
Vous avez repéré les lieux, tiré vos plans... mis votre maillot noir, vos semelles de crêpe... Vous avez une corde, et peut-être la figure noircie?
Put on your clothes. We'll go to Jack's first.
Habillez-vous... nous irons chez Jack d'abord.
It means put on your best clothes, show them your most intelligent men and most beautiful women.
habillez-vous somptueusement... exhibez vos hommes d'élite et vos plus jolies femmes.
He put clothes on your back, a roof over your head.
Il t'a mis des vêtements sur le dos, un toit au-dessus de la tête.
Il est temps d'enfiler vos nouveaux habits.
You said you asked Mr. Olderberry if you could put on your clothes because you were cold.
Vous avez dit que vous avez demandé M. Olderberry si vous pouviez remettre sur vos vêtements parce que vous aviez froid.
Put on your clothes!
Vous ętes nus!
Put on your clothes and go home.
Habillez-vous et rentrez chez vous.
Take your hands off me or put some clothes on, one or the other.
Bas les pattes, ou alors habillez-vous. L'un ou l'autre.
I mean, I wish you'd put on your own clothes.
J'aimerais que vous portiez vos vêtements.
He put on your clothes when he fled the scene.
Il s'est enfui avec un de vos costumes.
Come on, put your clothes back on.
- Tenez, rhabillez-vous!
Put your clothes on.
Rhabille-toi, va-t'en!
Put on your Sunday clothes, there's lots of world out there
Mets tes habits de fête On va faire des conquêtes
Put on your Sunday clothes, we're gonna ride through town
Mets tes habits de fête On va faire des conquêtes
Put on your Sunday clothes when you feel down and out
Mets tes habits de fête Si tu as du vague à l'âme
Put on your Sunday clothes, there's lots of world out there
Mets tes habits de fête Et va faire des conquêtes
Put on your Sunday clothes when you feel down and out
Mets tes habits de fête, si tu as du vague à l'âme
- Put your clothes back on.
- Rhabille-toi immédiatement.
When you undress you mustn't fold up your clothes and put them on the chest.
Il ne faut pas ranger tes vêtements.
You need to wash your face. And you hands. And put on some clean clothes and comb your hair.
Tu sais qu'il faut se laver le visage et les mains, mettre de propres vêtements et se coiffer
Would you please go behind the screen, take off your clothes, and put on the robe?
Passez derrière l'écran, déshabillez vous et mettez cette robe?
Put on your clothes.
Mettez des vetements.
Just put all your clothes on and roll over the cars. Okay.
Tu mets tous tes habits et tu roules sur les voitures.
Now, come on. Take your clothes of and you put your play clothes on.
Allez, déshabillez-vous, et mettez vos habits pour jouer.
put your coat on 23
put your 20
put your hands up 343
put your back into it 52
put your hands in the air 121
put your head down 57
put your jacket on 16
put your feet up 40
put your hands together 31
put your hands on your head 128
put your 20
put your hands up 343
put your back into it 52
put your hands in the air 121
put your head down 57
put your jacket on 16
put your feet up 40
put your hands together 31
put your hands on your head 128