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Scotty traduction Français

2,770 traduction parallèle
Kirk to Engineering. Get us out of here, Scotty.
Sortez-nous de là, Scotty.
Scotty, how we doing?
Scotty, où en est-on?
Scotty, meet the man you almost hit. - Paul Stanton. - Mr Stanton.
Paul Stanton, que tu as failli toucher.
Scotty, over here.
Scotty, par ici.
Justin, Rebecca, come with me and get some of the food that Scotty made for the wedding.
Justin, Rebecca, venez avec Moi et prenez à manger ce que Scotty a fait pour le mariage.
And my brother Kevin is bringing his husband Scotty once they knock up the surrogate.
Mon frère Kevin viendra avec son mari, Scotty, quand ils auront inséminé la mère porteuse.
Oh, it's Scotty.
C'est Scotty.
Scotty, you've gotta get her out of there right now.
Scotty, fais-la sortir tout de suite.
Come on, Scotty, you have to back me up over this.
Scotty, j'ai besoin de ton soutien.
This is Scotty.
Voici Scotty.
I'm gonna let Scotty tell his joke.
Je vais laisser Scotty dire sa blague.
Scotty, this place is not gonna close.
Le restaurant ne va pas fermer.
- Oh, Scotty, listen to me.
- Scotty, écoute-moi.
Let's be honest here, Scotty.
- Thanks, Scotty.
- Merci.
I'm the guest chef, I will do all the cooking and Scotty will supervise it.
Je serai en cuisine et Scotty supervisera le reste.
Oh, Scotty.
Oh, Scotty.
Yeah, Scotty.
Oui, Scotty.
- Hey, Scotty, it's Robert.
- C'est Robert.
- There you go, you got us both.
- Voilà. - Coucou, Scotty.
No, no. I wouldn't even have a date. Scotty has his thing tonight.
Je ne veux pas y aller seul et Scotty est pris.
Scotty, I just want to say this.
Scotty, dis-moi.
Really. Scotty and I, we don't want to jinx it.
Scotty et moi avons peur que ça nous porte la poisse.
Should get one of the techno twats from Scotty Yard to sort that out.
Demandez de l'aide aux bricolos de Scotty Yard.
Fingerprints were on Scotty Yard's priority list.
Scotland Yard avait ses empreintes. Walter Tavish.
{ \ $ Must rescue Watson... } { \ $ Beam me up, Scotty... }
Il faut sauver Watson... Transfert, Scotty...
{ \ $ Must rescue Watson... } { \ $ Beam me up, Scotty... }
Il faut sauver Watson... Vite, Scotty, téléportation.
- And three are Scotty's.
- Et trois sont de Scotty.
Scotty and I were trying so hard to be dads and I think I just screwed up the first test drive.
Scotty et moi essayons d'être des pères et j'ai échoué à ma première tentative.
Uh, how about the lavender? - Scotty always wants to try that.
Scotty veut toujours goûter ça.
- Well, if Scotty wants to try the lavender, you can tell Scotty to come down here and taste it himself.
Si Scotty veut goûter, il n'a qu'à venir ici lui-même.
I have done a background check on Scotty Wandell, and apparently, he's had some citations for vagncy, something about sleeping in his car.
J'ai vérifié les antécédents de Scotty Wandell et il aurait été cité à comparaître pour vagabondage. Il aurait dormi dans sa voiture.
no, wait. Wait a minute. Kevin and Scotty and I are taking Luc to the Huntington Gardens on Saturday.
Attendez, Kevin, Scotty et moi emmenons Luc visiter des jardins samedi.
Scotty, it's Kitty.
- Allô?
Look, Scotty, Ojai's our family business, okay?
Ojaï est notre entreprise familiale?
Hey, Kev. Scotty said you'd be here. Uh, yeah.
- Scotty a dit que tu serais là Kev.
Um, I have to meet Scotty soon, so can you say what you want to say?
Je dois retrouver Scotty bientôt, donc peux-tu aller droit au but?
Because, Scotty, there was a fight.
Parce qu'il y a eu une bagarre.
Scotty, Scotty, Aaron fell.
Aaron est tombé.
And Scotty didn't know about Aaron.
Et Scotty ne savait pas pour Aaron.
I ruined his life, Scotty.
J'ai gâché sa vie.
Call Scotty.
Appelle Scotty.
Scotty's already in the car.
- Scotty m'attend.
Everything's gonna be fine.
Scotty, il y a eu une dispute.
Oh! They're all ignoring me.
Scotty, Aaron est tombé.
She is in so much denial. She called me twice already this morning.
Scotty ne savait pas pour Aaron, on lui a dit.
Show us how these things work, Scotty.
Montre-moi comment ça marche.
Scotty, look at this.
Regarde ça, Scotty.
- Hi, Scotty.
- Allô?
Is that Scotty? Yeah.
C'est Scotty?
- Look, Scotty, I'm no fool.
- J'aime ces machins.

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