Put your coat on traduction Français
127 traduction parallèle
Put your coat on.
Mets donc ton manteau.
- Put your coat on.
- Remontez votre col.
You're having a visitor, you may as well put your coat on.
Tu ferais mieux de mettre ton veston.
- You'd better put your coat on, Potts.
Mettez votre veste.
Put your coat on.
Mettez votre veste...
Quick! Put your coat on.
Vite, mettez votre redingote!
Go put your coat on.
Mettez un manteau.
Now, now, let me do it. Now, put your coat on.
Laisse-moi faire.
Let's put your coat on, Eduard.
Mets ton manteau, Eduard.
François, come put your coat on.
François, viens mettre ton manteau.
You drink it up and put your coat on.
Bois-le et remets ton imper.
Put your coat on. We gotta go right away.
C'est pas le moment de jouer, je t'ai dis de mettre ta veste.
She's right. Maybe you better put your coat on.
Elle a raison, vous devriez vous rhabiller.
Put your coat on. We're late.
Mettez votre veste, nous sommes en retard.
Put your hat and coat on, and I'll take you over and show you the place.
Hé, mets ton manteau et ton chapeau, je t'emmène voir l'endroit.
Put on your coat.
Et le manteau?
Sammy, put on your coat.
Sammy, mets ta veste.
Put on your hat and coat and take an envelope to the messenger office to be delivered by hand.
Mettez votre manteau, vous irez au bureau des messageries.
Take off your coat and put this on.
Enlevez votre veste et enfilez ça.
She knows no one else here she'll deny that, i'm afraid sometimes one must even trust the woman one loves kindly put your best coat on.
Elle ne connaît personne ici. Mais ça ne durera pas! Parfois il faut croire la femme qu'on aime.
Put it on your coat.
Mets-la sur ton manteau.
Put your hat and coat on.
Mets ton manteau. On part.
Put your coat on.
Enfile ta veste.
Take off your shoes. Put on an ermine coat.
Nu-pieds, vêtue d'un manteau d'hermine.
Go and put your coat on.
Enfile ton manteau.
Better put on your heavy coat, there's no warmth in that thing.
Tu devrais prendre ton manteau.
If you're going out, put on your other coat.
Si tu sors, mets ton autre manteau.
Okay. Put on your coat and come along.
Enfile ton manteau et viens.
I've put the bags in the car, and we can keep your coat on the...
On peut mettre ton manteau...
Here, Will, put on your coat.
Mets ton veston.
You put your best coat on and your new hat...
Mets ton beau manteau, ton nouveau chapeau,
Put on your coat. We're leaving.
Mets ton manteau, on part...
Put your coat on the rail, Manny.
Posez votre manteau.
Put your coat on.
Mets ton manteau.
Go, put on your coat. And champagne, you like champagne?
vous aimez le champagne?
Put on your coat, let's go.
Mets ton manteau, allons.
- Ssh. Put on your coat.
- Mets ton manteau.
And for you, David, to work for her, and forgive her when she's a boob, to put up with all the makeup on your coat and the car fenders she'll dent and her moments of bad temper because you wish her well.
Et pour vous, David, travailler pour elle, la pardonner quand elle fait des bêtises, accepter les pare-chocs abîmés et ses crises de colère parce que vous voulez son bien-être.
Besides, as soon as they've left, we're gonna put you back in your own little fur coat.
Dès qu'ils seront partis, on vous remettra votre petit manteau de fourrure.
Put your hat and coat on the sofa.
- Put on your coat.
- Mets ton manteau.
Put on your coat and come with me!
- Mets ton manteau et suis-moi!
Patrick, put on your coat.
Patrick, mets ton veston!
"Get your coat on. Put on your shoes. Come on, Iet's go." That was it?
"Mets ton manteau et tes chaussures, Allons-y," C'était ça?
Put on your galoshes and your coat.
Mets tes bottes et ton manteau.
Put on your coat, Josi.
Mets ton manteau, Josi.
You don't put on your coat?
Tu mets pas ton manteau?
Outside, put on your coat.
Dehors, mets ta veste. Courage!
You don't gotta put on your coat to go to the bathroom.
On ne met pas de manteau pour aller aux toilettes.
Rocky, put on your coat.
mets ton manteau.
Just put on your coat. Come on. It's not worth it.
Tout ça n'en vaut pas la peine.
put your 20
put your hands up 343
put your back into it 52
put your hands in the air 121
put your head down 57
put your clothes on 38
put your jacket on 16
put your feet up 40
put your hands together 31
put your hands on your head 128
put your hands up 343
put your back into it 52
put your hands in the air 121
put your head down 57
put your clothes on 38
put your jacket on 16
put your feet up 40
put your hands together 31
put your hands on your head 128