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Selena traduction Français

468 traduction parallèle
When your real pa died, you and Selena and Joey had to have a father.
Quand ton papa est mort, il vous a fallu un autre père.
Selena, don't you ask me to stay.
Ne me demande pas de rester.
Selena I'm gonna try harder than I ever tried anything.
Selena, je te promets de lutter, de faire un effort sur moi-même.
I'm glad about Paul, Nellie. How did Selena take it?
Comment Selena a-t-elle pris le départ de Paul?
Vice president, Selena Cross.
La parole à Selena Cross.
- What about it, sweetie?
- Oui, Selena?
- Selena'll be out in a couple minutes. - Thank you.
Selena ne va pas tarder.
No, she and Selena have just gone over to Kathy Ellsworth's house.
Elle et Selena sont chez Kathy Ellsworth.
Selena, let's get married.
Selena, si on se mariait?
Selena Cross.
Selena Cross.
Only Selena.
Uniquement Selena.
There's no question, the tests confirm that you're pregnant, Selena.
Aucun doute. Les tests prouvent que tu es enceinte.
- Selena! I've done a lot of things, but I've never broken a law.
Selena, jamais je n'ai enfreint la loi.
Selena, tell me who he is.
I've got Selena in my office.
Je viens de voir Selena.
It was just Selena, doc.
Y a qu'avec Selena.
It was just Selena.
Mais y a que Selena.
Goodbye, Selena. See you soon.
A bientôt, Selena.
Selena, I don't want to wait that long.
ça fait un peu long!
Selena's all right now, isn't she?
Selena va mieux, non?
I don't know if Selena and me can keep working and take care of Joey.
Comment on va faire, Selena et moi, pour veiller sur Joey?
I guess I'd better tell Selena.
Je dois prévenir Selena.
- Goodbye, Selena.
- Au revoir.
I love you, Selena.
Je t'aime, Selena.
Selena wrote me often about Peyton Place, and I treasured her letters.
Selena me parlait de Peyton Place, et ces lettres étaient mes trésors.
What is it? What's wrong, Selena?
Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas, Selena?
Selena, you've gotta call the state police.
Selena, il faut appeler la police.
Listen to me, Selena.
Ecoutez-moi, Selena.
- Haven't you heard about Selena Cross? - No, why?
- Tu es au courant pour Selena Cross?
- Hi. Evening, Selena.
- Bonsoir Selena.
- I'll have to, Selena.
- Je le dois.
All right, Selena.
D'accord, Selena.
The state is sending a prosecutor for one purpose : to convict Selena.
L'état envoie un procureur avec un but : la condamner.
Selena, have you told me the whole story?
Selena, m'avez-vous dit toute l'histoire?
The recess in the trial of The State v. Selena Cross is over.
L'audience peut reprendre.
Did you see Selena hit him the first blow?
As-tu vu Selena donner le 1 er coup?
I wish to recall Selena Cross to the stand.
Je souhaite rappeler Selena Cross à la barre.
Miss MacKenzie, how long have you known Selena Cross?
Mlle MacKenzie, depuis quand connaissez-vous Selena Cross?
You have testified that when you saw Lucas beating Selena you thought your presence prevented it from going on.
Vous avez déclaré qu'en voyant Lucas frapper Selena, vous avez pensé que votre présence y mettait un terme.
How many times did Lucas hit Selena?
Combien de fois l'a-t-il frappée?
As hard a blow as Selena Cross'stepfather gave her?
Aussi fort que la gifle du beau-père de Selena Cross?
Did Selena ever complain that her stepfather had beaten her at any time?
Selena s'est-elle déjà plainte que son beau-père la frappait?
- Did Selena ever complain- -? - No.
- Selena s'est-elle plainte...
Did your daughter ever tell you she'd seen Lucas beat Selena?
Savez-vous si votre fille a vu Lucas frapper Selena?
What have I done to Selena?
Qu'ai-je fait à Selena?
The night that Lucas Cross left town I performed what I recorded as an appendectomy on Selena Cross.
Le soir où Lucas Cross a quitté la ville, j'ai pratiqué une soi-disant appendicectomie sur Selena Cross.
I said it was Lucas Cross'baby that Selena carried.
Selena portait le bébé de Lucas Cross.
Selena killed Lucas out of fear.
Selena a tué Lucas par peur.
Selena, don't get upset.
Du calme.

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