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She was gone traduction Français

1,199 traduction parallèle
- When we came to, she was gone.
- On est arrivé, elle était déjà partie.
And when she was gone Darkness.
Quand elle a disparu... les ténèbres.
Next day, she was gone.
Le lendemain, envolée.
One minute she was married to him and then the next minute, she was gone with his head.
Ils étaient mariés et... du jour au lendemain, la voilà qui s'en allait avec sa tête.
She was gone for a half hour and didn't see anyone.
Elle est sortie une demi-heure. Elle n'avu personne.
She was gone, part of you just died.
Elle était partie. Une part de toi-même est morte.
Well, she must have, because she was gone the next morning.
J'imagine, car le lendemain, elle était partie.
Well, that's certainly enough time for somebody to notice she was gone.
Ça devrait suffire pour qu'on s'aperçoive de sa disparition.
When I one day woke up, she was gone,
Je me suis réveillé, et elle n'était plus là.
I got here and she was gone.
Elle a disparu.
I tried to revive her, but she was gone.
J'ai essayé de la ranimer, mais... elle était morte.
The summer after eighth grade, Anna's father got a job in California... and just like that, she was gone.
L'été après la 5ème, son père a eu du travail en Californie.
Before I knew it she was gone.
Elle est partie d'un seul coup.
in the morning... she was gone.
Au matin... elle avait disparu.
She was gone.
Elle était partie.
She was gone.
Elle est partie.
So by the time you got home, she was gone.
Et quand t'es rentrée, elle était partie.
I thought she'd wait, but when I got out, she was gone.
J'ai pensé qu'elle attendrait, mais quand je suis sorti, elle était partie.
When I came back from my trip she was gone.
Quand je suis revenu de voyage, - elle avait disparu.
Just like I imagined her when she was gone.
Juste comme je l'imaginais quand elle n'était pas là.
All I know is, once she was gone, so were you.
Une fois qu'elle est morte, tu es parti aussi.
But Jamie said she was gone for an hour.
- Jamie prétend être partie 1 heure.
Look, I don't know how long she was gone. All I know is, once she was out the door, I took off.
Je sais juste que dès qu'elle est partie, je me suis barré.
There was so much I wanted to tell her, but she was gone... and I... I... Come on, sir.
il y a tellement de choses que je voulais lui dire mais elle était partie... et je... je... allons, monsieur.
When I came to, she was gone, and the war had been over for eight months.
Quand j'ai repris mes esprits, elle était partie. Et la guerre était finie depuis huit mois.
I drifted off to sleep, and... when I woke up, she was gone.
Je me suis endormi et à mon réveil, elle avait disparu.
But when I took them to her room, she was gone.
Mais je les ai amenés jusqu'à sa chambre, et elle n'y était pas.
She was gone. She was always gonna leave.
Elle partait, tu le savais!
When I woke up, she was gone.
A mon réveil, elle était plus là.
All I knew was that she was gone.
Je savais seulement qu'elle était partie.
Shortly after I helped Catherine Parker... she was gone.
Peu après que j'ai aidé Katherine Parker... elle a disparu.
She was gone when I came home from work.
Elle était partie quand je suis rentré.
It sounded like she was being chased, and then when we got there, she was gone.
Elle avait l'air d'être poursuivie. A notre arrivée, elle avait disparu.
She was cataloging in Foreign Language and then she was gone.
Elle était dans la section littérature étrangère... et elle a disparu.
- So you noticed that she was gone?
- Donc vous avez noté qu'elle était partie?
When she went to New York, you could've gone with her... ... and here I was, sick, drunk, flat on my ass... ... bringing you down.
Tu aurais pu la suivre à New York, mais moi, pauvre ivrogne je te tirais vers le bas
She didn't call all weekend. I figured her voice was gone.
Elle ne m'a pas appelée de tout le week-end.
This guy's daughter was in my face all night. Finally, I got something positive to tell her, she's gone.
Quand j'ai du positif, elle est plus là.
she was gone.
Mais quand nous sommes revenus elle n'était plus là.
She was this perfect girl. One minute, she's sitting right next to me, and the next, she's gone.
Cette fille parfaite, assise à côté de moi et qui disparaît soudain.
A few minor episodes here and there and by the time anybody wanted to deal with it, she was too far gone.
Quelques petits incidents ici et là... et le temps qu'on se décide à la traiter, il était trop tard.
There was a time when it would have been filled with another voice. She's gone.
A une autre époque, une autre voix l'aurait comblé.
I was really looking forward to my daughter spending the week with her mother, and now that she's gone, I don't know what to do with myself.
Tu sais, je l'attendais, cette semaine sans ma fille Maintenant qu'elle est partie, je sais plus quoi faire
Then one day... Terry came home and... She was just gone.
Un jour, Terry est rentré chez lui... elle avait disparu.
I was too mad and stupid to apologize last night... and she was gone before I got up this morning.
Il ne s'agit pas du pull.
The feds are still looking for her... but indications are she was long gone before Todd went on his bender.
On la cherche. Mais elle serait partie avant que Todd ne déjante.
Not good. She was shopping, spending lots of American dollars and now she's gone. Not good.
Pas bon, pas bon!
I thought that this bull had gone to a New Cow, but she was an Old Cow.
Point de nouvelle vache : Ie taureau avait réactualisé son ex.
She was only gone five days...
Elle n'est partie que cinq jours...
... was not that she died... ... but how gone she is.
n'est pas tant sa mort que le vide qu'elle laisse.
She was getting out of control with it before Tara left, and now that she's gone...
Elle perdait déjà le contrôle quand Tara est partie. Et maintenant...

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